How can I make $20 in grocery last two weeks


Dec 5, 2012
I went to a liquor store, spent 25 dollars, and I'm going to try to make this work for two weeks. I went five over because bacon was a must. I won't be eating meat much because it's expensive but that doesn't mean I can't use bacon as a seasoning. I got a small bag of rice, a big can of pinto beans, five potatoes, bacon, a loaf of bread, one dozen eggs, a big can of hunts tomato paste, and a pound of pasta.

Shopper's notes: I got the cheapest options available. I'll be using cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, garlic and onion (fresh or dry), and cinnamon as seasonings. Basic shyt. My oils are vegetable or canola oil I mix with coconut oil. Coconut oil has a sweet flavor and is great for frying shyt because it makes it a little sweet. Sweet is good to me because cheap food is usually too salty for me.

Tonight I made a browned spice rice, fried potatoes, topped with a tomato sauce and poached egg. It's Shashuka De La Ghetto. I reinvented this recipe just for this thread. It won't look restaurant quality but the flavor is there folks. It's not salty. I used a small portion of all my ingredients to make something that's fast and will fuel me all day.



Wtf is going on in this thread


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
I wish I was still couponing heavy I would tell you.

I remember taking my cousin grocery shopping she only had $ 16 to her name and she was able to get all of things she needed plus juice and snacks for the kids for about $ 3.

It lasted about a week and a half.

Buy rice and eggs

Drink water or home made iced tea, top ramen, 4lb bag of frozen tilapia (11.00)

buy all top Ramen.

Noodles, water, sardines ,

Bread, eggs, spaghetti, peanut butter. Drink a lot of water. You'll be fine.

If you're serious about this...

Buy 3-4 boxes of pasta ($6)
Pasta sauce ($2.50)
Couple veggies that you like (peppers, mushrooms, onions, etc. ($4)
Gallon of milk, I prefer almond milk ($2.50)
Dozen eggs ($2-3?)

That'll have you eating pasta and eggs for a week, the veggies you'll be able to sautée and mix into either your eggs or the pasta sauce.

I even left you a couple spare bucks to go pick up a pack of rillos, but I know your broke ass got nothin to smoke :russ:

  • Rice
  • Eggs
  • Ramen. You can get them for like 30 cents each
  • Sardines (If it's on sale, but still you can get them for cheap regardless)
  • Bagged potatoes ( If it's on sale... )
That right there is like $15, but i don't know how cheap American's get there shyt compared to Canada

Noodles and tuna, or whatever you have in the cabinet

Tuna, chili, sardines, and you can make a good dip :eat:

Honestly pretty doable if you eat wisely. Some cheap chicken cuts anywhere between 50 cents and a $1/lb. A bag of rice. Some frozen veggies. Keep yourself to 2pieces of chicken per meal. A box of oatmeal for your breakfasts. Don't even glance at a takeout menu.

buy dry beans and rice. spend some money on a meat to mix with the beans and rice. some bananas for breakfast or oranges

You can go to wal-mart and buy rice, noodles, and some spagetti sauce for $1 a piece. I think dry beans like kidney beans and a loaf of bread cost less $1.50 a piece. I don't know how much meat cost in your city but I can buy 3lb pack of ground turkey for less than $8 and 10lb bag of chicken for under $8.

Man I use to be on this budget

20 bucks

5 bucks worth of ground meat
taco shells - 2 bucks
juice - 2 for a dollar (or kool-iad packets) 10 fo 1 dollar
eggs- 2 bucks
box of jambalaya - 2 bucks
box of dirty rice - 2 bucks
can of corn (or frozen corn) and broccoli - 2 bucks
buns/bread - 1.23
can of sloppy joe - 99 cents

All this is like 15 bucks or 16, still have 4 bucks to maybe get some hamburger patties or turkey patties or even chicken

That's 3 meals

Eggs for breakfast
Dirty rice and corn or hamburger helper and corn
Sloppy Joes

bread, water and some ground turkey

bag of chicken breasts - $10
3 lb bag of potatoes - approx. $5
koolaid packets - 10/$1

Buy a Chicken, get free eggs
Grown your own fruits & vegs


Cheap bulk hotdogs
Cheap bulk burritos
Water from sink filter
Concentrated grape drink

Frozen Veggies, dry beans, dozen eggs and rice. You could probably cop a bag of frozen fish or couple cans of tuna as well.


Frozen chicken breasts
Frozen talipia
Ramen noodles
Frozen veggies...offbrand usually cheaper
Oatmeal and eggs for breakfast..maybe u can afford some cheap offbrand yogurts...Greek yogurt too high..and maybe a few bananas or a cheap bag of oranges/apples

Buy a big box of condoms.

Use dating apps to find whales.

Drink water in between.

Buy nothing but bottom shelf Mac n cheese

this is the best advice so far.

whoever said peanut butter is whilin. peanut butter is like $6

This. Tilapia is like $1.30 per filet and it's healthy and filling. Then get some rice or noodles.

Brown rice...a huge sack of brown rice

These ninjas are gassing you, the real answer is you can but you're not gonna get proper nutrition. How much sodium is in those ramen noodles? And unless you get chicken near the expiration date, chicken is 1.50-2.50 a lb.

I Co sign all of this. View it as a fun game rather than a struggle. Mix some fresh ingredients with canned and dry goods. Rice. Pasta. Eggs. Beans. Chili. Onions or garlic. What you really need are recipes.

the only way u could do this n b remotely full is buy wholesale ingredients like rice n u might need an alt. protein source besides meat, u couldnt eat meat daily off that budget. u jus need to get as many carbs n proteins as u can it helps to get something healthier cus it will have more nutrients.

What staples if any do you have in your house op?

I went to a liquor store, spent 25 dollars, and I'm going to try to make this work for two weeks. I went five over because bacon was a must. I won't be eating meat much because it's expensive but that doesn't mean I can't use bacon as a seasoning. I got a small bag of rice, a big can of pinto beans, five potatoes, bacon, a loaf of bread, one dozen eggs, a big can of hunts tomato paste, and a pound of pasta.

Shopper's notes: I got the cheapest options available. I'll be using cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, garlic and onion (fresh or dry), and cinnamon as seasonings. Basic shyt. My oils are vegetable or canola oil I mix with coconut oil. Coconut oil has a sweet flavor and is great for frying shyt because it makes it a little sweet. Sweet is good to me because cheap food is usually too salty for me.

Tonight I made a browned spice rice, fried potatoes, topped with a tomato sauce and poached egg. It's Shashuka De La Ghetto. I reinvented this recipe just for this thread. It won't look restaurant quality but the flavor is there folks. It's not salty. I used a small portion of all my ingredients to make something that's fast and will fuel me all day.




Wtf is going on in this thread

Brehs, yall needa get on this Winco wave ASAP :banderas:

I got two things of ground turkey, a big ass pack of drumstricks. Two bags of french fries. Buns, rice a roni etc..
Total was $31 and some change, and thats only cuz i bought my mom a 6 pack of V8 juice for work, some candy, some hot cheetos and a $3 thing of apple juice
Only slup up I made was getting two 1 pound things of ground turkey when I couldve gotten a 3 pound thing for for $.8.50 :francis:
Oh well, i still got enough for atleast 5 meals plus candy and junk :blessed:



@Geoffrey_Chaucer @Eat Dhat dikk Up!!!!!!!!! @sanityovar8ted @dtownreppin214 get on the wave now :ufdup:


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Rice prep: heat a pan. Add fat source. Add salt. Stir. Add pepper. Stir. Add paprika. Stir. Add a good amount of cumin. Stir. Add a little rice. Stir. The rice acts as a vessel for the seasoning when the rice expands from absorbing the flavored liquid. Add garlic and onions if you have it. Stir. The rice should be slightly brown. Add enough water to make the pan cool and rice float. Turn up heat. Cover. Cook rice for 15 minutes.

Potato prep: Take one potato. Slice into biggest chunks possible while getting the most chunks out of it. Potatoes like rice absorb moisture. So again. We're going to grab a pan. Add our fat source. Don't add salt or pepper. You want each element of your dish to have its own flavor or everything will taste the same. I used coconut oil, brown sugar, cinnamon, and hot sauce to season my potatoes. I fried them on high heat until they were almost burned on the outside and soft on the inside. Leave the skin on. The char on the potatoes isn't going to taste like burned food. It's going to be sweet like brown sugar. The oil helps the seasoning stick to the potatoes. Do not add the seasoning before you add the potatoes to the pan and they're covered in your fat source. Then add each ingredient one at a time while stirring and frying. Once they're crispy on the outside put some water in the pan cover it and let them get steamed while you prep your poached egg and tomato sauce.

Tomato sauce is all about keeping in simple. I made this sauce like a tomato pudding. It's a secret dessert and sauce I make. It's tomato paste, brown sugar, water, and bacon. Get a pan. Put it on medium high heat. Cut off 1/4 inch of frozen bacon. Cook it. Add tomato paste. Stir until the paste starts looking like a sauce. You'll have to add water. A little at a time. Stir in each ingredient. Add sugar first. Pepper. No salt. The bacon is your salt. When it look like a deep rep and is runny like a sauce add a little more water and get it to boil.

The poachec egg: Crack an egg on top of sauce while its boiling Cover. Let cook for two minutes. If you over cook the egg or mess up the sauce the dish isn't very good. The egg's white part shouldn't look like snot. It's undercooked if that's the case. If the yolk is solid it's over cooked.

I used a little bit of everything and got a meal with big flavor and it filled me up. Stay tuned for my next meal.

I used to make this at my old job for clients and it's considered gourmet. All I did was make this less expensive and took out all the fancy names and fresh ingredients. Toast bread if you want but with my potatoes in there you don't need it. My next dish will be garlic potato chowder. Today we eat Italian. Tomorrow we eat Irish. The next day I'm making a Thai stir fry. I got plans.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Brehs, yall needa get on this Winco wave ASAP :banderas:

I got two things of ground turkey, a big ass pack of drumstricks. Two bags of french fries. Buns, rice a roni etc..
Total was $31 and some change, and thats only cuz i bought my mom a 6 pack of V8 juice for work, some candy, some hot cheetos and a $3 thing of apple juice
Only slup up I made was getting two 1 pound things of ground turkey when I couldve gotten a 3 pound thing for for $.8.50 :francis:
Oh well, i still got enough for atleast 5 meals plus candy and junk :blessed:



@Geoffrey_Chaucer @Eat Dhat dikk Up!!!!!!!!! @sanityovar8ted @dtownreppin214 get on the wave now :ufdup:
God bless you.

Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
Rice/Ramen, peanut butter, tuna/hotdogs/bolognadepending on whether you wanna eat healthy or :flabbynsick:, Oats, maybe even a decent sized roll of hamburger

You can get a decent amount of all this for about 20 bucks and stretch it out if you shop smart enough


May 1, 2012
Brehs, yall needa get on this Winco wave ASAP :banderas:

I got two things of ground turkey, a big ass pack of drumstricks. Two bags of french fries. Buns, rice a roni etc..
Total was $31 and some change, and thats only cuz i bought my mom a 6 pack of V8 juice for work, some candy, some hot cheetos and a $3 thing of apple juice
Only slup up I made was getting two 1 pound things of ground turkey when I couldve gotten a 3 pound thing for for $.8.50 :francis:
Oh well, i still got enough for atleast 5 meals plus candy and junk :blessed:



@Geoffrey_Chaucer @Eat Dhat dikk Up!!!!!!!!! @sanityovar8ted @dtownreppin214 get on the wave now :ufdup:
U not eating veggies. Lot of sodium carbs and artery clogging flesh.

Better drink water and find some dried cheap fruit. As far as nutrition u gonna need a multivitamin with that.

That's straight survival food


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
U not eating veggies. Lot of sodium carbs and artery clogging flesh.

Better drink water and find some dried cheap fruit. As far as nutrition u gonna need a multivitamin with that.

That's straight survival food
I got 3 bags of frozen veggie


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
Brehs, yall needa get on this Winco wave ASAP :banderas:

I got two things of ground turkey, a big ass pack of drumstricks. Two bags of french fries. Buns, rice a roni etc..
Total was $31 and some change, and thats only cuz i bought my mom a 6 pack of V8 juice for work, some candy, some hot cheetos and a $3 thing of apple juice
Only slup up I made was getting two 1 pound things of ground turkey when I couldve gotten a 3 pound thing for for $.8.50 :francis:
Oh well, i still got enough for atleast 5 meals plus candy and junk :blessed:



@Geoffrey_Chaucer @Eat Dhat dikk Up!!!!!!!!! @sanityovar8ted @dtownreppin214 get on the wave now :ufdup:

Do you work for that store breh?


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Dollar tree.
Spaghetti and meatballs
Kraft mac and a can of chilli
Ritz crackers
Rice and beans
Pot of Pelau
Can or Frozen veggies


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Honestly pretty doable if you eat wisely. Some cheap chicken cuts anywhere between 50 cents and a $1/lb. A bag of rice. Some frozen veggies. Keep yourself to 2pieces of chicken per meal. A box of oatmeal for your breakfasts. Don't even glance at a takeout menu.
Yup. Chicken leg quarters are the cheapest cut. You can trim and cut the thighs from the legs yourself.
Jun 6, 2015
nikka is broke trapping?


Eggs, Cereal and Bananas nikka. Hands down the most nutrition at an affordable price that you will get with that little money.