How can I make $20 in grocery last two weeks


The Coli Royal Rumble Champion 2019
Jan 4, 2015
For reals though, theres community gardens where you can grow your own shyt and be eating good cause there's no pesticides or chemicals in the shyt you grow. Also i was thinking the other day what about fkn hunting breh. If i could just kill a rabbit and be munching on that shyt every night, or making rabbit stew from the veggies in my garden... nikka im eating good. Or what if nikkas brought home a whole fukking deer... There's people that live out in cabins in the wilderness that do this shyt all the time, why cant we?

So long as you know how to kill it, and importantly how to cook it so its fit for Human consumption, there shouldn't be a problem. :ehh:

Also, to OP again, I don't know how it is in the US, but over here our big supermarkets tend to throw away perfectly edible food stuffs that may be deformed or a couple days out of date. If your not too lazy or proud at the thought of asking for cast offs, you could always check out your local supermarket at the end of the day and see what they're about to throw away.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
My nikka an average man might lose about 10 lbs eating that the turkey and greens have little calories compared to a dollar container of peanut butter and a loaf of bread and gallon of milk on the flavor the turkey and greens win out but this nikka is trying to function not just survive that brain needs calories the you're breakfast thing could be switched as the flavor component replace the turkey and greens with what I mentioned and from where I'm from ohio still have about $8 left to add some more food containing a good ratio of flavor and calories I'm 6'2 263 so I definitely need at least 2000 calories a day I haven't done the math but what you mentioned in the ratio you mentioned I don't believe would equal 28,000 calories needed for 2 weeks I didn't give a ratio to my list so just going off what I mentioned shopping and dollar stores and discount stores you just get $20 worth not criticizing you just when I read you're list homie I was somebody is going to starve

Good point, the rice may not be enough calories combined with the other stuff. Bread and PB are a good idea. Not sure hardcore carbs alone though will help the brain function since you need protein & you also need fiber to be regular. Great post though.

deacon 12

Jan 24, 2016
Good point, the rice may not be enough calories combined with the other stuff. Bread and PB are a good idea. Not sure hardcore carbs alone though will help the brain function since you need protein & you also need fiber to be regular. Great post though.
Peanut = protein whole wheat bread =fiber the peanut butter and milk definitely provides enough fat for ya get $10 worth of that and $5 on fruit that is damaged i.e. bruised or close to sell date got 6 apples for 99 cent the other day this isn't the norm but not hard to find similar deals with a little effort bag of oranges $1.50 eat this fruit the first week and with the remaining $7.50 buy canned vegetables and canned fruit get the cheapest things you can buy of course might not like the selection but he'll as long as you can keep it down but shyt you're list might not get you through 2 weeks but for about 8 days I think he would be eating good on rice and broth or until he tired of it a because u don't think he is gonna want to stretch the meat and greens that long they'll most in all likelihood go first but if we being really real about this he could visit churches and food banks and hopefully family I came up in the struggle always had what I needed but wasn't far from not having it but I think this is just a what if thread


♥ Black Love
May 5, 2015
Man I'm so glad I don't have to buy cheap food anymore...that shyt embarrasing.... females in the grocery store look in your basket and they know you broke by the food you got.

When I was broke I would go in Walmart at like 4am so no hoes would see me buying the cheap white bread, ramen noodles, and .88 cent bologna..... I used to buy them $1 banquet TV dinners too.
