Hopefully Black Men and Coli Brehs Never Have To Experience This Therapist, Friends.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Is this not the type of tough love y’all claimed Kevin Samuels gave women?
Everyone knows I didn't fukk with KS at all but this is not a fair or logical comparison. KS was a freelance dating advice figure/entertainer/troll who people chose to speak to. This woman is a licensed, professional therapist bound by certain ethics and medical standards. She is also someone you could have theoretically been referred to by your doctor. It's entirely different.

I've been to therapy before. It can be difficult and yes sometimes you may discuss mistakes you made that you have to fix, with includes accountability. But I have never seen or heard of a therapist as vulgar, disrespectful and downright ugly as that woman. This is a byproduct of intersectional feminism and the dehumanization of black men. How can you have sympathy for a black man if you believe he is privileged by patriarchy and natural oppressor/predator of women (mainly black women)? You would be viewed like a sociopath. and this is evident in the way she discusses black men. IE we are too stupid or too brutish to go to therapy, and if we do go we need to be interrogated and emasculated to prove there are no good ones. This shyt is brain poison.

I am not opposed to feminism in general, I am strictly talking about intersectionality based feminism. This is getting to the point where I genuinely think it would be wiser to simply see a male therapist, of any race, vs seeing seeing any female therapists. This theory/brain rot is simply too prevalent in academia to risk dealing with it in the most intimate of settings - a therapist office.


Mar 26, 2017


May 1, 2012
Therapy is mostly hokum for people that haven't developed the ability to self reflect or self-talk - which is why there are so many women and cacs in it. There are some legit professionals out there, but the majority like this stupid dyke are idiots that actually need psychological help themselves.

I’ve considered getting therapy and this is pretty much always the conclusion I come to…I’m highly introspective and analytical so I find it unlikely that a therapist would be able to reveal something to me that I haven’t been able to figure out for myself


Feb 12, 2015
I agree with her message but her delivery is unprofessional AND erosive to the clients she claims she’s helping.

Sure men do need to expand their emotional vocabulary and do better just with communication period. (Women too but that’s a whole nother issue). However, she comes off arrogant and hateful and communicatively stunted herself, which is ironic b/c she’s painting black men with that brush. In between the “bytches” this and that…I didn’t make it past 1 minute of her vent. I see why she lost her job.

Anno Domini

All Star
Jul 21, 2015
There was a lawyer who called u bullet bags she got doxxed and disappeared they are not invisible there was a african lawyer that was talking greasy about black Americans I wrote a complaint and sent it to report to the bar association these women must have time get rid of they have no real,power it's just we are dealing with them as I we still need and want there love bm keep trying to reason with them I seen doxxing work to some extent they used to say if u have a job go up until u speak to to right people if that don't work then try to dox the person above them cause this just complaining makes bm look real weak getting bullied by everyone including women not a good look for us

She didn't disappear. She's still on tiktok talking shyt lol.


Nov 21, 2016
Convo moved from that to whether she should be fired, what are ethics outside of work really, and whether you should be accountable for what you say/do. Treating shyt like violation of rights. All that on top the occhie wallie over who got her fired. You can get doxxed, and still keep your job if your employer see some value in you.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
If you’re an employee you answer to SOMEBODY. There’s nothing wrong with being an employee as not everyone is built for being an entrepreneur, hell many self made start OUT as employees. But the FACT remains that if you are employee you are not the one in charge; which means you have little leverage and definitely have something to lose.

Kevin Samuels had a harsh delivery, and I wasn’t a “fan” persay of his because as right as he was about a LOT of things, there were also things he said that I wholeheartedly didn’t agree with. I fall more in the line of Dr T Hassan’s presentation and philosophies personally. But again, no matter what ANYONE thought of Samuels presentation; he wasn’t “cancellable” because he had no boss. He reported to no one. He really had NOTHING to lose by saying whatever he said however he wanted.

This woman clearly forgot that SHE, as an employee, had something to lose. If Kevin Samuels were to say “90% of my clients are black females. These wack ass, dusty bytches need therapy because black men NEED ya’ll too and because ya’ll hoes need it more than anyone else”. Well the worse that can happen is that his audience (which I perceive to be more black female than black male) would abandon him. His subscribers would fall, and he’d have to either fall back or come up with different talking points.

This lady, who used the same language, not only offended the majority of her own SELF ADMITTED clientele (black males) she did so while putting the reputation of her place of work (and therefore her bosses) at high risk. She clearly didn’t think about nor consider the consequences of these actions; and as such she was given a harsh reminder of what being an employee means. It means your employment can be terminated. It means that social media is NOT YOUR FRIEND. I don’t know how many examples of this are needed for people (both black men AND women) who do not own their platforms to wake the fukk up.

Regarding her tone and delivery. Yes it was harsh, but it was also contradictory and drenched in misandry. Now if we want to say all things considered, her tone, delivery, and message are the misandrist equivalent to Kevin Samuels being misogynistic; then lets say I agree. If she had her own platform that she ran and operated equivalent to what Kevin Samuels built, then God Speed to her. She has the right of freedom of speech and can talk however she wants. And those who support her will and those who don’t won’t. Black men who didn’t like or agree with her message could cry, complain, debate, or simply ignore what she’s speaking on. The same way black women did Kevin Samuels.

So in conclusion. She was an idiot for running to social media to air out complaints about the largest portion of her clientele (as a so called professional) she was an idiot for thinking that that portion of her clientele whom she was addressing wouldn’t make their offense KNOWN (as a so called Professional) She was an idiot for using language and tone that could easily be viewed as conduct detrimental to the reputation of her EMPLOYER (as a so called PROFESSIONAL)
Dr T is the truth, friend.

I didn’t listen to KS like that either. Even though the foundation of his message was the truth his show seemed to be the same topic over and over again. Gets stale pretty fast. I could only watch short clips of his show.