Honorable Minister Tariq Spitting Tonight

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
the world is in a state where that "WS is the only foe" thinking is gone. And i use "foe" not with harsh negative connotations but with the fact that people are putting their group first so they will do things even if it means jeopardizing others(like us)

everyone is out for their own. ADOS need to the same

even nonados groups dont even look out for each other.

I don’t know why you even engage that sad sack of depressed humanity and I’m only assuming it’s that miserable wretch, Rawtid, since she’s the only one I have on ignore.

I’d suggest focusing your energies elsewhere.


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
Black Americans have a right to their own homeland, space, culture, narrative, lineage and life. They have a right to self-determination and reparations. As an African immigrant from Zimbabwe, I’m realizing America isn’t for me. It never was. I resent my parents from bringing me here and I resent this country in many ways tbh. It’s been a blessing at times but largely an uphill battle to be here from day 1.

This isn’t my home and never will be. I’d rather build Zimbabwe back up than stay in a nation like this. I want to revitalize Zimbabwe, so that we (Zimbabweans) don’t have to run to the US, UK, China or South Africa, just for people to sneer at us. I tire of being viewed as a scummy interloper. I’m done being the foreigner.

Whites hate me and always will. Other groups don’t fukk with black immigrants including other immigrant groups. A lot of Haitians and Congolese got deported a few years back and the larger pro-immigrant community was quiet. It’s like only Asian or Hispanic immigrants matter in the political realm. Also an increasing amount of black Americans don’t fukk with black immigrants. Several in this thread have called us leeches and cowards. I can see the writing on the wall. Pan-Africanism is ambitious and ideologically beautiful but not truly practical. It’s every man for himself.

I think it was @tuckdog who said it. A black man in America can barely find camaraderie with a fellow black man a few blocks away. I’m from a whole different country. Why should I expect African Americans to find fraternity with me? I’m a foreigner.

ADOS/FBA is a good thing for a variety of reasons. It is dealing with reality and how people genuinely feel.

I’d rather die fighting for Zim, than trying to force people to accept me in a foreign nation at this point. Interesting thread you guys made. I just had to articulate this.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Likewise, Rabbi Kohain Halevi, director of PANAFEST, a cultural and theatrical event that attempts to unite Africans on the continent and in the diaspora around the issues raised by slavery, says he has never heard of any financial incentive being offered to African Americans or any members of the diaspora to return to Ghana.

Halevi, member of the original Year of Return Committee who was recently asked to serve on the Beyond the Return committee tells USA TODAY the only issue involving land that he knows of is one tribal chief who has offered land for free, but requires a registration fee for potential participants.



Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018

This is pretty pathetic for someone shaming whole groups of people for not “fighting WS”.

Acting like youMalcolm X when at most, all you do is vote like the rest of us.

No wonder you kept talking about “we”. Unaccomplished people always trying to take credit for the accomplishments of others in their group.
:snoop: More shyt immigrants don't know. (which is why y'all should stfu until at least the 2nd gen)

:childplease: Ados have to fight everywhere we go. I was "challenging WS" in high school, had a whole damn assembly to discuss my anti IR article. My mother was a panther. 30 yrs later, as a stockbroker, she sued her employer for discrimination. And those are just small snippets of ados life, nothing crazy.

Interestingly enough, in both cases, non ados directly benefitted, just by being there and similarly colored, going along to get along. Sound familiar? :jbhmm:

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
For such a proud Kenyan, why did you and your family leave your homeland? :jbhmm:

Why aren't you in Kenya? :jbhmm:
because we can do and will do... we are proud of our people not our governments. we make moves for our people. expats raised the profile of the continent
we don't bytch and complain about other Black people...

it's boring how many times this must be reiterated to you. educating you must be a chore...

COVID-19: Remittance Flows to Shrink 14% by 2021.

Remittances to Sub-Saharan Africa are expected to decline by around 9 percent in 2020 to $44 billion. Within the region, remittances to Kenya have so far stayed positive

this why you big mad. we got us :whew:

turn all that anger, that ire, that energy and apply it to white supremacy not foreign nikkaz. your click been supposed to be doing something but you've spent the better part of 5 years on our collective dikks and your daddy Tariq uses us for theatrical drama level distractions for his crowd of peons. same way white poor crakkkas get entertained and sustained in their suffering by hating on Black all the while being stuck themselves. y'all in the same damn circus.
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May 12, 2012

Anybody hating on black success at any level is just sad. Y’all just some miserable haters.

But it’s okay, 2020 elections just confirmed the impotence of your little online movement. 99% of AA don’t fukk with y’all cause normal people see through your hate filled campaign and reject it off GP.

You couldn’t even get Kamala Harris out the paint. Black solidarity won at the end of the day, so I’ll let y’all get back to your circle jerk of hate.

What exactly did black solidarity win?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
So people here are really mad at people just for relocating to America and minding their own business? :dwillhuh: Y’all are on some outright fascistic shyt.

My parents came here, moved to an all Black middle class area and raised 3 kids who all went to have fruitful lives and all married and made beautiful smart Black children with other Black people.

TLR like “Your parents should’ve stayed and fought oppression in their homeland!”

Nah...we not doing that :umad:

Big Boda

My Family Are Not Immigrants.
Aug 18, 2014
400 Year Survivors Of American Slavery.
Black Americans have a right to their own homeland, space, culture, narrative, lineage and life. They have a right to self-determination and reparations. As an African immigrant from Zimbabwe, I’m realizing America isn’t for me. It never was. I resent my parents from bringing me here and I resent this country in many ways tbh. It’s been a blessing at times but largely an uphill battle to be here from day 1.

This isn’t my home and never will be. I’d rather build Zimbabwe back up than stay in a nation like this. I want to revitalize Zimbabwe, so that we (Zimbabweans) don’t have to run to the US, UK, China or South Africa, just for people to sneer at us. I tire of being viewed as a scummy interloper. I’m done being the foreigner.

Whites hate me and always will. Other groups don’t fukk with black immigrants including other immigrant groups. A lot of Haitians and Congolese got deported a few years back and the larger pro-immigrant community was quiet. It’s like only Asian or Hispanic immigrants matter in the political realm. Also an increasing amount of black Americans don’t fukk with black immigrants. Several in this thread have called us leeches and cowards. I can see the writing on the wall. Pan-Africanism is ambitious and ideologically beautiful but not truly practical. It’s every man for himself.

I think it was @tuckdog who said it. A black man in America can barely find camaraderie with a fellow black man a few blocks away. I’m from a whole different country. Why should I expect African Americans to find fraternity with me? I’m a foreigner.

ADOS/FBA is a good thing for a variety of reasons. It is dealing with reality and how people genuinely feel.

I’d rather die fighting for Zim, than trying to force people to accept me in a foreign nation at this point. Interesting thread you guys made. I just had to articulate this.

props for being real and showing integrity. I am kind of disturbed by the demoralized sad energy from Non FBA in response to us self identifying. As if people's home countries don't have great ancient and recent history and culture. I'm not saying you're doing this personally but it is Very Weird when i see Non FBA act like identifying as black american meant Everything to them but now its being taken away just because we're focusing on empowering ourselves.

I disagree with you saying "yall don't fuk with us" that has never been the case and if it was our families wouldn't have fought for Non FBA to come here and African culture would not be as celebrated as it has always been among FBA since we came out of american chattel slavery.

Its necessary to squash the claim that checking the koon class of immigrants is somehow hating all immigrants.


May 20, 2012

So making fun of poor black people a continent away who have never said or done anything to you or yours is what’s hot on the streets now?

Take that hating energy and focus it on improving your life and the lives of those around you and get off our dikk.


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
Black Americans have a right to their own homeland, space, culture, narrative, lineage and life. They have a right to self-determination and reparations. As an African immigrant from Zimbabwe, I’m realizing America isn’t for me. It never was. I resent my parents from bringing me here and I resent this country in many ways tbh. It’s been a blessing at times but largely an uphill battle to be here from day 1.

This isn’t my home and never will be. I’d rather build Zimbabwe back up than stay in a nation like this. I want to revitalize Zimbabwe, so that we (Zimbabweans) don’t have to run to the US, UK, China or South Africa, just for people to sneer at us. I tire of being viewed as a scummy interloper. I’m done being the foreigner.

Whites hate me and always will. Other groups don’t fukk with black immigrants including other immigrant groups. A lot of Haitians and Congolese got deported a few years back and the larger pro-immigrant community was quiet. It’s like only Asian or Hispanic immigrants matter in the political realm. Also an increasing amount of black Americans don’t fukk with black immigrants. Several in this thread have called us leeches and cowards. I can see the writing on the wall. Pan-Africanism is ambitious and ideologically beautiful but not truly practical. It’s every man for himself.

I think it was @tuckdog who said it. A black man in America can barely find camaraderie with a fellow black man a few blocks away. I’m from a whole different country. Why should I expect African Americans to find fraternity with me? I’m a foreigner.

ADOS/FBA is a good thing for a variety of reasons. It is dealing with reality and how people genuinely feel.

I’d rather die fighting for Zim, than trying to force people to accept me in a foreign nation at this point. Interesting thread you guys made. I just had to articulate this.

Wish I could dap you in real life breh.

No bullshyt.

Build Zimbabwe up like it’s supposed to be.

I would love to bring my family there one day so they can see the continent that we originated from.

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The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
Ignore Tuckdog trying to derail the thread. He’s having his bi-monthly thread breakdown. He be back -couple of hits of quaaludes, he luv me in the morning


I think I hurt his feelings again


he’s tweeking out on that sniffy sniff.

And you still going back editing your posts.

Just like in this thread, in that thread I was agreeing with your dumb ass, you spazzed out the blue, I checked you, you apologized.

I let you slide once, now I’m on your head nikka.

@HarlemHottie cant believe you dapped that bullshyt.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
So people here are really mad at people just for relocating to America and minding their own business? :dwillhuh:
:dahell: YES. A fundamental part of black American-ness is our fight. You have a duty to put in the work for the next generation the same way OUR ancestors put it in for your ungrateful ass. Not individual, familial work- that's to be expected- but fighting for rights and steady pushing.

:mindblown: Why do i have to explain this to you???

Oh, i know! Bc you don't understand what it is to be African American for real. Watch a few music videos and think you know us. :rudy:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
:dahell: YES. A fundamental part of black American-ness is our fight. You have a duty to put in the work for the next generation the same way OUR ancestors put it in for your ungrateful ass. Not individual, familial work- that's to be expected- but fighting for rights and steady pushing.

:mindblown: Why do i have to explain this to you???

Oh, i know! Bc you don't understand what it is to be African American for real. Watch a few music videos and think you know us. :rudy:
A lot to unpack in this emotional rambling, but the portion you quoted from me was me saying...

“So people here are really mad at people just for relocating to America and minding their own business? :dwillhuh:

To be clear, you’re saying yes to that statement at face value? You are mad at people simply for just coming to America for a better life? You’re just an outright xenophobe?