HL 2016 WORST Poster of the Year is @CACtain Planet

Who is the WORST Poster of the Year?

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May 20, 2012
I disagree with @88m3 but to say hes even top 20 woat is absolute nonsense. By default hes better than Trumpset and tinfoil hat gang

For real. One of these White Nationalist Trumpset cacs pretending to be black needs to wear that WOAT banner. If only to make it clear their bullshyt is not a true representation of this forum.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Just by the sheer improbability of Trump's victory, I feel like Trumpset should be exempt from this award. It's like how the Superbowl MVP award can only go to a player from the winning team, the WOAT banner should only go to a player from the losing side. The real losers of this election were smug liberals living in the bubble, so the WOAT should go to one of them. Just my opinion :manny:
The WOAT should go to someone who says the most illogical, factually inaccurate or ethically abhorrent dumb shyt at very high rate.

On that basis, Trump stans, particularly Cactain Planet have to be in the running. You too honestly because while I can acknowledge that you are far more intelligent than someone like Cac, your quantity of the outlandishly absurd claims about the election and politics in general for the past year have been unparalleled imo.

Regarding #trumpset being exempt that's not a good argument. One because yall are on the Monday morning QB shyt now, but you know damn well most of you didn't really think Trump was gonna win and you said it pre-election. I was perhaps the most acerbic Trump-basher and no one took my various ban bet offers.

Regarding the smug liberals living in a bubble, I get the symbolic nature of that, but I don't agree with the voting for WOAT based off that because it's not like it was just smug liberals living in a bubble that were wrong. Everyone was. All the polling models and all the data we've used to predict elections accurately for the past several decades were wrong this time. Most of the polling models had Hillary with a 90+% chance of winning. Nate Silver caught some heat for his 71% supposedly being too generous.

So it wasn't necessarily a product of living in a liberal bubble. It was a product more of having too much faith in the polling models. I for one do not live in a bubble. I live in the south in a conservative city and I know and work with Trump supporters and I did not think dude could win.

Saying the WOAT has to be a smug liberal and not a Trump stan just because Trump pulled off an improbable victory is like saying if this was the coliseum @Gil Scott-Heroin who while annoying is a very smart basketball fan should be WOAT and @Eye Cue DA GAWD who is universally acknowledged as a moron can't be just because Gil was smug and wrong about a Warriors victory over the Cavs and Eye Cue was right.

I don't care if Cactain Planet was a broken clock on election day. He's a fukking idiot. He never makes a logical or thoughtful argument about anything and he spent the last year pretending he's black, stanning an uber-narcissistic incompetent white nationalist conman being president, responding to any criticism of his orange penis-erector set with "but Hillary!", arguing mostly with smilies and juvenile ad hominems that aren't funny, and tagging me in 50% of his insipid posts about nothing.
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The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
I disagree that it is okay and I think it's a false equivalency to equate it with Black nationalism.

What do you think Zionists are if not a specific variety of white nationalists? :scusthov:

The worst of Trumpset was Spanky, who has been banned already, and BucciMane.
I really think @BucciMane should get WOAT because he NEVER added anything to the discussion. All he had was one-liners and non-sense posts. Atleast with @CACtain Planet and @King Kreole they would go into depth.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
The WOAT should go to someone who says the most illogical, factually inaccurate or ethically abhorrent dumb shyt at very high rate.

On that basis, Trump stans, particularly Cactain Planet have to be in the running. You too honestly because while I can acknowledge that you are far more intelligent than someone like Cac, your quantity of the outlandishly absurd claims about the election and politics in general for the past year have been unparalleled imo.

Regarding #trumpset being exempt that's not a good argument. One because yall are on the Monday morning QB shyt now, but you know damn well most of you didn't really think Trump was gonna win and you said it pre-election. I was perhaps the most acerbic Trump-basher and no one took my various ban bet offers.

Regarding the smug liberals living in a bubble, I get the symbolic nature of that, but I don't agree with the voting for WOAT based off that because it's not like it was just smug liberals living in a bubble that were wrong. Everyone was. All the polling models and all the data we've used to predict elections accurately for the past several decades were wrong this time. Most of the polling models had Hillary with a 90+% chance of winning. Nate Silver caught some heat for his 71% supposedly being too generous.

So it wasn't necessarily a product of living in a liberal bubble. It was a product more of having too much faith in the polling models. I for one do not live in a bubble. I live in the south in a conservative city and I know and work with many Trump supporters.

Saying the WOAT has to be a smug liberal and not a Trump stan just because Trump pulled off an improbable victory is like saying if this was the coliseum @Gil Scott-Heroin who while annoying is a very smart basketball fan should be WOAT and @Eye Cue DA GAWD who is universally acknowledged as a moron can't be just because Gil was smug and wrong about a Warriors victory over the Cavs and Eye Cue was right.

I don't care if Cactain Planet was a broken clock on election day. He's a fukking idiot. He never makes a logical or thoughtful argument about anything and he spent the last year pretending he's black, stanning an uber-narcissistic incompetent white nationalist conman being president, responding to any criticism of his orange penis-erector set with "but Hillary!", arguing mostly with smilies and juvenile ad hominems that aren't funny, and tagging me in 50% of his insipid posts about nothing.
Trump's victory validated a lot of what was previously considered to be illogical Trumpset nonsense. For the past 12 months Trumpset has been combatting the narratives emerging from the bubble and telling y'all that these controversies pushed by MSM were non-factors or overblown, and the electoral results more or less proved that to be true. The most factually incorrect posts have to be the ones proclaiming every new scandal to be the end of Trump, or that he had absolutely no shot, so the WOAT would have to be someone pushing those narratives :sas2:

Many Trumpset members didn't think Trump would win, me included, but we understood his appeal and how he could win. Reality vindicated us, which is why we were laughing our asses off on election day and Hillset was crying. We don't have any official pollsters on the coli, so the people who relied on them above everything else are the next best substitute :sas1:

I would honestly say I'm being impartial here because the people who most attacked me most weren't even the ones I would nominate for WOAT posters. Y'all were generally informed (albeit misguided) posters who were trying to hit a lick off my name. I get it, it's part of the game, i'm not petty. But you have to recognize the massive W @CACtain Planet took when Trump won. Breh was putting in the work day in and day out, taking the abuse, and his guy won. It would be wrong to give him the WOAT. Even if you believe his posting quality is low (I think it's hilarious :pachaha:), there's no way it's lower than 88mc. I see no reason to give it to him over 88mc except partisan bitterness. If not 88, it has to be someone *cough cough* posting thread after thread about how Trump has no shot, regardless of the quality of the posts.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Trump's victory validated a lot of what was previously considered to be illogical Trumpset nonsense. For the past 12 months Trumpset has been combatting the narratives emerging from the bubble and telling y'all that these controversies pushed by MSM were non-factors or overblown, and the electoral results more or less proved that to be true. The most factually incorrect posts have to be the ones proclaiming every new scandal to be the end of Trump, or that he had absolutely no shot, so the WOAT would have to be someone pushing those narratives :sas2:

Many Trumpset members didn't think Trump would win, me included, but we understood his appeal and how he could win. Reality vindicated us, which is why we were laughing our asses off on election day and Hillset was crying. We don't have any official pollsters on the coli, so the people who relied on them above everything else are the next best substitute :sas1:

I would honestly say I'm being impartial here because the people who most attacked me most weren't even the ones I would nominate for WOAT posters. Y'all were generally informed (albeit misguided) posters who were trying to hit a lick off my name. I get it, it's part of the game, i'm not petty. But you have to recognize the massive W @CACtain Planet took when Trump won. Breh was putting in the work day in and day out, taking the abuse, and his guy won. It would be wrong to give him the WOAT. Even if you believe his posting quality is low (I think it's hilarious :pachaha:), there's no way it's lower than 88mc. I see no reason to give it to him over 88mc except partisan bitterness. If not 88, it has to be someone *cough cough* posting thread after thread about how Trump has no shot, regardless of the quality of the posts.
Man fukk @Mephistopheles, wheres that video of him eating squirrel dikks and shyt?

Mephistopheles said:
:russell: Trump ain't winning shyt you idiots. Learn how to interpret polling and demographic data state-by-state.

Trump has no chance of winning. If Trump wins I will upload a video of myself eating a live squirrel.

You're a fool if you think trump wont win.


JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
It's about more than predicting the election correctly or incorrectly.

It's about insufferable shilling.

The posters who are Republicans/conservatives were gonna line up behind the Repub nominee regardless.

However, on the Dem side, we had a choice of a progressive candidate, an honest man concerned with the plight of the masses, and some people stanned hard for MONTHS during the primaries for a corrupt, elite, establishment politician whose policies offered little to New Afrikans and who went on to lose to a historically unqualified and nefarious candidate. Not only that, but the lines of argument they used against Bernie had all the hallmarks of what Trump supporters are being accused of: levying fact-free charges and criticisms, being willfully obtuse, and misrepresenting facts and generally muddying debate and discussion.

In light of that, the WOAT race has got to be down to @88m3 and @ThreeLetterAgency. Nap is so terrible that I think he should be disqualified. Just name the award after him. 88 deserves it this year.
Apr 30, 2012
Saying the WOAT has to be a smug liberal and not a Trump stan just because Trump pulled off an improbable victory is like saying if this was the coliseum @Gil Scott-Heroin who while annoying is a very smart basketball fan should be WOAT and @Eye Cue DA GAWD who is universally acknowledged as a moron can't be just because Gil was smug and wrong about a Warriors victory over the Cavs and Eye Cue was right.
To dap or not to dap. :mjpls:

p.s. I wasn't wrong about a Warriors victory over the Cavs because I said before the series started that I couldn't split the two teams, and all throughout the season stated that the Cavs were the biggest threat to them. Being wrong would be me believing and stating that a Cavs victory was an "improbable" outcome - when my line of thinking was more closer to the contrary.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Trump's victory validated a lot of what was previously considered to be illogical Trumpset nonsense. For the past 12 months Trumpset has been combatting the narratives emerging from the bubble and telling y'all that these controversies pushed by MSM were non-factors or overblown, and the electoral results more or less proved that to be true. The most factually incorrect posts have to be the ones proclaiming every new scandal to be the end of Trump, or that he had absolutely no shot, so the WOAT would have to be someone pushing those narratives :sas2:

Many Trumpset members didn't think Trump would win, me included, but we understood his appeal and how he could win. Reality vindicated us, which is why we were laughing our asses off on election day and Hillset was crying. We don't have any official pollsters on the coli, so the people who relied on them above everything else are the next best substitute :sas1:
:beli: I wasn't going to even respond to you but I can't let this shyt slide, particularly the bolded. I don't feel like searching for old posts, but you definitely called the election over and a HIllary W at several points during the election cycle. The p*ssy grabbing tape stands out in mind.

You deserve to be humbled more than anyone here honestly.

I said this earlier in the thread about you...

"According to him, Trump is a pro-black, pro-gay, pro-working class revolutionary populist; an orange Huey Newton/Ralph Nader hybrid come to rescue us from the oligarchs who supports universal healthcare, campaign finance reform, breaking up the big banks, a livable wage for all and a dovish foreign policy."

That's not exaggeration. You said all of those things. We've now come to find out that Trump isn't doing any of that and his presidency and his whole cabinet is owned by the fossil fuel industry, Wall Steet, corporate America and tinged with white nationalism.

You claimed Trump was shattering right-wing orthodoxy, but in reality he's basically patched together all of the worst ideas of right-wing orthodoxy into one steaming pile of crony capitalist shyt. People like me tried to tell you that. In fact, I was right about everything I said about Trump except that he wouldn't win. You deserve strong WOAT consideration as much as anyone.


Kristina Schulman Bro
Mar 4, 2015
The Real Titletown
I disagree that it is okay and I think it's a false equivalency to equate it with Black nationalism.

What do you think Zionists are if not a specific variety of white nationalists? :scusthov:

The worst of Trumpset was Spanky, who has been banned already, and BucciMane.

I really think @BucciMane should get WOAT because he NEVER added anything to the discussion. All he had was one-liners and non-sense posts. Atleast with @CACtain Planet and @King Kreole they would go into depth.



The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
@88m3 was annoying sometimes during this election, but he is not the WOAT poster. Plus he participated in the HL Podcast. That alone should save him.

The WOAT award needs to go to these alt-right nut jobs that invaded HL during the election. The worst of the bunch being @CACtain Planet worthless ass. Name one thing of substance this worthless troll has contributed to this site?
This is still a Hip-Hop site damn it. We should not allow a corny racist white guy pretending to be black to get away with blatant trolling.


WOAT needs to go to one of these Trumpset clowns just off GP.