but what youre doing is exactly that- he is providing evidence and youre just blindly dismiss his side of argument employing ostrich defense
shyt, me and breh
@King Kreole disagree plenty of things when it comes to our Niners, but I've never seen him employ strawmen. it was always civil discussion. he doesnt troll either.
you guys are petty letting personal shyt/beliefs get the best of you in a forum that should be very much about at least attempted dialogue. you are equaling him to a troll, which is sad.
you dismissing well-constructed arguments on the basis of seemingly 'if you are pro-trump you are c00n/racist/white and all your shyt is wrong', is pretty much detrimental to a discussion. not does that create circlejerk, it also means you cannot argue in civil terms with someone who doesnt hold your viewpoint. it's silly.
reminds me when I argued in the coliseum paterno was a good football coach and everyone was shytting on me, while not bothering to understand that his pedo shyt had nothing to do with his football coaching skills, and that I never said hes a better human being because he was a good coach.

carry on