Hip Hop was the 1st time in America where stereotypes of Blackfolks were self inflicted


All Star
Aug 20, 2012
Panola Road

Thats not the definition of a c00n

and u made up lies about me.....Pointing out Hip hops flaws is not "c00ning" or "uncle tomming".....I'm saying all this on a hip hop platform...Not Fox News.

Also...none of what u said made any sense. U call it evolution..... How the fukk does evolution go backwards? We went from 'smoking weed is not ok' to 'pop xans'.....we went from 'drug dealers aren't cool' to 'trap this trap that" thats not evolution...thats moving backwards.

I see why your rep is so low...:mjlol:

My imaginary internet messade board rep?

How is it not c00ning, you calling it "flaws" is c00n shyt to the fullest. Its not a flaw to be black, to have a culture, to speak on criminalization, and/or to carry on oral tradition c00n.

That is not a flaw

But you worried about internet message board points, so i see why you confused and dumb
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All Star
Aug 20, 2012
Panola Road

Thats not the definition of a c00n

and u made up lies about me.....Pointing out Hip hops flaws is not "c00ning" or "uncle tomming".....I'm saying all this on a hip hop platform...Not Fox News.

Also...none of what u said made any sense. U call it evolution..... How the fukk does evolution go backwards? We went from 'smoking weed is not ok' to 'pop xans'.....we went from 'drug dealers aren't cool' to 'trap this trap that" thats not evolution...thats moving backwards.

I see why your rep is so low...:mjlol:

No part of black culture has gone backwards. You only feel that way because your a brainwashed c00n. On a rap message board, talking down on black culture.
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All Star
Aug 20, 2012
Panola Road
Yo, in 2017 dudes are STILL using the "rap is fantasy like the terminator" excuse :laff::laff::laff:

@Wild self

@Supreme Leader Reinscarf




We dont have to use terminator. We can use westerns. Greek philosophy. Action movies. Harry potter nikka. Shakespear. Romance. Dracula.

Our art and culture is in our oral tradition. But whenever a black kid talks about reality or guns he is criminal. This is america. They have gun factories and every one owns a gun. But the black kid says gun and other black kids scream "Moving backwords"



May 6, 2012
Our art and culture is in our oral tradition. But whenever a black kid talks about reality or guns he is criminal. This is america. They have gun factories and every one owns a gun. But the black kid says gun and other black kids scream "Moving backwords"


But nothing u r saying has to do with what I'm speaking on or the Topic in the OP


I'm refering to the promotion of killing Black people with pride on the mic. How many Hip Hop videos have we seen were dudes go over to the grave or house of someone who is dead and make a music video??
And the do it with pride.....Thats a flaw in Hip Hop that needs to be addressed yet u seem to have a problem with me pointing out that flaw and keep changing the topic to talk about shyt that has nothing to do with the OP. Instead you do childish name calling that isn't even relevant to me based on you not paying attention to the OP. Taking pride in the death of a person u had beef with in the streets to teh point you'll dance at thier grave is moving backwards...Thats not foward moving at all...and thats just 1 example....I have tons of other examples.



All Star
Aug 20, 2012
Panola Road
But nothing u r saying has to do with what I'm speaking on or the Topic in the OP


I'm refering to the promotion of killing Black people with pride on the mic. How many Hip Hop videos have we seen were dudes go over to the grave or house of someone who is dead and make a music video??
And the do it with pride.....Thats a flaw in Hip Hop that needs to be addressed yet u seem to have a problem with me pointing out that flaw and keep changing the topic to talk about shyt that has nothing to do with the OP. Instead you do childish name calling that isn't even relevant to me based on you not paying attention to the OP. Taking pride in the death of a person u had beef with in the streets to teh point you'll dance at thier grave is moving backwards...Thats not foward moving at all...and thats just 1 example....I have tons of other examples.


The fact that you think or would even consider that dancing on someone grave during a music video is a representation of our culture as a whole is c00n shyt.

You can try to run in circles all you want, and call me childish because I am calling you what you are. A c00n.

Again, entire world wars were fought, without it being a direct reflection of the white mans ability to be civilized and make art. White man can fight world wars, commit genocide, and criminalize the black man... And a c00n nikka will still get out in public and critisize a black person for making his own culture.

A rapper can rap whatever he wants. However he wants, and it can be accepted as just rap. Like it can be just a movie. Just a book. Just a poem. Just a play. It can include murder, rape, and stories of "crime" and still just be art. Just like Beowolf and Hamlet. c00n.


All Star
Aug 20, 2012
Panola Road
The nerve. To stand on your pedestal and claim that another black man and his efforts are pushing us backward.
Confused c00ns, thinking you are making some deep statement by bringing up Bert Williams. Your not.
Your just denigrating your own culture for existing, because you are brainwashed to be white or its not right.

Black kids talk about guns and shoot people. So they are criminals. But the white man does it and he is a soldier or politician. Or proud citizen exercising his rights.

Then, to even go further, and claim that at one time music was somehow better than it is now. And the current generation of nikkas are worse of than ever. lol. Its c00n shyt. I dont know how its not.


May 6, 2012
The fact that you think or would even consider that dancing on someone grave during a music video is a representation of our culture as a whole is c00n shyt.

You can try to run in circles all you want, and call me childish because I am calling you what you are. A c00n.

Again, entire world wars were fought, without it being a direct reflection of the white mans ability to be civilized and make art. White man can fight world wars, commit genocide, and criminalize the black man... And a c00n nikka will still get out in public and critisize a black person for making his own culture.

A rapper can rap whatever he wants. However he wants, and it can be accepted as just rap. Like it can be just a movie. Just a book. Just a poem. Just a play. It can include murder, rape, and stories of "crime" and still just be art. Just like Beowolf and Hamlet. c00n.

The nerve. To stand on your pedestal and claim that another black man and his efforts are pushing us backward.
Confused c00ns, thinking you are making some deep statement by bringing up Bert Williams. Your not.
Your just denigrating your own culture for existing, because you are brainwashed to be white or its not right.

Black kids talk about guns and shoot people. So they are criminals. But the white man does it and he is a soldier or politician. Or proud citizen exercising his rights.

Then, to even go further, and claim that at one time music was somehow better than it is now. And the current generation of nikkas are worse of than ever. lol. Its c00n shyt. I dont know how its not.


Dude....your last 4 statements have nothing to do with the topic. U keep going on a tangent that has nothing to do with the topic. c00n this c00n that but you keep going off topic...



Jun 22, 2014
google "minstrel shows", "blackface" etc. Google the 1915 film "the birth of a nation".


These were all propaganda tactics used to INTENTIONALLY manipulate the black image/reputation. They were all used to perpetuate the most negative stereotypes of black people. "Propaganda" has been a very effective tool of white supremace well before hiphop ever existed. Fast forward today and anyone with even a little sense of past history can see the parallels.

But instead of white actors in blackface playing these stereotypical roles of blacks, black people are playing the roles themselves:wow:

If you dont understand this, i assume you have zero knowledge of past history. The biggest affect of this music isnt whether or not its directly causing people to go out and commit crimes, but moreso its a tactic to criminalize/demonize the black reputation.

did you skip over the last few pages? black people willingly did this on their own/too themselves during that era, almost 100 years before HIpHop came along

Black Vaudeville was based on performances that came out of the movement and style of African Americans. The vaudeville years were the early 1880s until the early 1930. These acts were unique on the vaudeville scene because the performers brought in different experience that the white performers could not convey. Although African-American performers were mistreated, a Vaudeville gig was better than being a maid or farm worker. Vaudeville had what they called circuits to keep the show business at the time organized. It was difficult for a black performer to be accepted into the white circuit due to the racial issues of the time. Eventually, black circuits were created to give black performers more opportunities. Black Vaudeville made it possible for African Americans to enjoy entertainment through their own heritage.

From the mid-1870s, as white blackface minstrelsy became increasingly lavish and moved away from "Negro subjects", black troupes took the opposite tack.[63] The popularity of the Fisk Jubilee Singers and other jubilee singers had demonstrated northern white interest in white religious music as sung by blacks, especially spirituals. Some jubilee troupes pitched themselves as quasi-minstrels and even incorporated minstrel songs; meanwhile, blackface troupes began to adopt first jubilee material and then a broader range of southern black religious material. Within a few years, the word "jubilee", originally used by the Fisk Jubilee Singers to set themselves apart from blackface minstrels and to emphasize the religious character of their music, became little more than a synonym for "plantation" material.[64] Where the jubilee singers tried to "clean up" Southern black religion for white consumption, blackface performers exaggerated its more exotic aspects.[65]

African-American blackface productions also contained buffoonery and comedy, by way of self-parody.
In the early days of African-American involvement in theatrical performance, blacks could not perform without blackface makeup, regardless of how dark-skinned they were. The 1860s "colored" troupes violated this convention for a time: the comedy-oriented endmen "corked up", but the other performers "astonished" commentators by the diversity of their hues.[66] Still, their performances were largely in accord with established blackface stereotypes.[67]

These black performers became stars within the broad African-American community, but were largely ignored or condemned by the black bourgeoisie. James Monroe Trotter a middle-class African American who had contempt for their "disgusting caricaturing" but admired their "highly musical culture"—wrote in 1882 that "few... who condemned black minstrels for giving 'aid and comfort to the enemy'" had ever seen them perform.[68] Unlike white audiences, black audiences presumably always recognized blackface performance as caricature, and took pleasure in seeing their own culture observed and reflected, much as they would half a century later in the performances of Moms Mabley.[69]

Jubilee tells it like it once was for black vaudeville performers

Star names

There was some incredible talent in black vaudeville, including Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Pigmeat Markham, Moms Mabley, Josephine Baker, Hattie McDaniel, Eubie Blake and Fats Waller. Few, however, successfully crossed over to white vaudeville. And when they did, their acts were often presented differently.

"A black performer might have had an act he did for both black audiences and white audiences," says Anne Healy, a member of the theater faculty at the University of Texas at Arlington. "But in front of a white audience, he might be doing it in front of a backdrop of a plantation or while dressed in tatters and rags."

But, on the whole, the content of the black vaudeville shows was similar to that found in white vaudeville -- including one pretty shocking overlap.

"If you were going to be successful you had to have four or five singers, an exotic dancer and a blackface comedian," says King, who is directing this sixth show at Jubilee.

Ironically, black vaudeville featured minstrel shows.

"There were white performers in black face and there were black performers in blackface. Toward the end of the era, you had white performers pretending to be blacks pretending to be black
," says King.

And while it may seem strange to think of a black entertainer putting on blackface, for many working that circuit, it just came with the territory.

"Some black performers put the blackface on just as they would have put any stage makeup on. A job was a job
," says Healy, who is working on a doctoral dissertation about vaudeville.

Jubilee tells it like it once was for black vaudeville performers | Star-Telegram.com



May 6, 2012
time stamped:sas1:

That was beautiful. I smoked a blunt before logging in and that video was perfect for my high

But it doesnt answer my question..


which 2 Blaxploitation directors/actors died while in the midst of beefing like we saw with Hip Hop?? Answer the question and stop slitering.

But I will not do like u did and avoid answering I'll address what u posted.

Pam Grier


But you destroyed ya own argument with your evidence yet again....Look at what dude said at 22:55....He said Pam Grier was "a superhero." How is that a bad stereotype???

Please answer...U posted the video so answer the question about your video.

How is Pam Grier being a superhero a bad thing? Coffy hated dope dealers. Pam Grier said it herself...She thought that she had made it...She didnt think playing an actress was a bad thing like u were stressing with Minstrel show actors.

Messy Jessys hypocrite ass had a problem with Superfly and Ron O'neil portrayed a man who wanted to not be the bad guy anymore. Thats a good thing compared to Hip Hop were you have rappers like Pusha T, Jadakiss and Gucci Mane rapping about selling dope for over 10 years.

But you really destroyed ya argument with that second video...why would u even post that?? The lady said that the people o the screen were heros..The guy asks "who got exlpoited?" Thats pretty much what I've been saying every since we brought up Blaxploitation. I agreed with everything said from the start of that 2nd video.

answer these questions from your own video...

How is Pam Grier being a female superhero a bad thing or stereotype?

How is certain Blaxploitation movies going heavy with Black men doing Kung Fu a bad thing or stereotype??

Which 2 big Blaxploitation directors/actors got killed while in the midst of beefing with one another like we saw with Hip Hop?


May 6, 2012
Off topic....That scene where Pam Grier takes her clothes of slow in Coffee took me back....Notice how she does it in a way where she looks so naturally beautiful seducing old boy. That was an era where a Black woman could show just enough and be naturally beautiful without all the airbrushing seen in mens mags, body augmentation or snapchat filters of today. Judy Pace has that same natural seductive style in the Paper Bag Scene from Cotton Comes To Harlem. Her sensual teasing really makes you admire her dark complexion

Time stamped



Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land
well hiphop actually started out positive and it degenerated into what it is now, once corporations got a hold of it and found out how powerful NWA and gangsta rap was ....

the problem is...there isnt no balance, labels only put money behind ignorance ....
Hip Hop was about fun and friendly battles between crews and emcees w/o the talk of violence or homicide as these sensitive lil negras are. We had P.E. X Clan, Poor Righteous Teachers, Native Tongues, and etc, who made us proud of who were are, rocking black medallions, even had us picking up bibles and korans, and studying 120 lessons to better ourselves... Cacs was like :picard:... and that scared them... seeing Unity, and strength in numbers..

We went from being black and proud, to proud of being the nikkas that the cac created in the first place.


Jun 22, 2014
But you destroyed ya own argument with your evidence yet again....Look at what dude said at 22:55....He said Pam Grier was "a superhero." How is that a bad stereotype???

Pam Grier was a superhero from one a POV and a promoter of stereotypes from another

Please answer...U posted the video so answer the question about your video.

How is Pam Grier being a superhero a bad thing? Coffy hated dope dealers. Pam Grier said it herself...She thought that she had made it...She didnt think playing an actress was a bad thing like u were stressing with Minstrel show actors.

see above and listen to Pam @ time stamp

But you really destroyed ya argument with that second video...why would u even post that?? The lady said that the people o the screen were heros..

no it didn't

The guy asks "who got exlpoited?" Thats pretty much what I've been saying every since we brought up Blaxploitation. I agreed with everything said from the start of that 2nd video.

he's coming from the POV of one of the actors.....the same way black people blacked up and bafooned on stage in the minstrell/vaudville era for white people, while making a lucrative career out of it

answer these questions from your own video...

How is Pam Grier being a female superhero a bad thing or stereotype?

see above

How is certain Blaxploitation movies going heavy with Black men doing Kung Fu a bad thing or stereotype??

stereotypes didn't come from doing kungfu

Which 2 big Blaxploitation directors/actors got killed while in the midst of beefing with one another like we saw with Hip Hop?

stop it:russ:[/quote]


May 6, 2012
he's coming from the POV of one of the actors.....the same way black people blacked up and bafooned on stage in the minstrell/vaudville era for white people, while making a lucrative career out of it


you reaching hard. What Pam Grier and what was done in Minstrel Shows are not the same, Let alone hip hop. Yes i heard what she said about creating stereotypes but she negated that by speaking on how she broke them as well....thats how I know u reaching cuz u left that part out. She said the stereotype she left was that sisters were bad ass kick ass types....how the fukk u gonna compare that to Minstrel Shows? She didn't say dumb and lazy...she said "kick ass' types.

Trina came in the game talking about selling p*ssy
Lil Kim tried to fit a Sprite can in her mouth
Shawnna was getting some head while an underage preteen girl danced in the video
Missy wanted to see a big dikk while an underage preteen girl danced in the video
Gangster Boo called Juicy J up to put the white stuff all up in her nose

and u comparing that to Pam Grier leaving a "black woman is kick ass" image?


u keep destroying ya own arguments with your evidence.....that dude said the whole Blaxploitation thing didn't start looking bad until it was realized that Hollywood was pimping the black experience....but that was after the fact.

u sitting here comparing it to Black people putting on Black face during the Minsterl Show era...and by your own proof thats wrong...the guy in the video u posted doesn't co sign that...he says it was all good until the "blaxploitation" label came later...not during. u killed ya argument when the guy in the video u posted stated that.
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Jun 22, 2014

you reaching hard. What Pam Grier and what was done in Minstrel Shows are not the same, Let alone hip hop. Yes i heard what she said about creating stereotypes but she negated that by speaking on how she broke them as well....thats how I know u reaching cuz u left that part out. She said the stereotype she left was that sisters were bad ass kick ass types....how the fukk u gonna compare that to Minstrel Shows? She didn't say dumb and lazy...she said "kick ass' types.

Trina came in the game talking about selling p*ssy
Lil Kim tried to fit a Sprite can in her mouth
Shawnna was getting some head while an underage preteen girl danced in the video
Missy wanted to see a big dikk while an underage preteen girl danced in the video
Gangster Boo called Juicy J up to put the white stuff all up in her nose

and u comparing that to Pam Grier leaving a "black woman is kick ass" image?


u keep destroying ya own arguments with your evidence.....that dude said the whole Blaxploitation thing didn't start looking bad until it was realized that Hollywood was pimping the black experience....but that was after the fact.

u sitting here comparing it to Black people putting on Black face during the Minsterl Show era...and by your own proof thats wrong...the guy in the video u posted doesn't co sign that...he says it was all good until the "blaxploitation" label came later...not during. u killed ya argument when the guy in the video u posted stated that.

