no flip flopping on my part
dog, the movie was based on Sonny's own account of his life and experiences

You are flip flopping

its you(not me) who posted the movie as an example of Blaxploitation and the movie was put together by a white man. This is u destroying your argument with your own evidence again. Do you wanna use the Sonny Carson movie as an example of Blaxploitation or not? If so then we have to acknowledge the white director. If we acknowledging the autobio then that dismisses The Blaxploitation aspect of the video clips that u posted.
You flip flopping from one thing to the next.
Are we talking about the white directed movie which is blaxploitation and what u started off with
or are we talking about the autobio which is you changing the subject yet again to talk about something else because the autobio doesnt involve a whitemans visual foresite to be labled Blaxploitation(which u posted as an example of Blaxploitation)