Gentleman at Dawn, Pornstar at Dusk
Go anywhere in the world even where no black people are and they will think of you as the ignorance they see in hip hop videos call you nikka
Rap is such a disgusting negative art form
You have dudes 45 and 50 plus still talking about busting guns, drugs , and treating women like chattels.
These dudes are friggin Peter oan in how they will never grow up
Last summer i met this white french chick while she was taking pics on the Williamsburg bridge. As we were walking i asked her what it's like in Paris and she said "you'll like it, the girls like the whole gangsta gangsta thing"while giggling, i didn't think much about it at first but now i'm like

nikkas can sit up here and say "they'll hate us anyway" but this hip hop shyt has really tarnished our look worldwide, even other blacks think low of black people because of rap.