Call them and harp them about switching service providers because your upload connection is too slow.
Those fukkers are vampires.
Call them and harp them about switching service providers because your upload connection is too slow.
Those fukkers are vampires.
I'd say 9pm is tentatively it for now. I'll be there.
Topic proposals...
-Where does the country goes from here in terms of its economic persuasion post-Great Recession? Is the Reagan tax-cutting "government doesn't solve problems, government is the problem" still the dominant sentiment? Or are we going back to a more 1930s to mid-1970's approach? Or something different?
-Update on the presidential election. Obama's attacks on Romney's character, history at Bain, and offshore bank accounts? Fair or foul?
-We gotta get our feet wet with religion at some point. Maybe start at the most basic level: Does God exist and if so, who/what is him/her/it?
-Climate change. The same question Acri1 asked in his thread. Why are so many people denying it's real and what's motivating it.
That's what I got for now. Y'all can add on.
Ive actually rewired my house, and the issue is my uploading speeds are crap. Im getting 22 MB download and only 0.5 MB upload. I will be calling ATT to figure out why my uploading bandwith is crap, but in the meantime someone else may have to call in and livestream the podcast when we record next time.
Also, someone else should record the podcast as well when we broadcast so there will be a backup.
Good stuff. Subscribed via iTunes.
how do you get it in itunes?
Ive actually rewired my house, and the issue is my uploading speeds are crap. Im getting 22 MB download and only 0.5 MB upload. I will be calling ATT to figure out why my uploading bandwith is crap, but in the meantime someone else may have to call in and livestream the podcast when we record next time.
Also, someone else should record the podcast as well when we broadcast so there will be a backup.
HHL4E are you confident in being able to record it this weekend or should we look for another option?
Another podcast suggestion is we should have some free time at the end of the official HL discussion to just talk about random shyt...sports, women, entertainment news or whatever for a little while to keep it light. We've been doing that anyway and should keep on. And we gotta talk about what's in my avatar next podcast. fukk the infidels and scoffers.
stfuI think I'll be there
And agree with Vic that we need some free flowing convo as well. I can muster a good illusion of sports knowledge. like, is that Linsanity thing still on? I can talk about Linsanity. I think he plays basketball or something