I think the livestream is not really that important
i couldnt disagree more. i think the live stream is critical so that everyone can interact in real time.
truth be told we should be maximizing our live interactions with the listeners as much as possible.
ideally we should have a clean way for people to call into the show, from their cell phone or cpu.
we should also be having chat rooms where people can essentially participate in an ongoing community instant message with each other, and us, as the show is going on.
the more you can maximize on interactions between listeners and hosts the better the overall experience is for everybody.
but we gotta take baby steps... lets focus on getting our logistics and our organizational game up first
LeyeT you wanna host? we can do this Sunday 2pm est and I can record
im wit it, we need at least a third person though
If we're debating basic philosophical concepts like the existence or non-existence of free will, we'd all just be regurgitating arguments from Aquinas, Locke, Luther, etc. Plus it would be boring and no one would give a fukk.
i dont think it would be anything like that. im not gonna get into a big long response about it, but i think that there's lots of room for originality in philosophical discussions.
for starters each moment is brand new, and with that brings new things. we are living in a space in time that NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, so that alone makes our perspective unique. every moment produces a new opportunity for new perspectives because new events and new experiences are created in each new moment. im not tryna go too far down the rabbit hole here so i hope this makes sense.
I'm not just not too interested in discussing it, and none of us would be able to make better arguments than the GOAT philosophers who have already pored over these matters.
so i guess everyone should just stop talking about philosophy altogether then
i gotta admit im in the opposite camp in terms of scheduling. i actually think we need to be doing two shows a week.
a more metaphysical show in the middle of the week, and then a more political-current event-concrete topics type show like we've been doing on sundays. you gotta remember i come from the harry potter school of alchemy so i wanna be talking about enlightenment, spirituality, mental and emotional patterns, social conditioning, health and wellness, self-improvement, meditation, manifestation and magic

and all that type shyt. thats my real shyt
i like what we've been doing so far, but even with this current events-political-economic-education-concrete topics format i dont think we are doing these topics justice. i think we do too many current events, and i dont think we go deep enough on the important topics (economics, education, politics, etc), and really flush out the different layers like RickyGQ was saying above.
i also think we have to start getting creative with how we present and exchange information on the show. one example would be like an around the horn or pti format. granted those arent very creative formats but im just trying to give a concrete example.
im not putting us down this is just my perspective.
and again, we gotta crawl before we walk... and right now we just need to get consistent with the technical logistics.
if folks really wanna wait until next week we can do that, but lets at least be constructive with our time and get shyt organized early