Hey Nicole. An Open Challenge.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
I have no idea why some of you are determined to get her riled up. You can disagree with her and point out where you feel she is wrong when she posts on a subject, but this need to make threads about her seems pretty obsessive to me. Then I see her post DMs some of you have sent her, and it all seems like the obsession some of you have is born out of some twisted desire for her. That may not actually be the case, but that is the image a lot of this seems to my older eyes.

If she is that much of a thorn to you, it is pretty simple to just pass over her posts. Creating these threads and sending @ seeking out confrontations with her seems very off to me and quite a bit juvenile.

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
These incels are really upset by you calling them out :russ:

I'm calling out you weirdo trannies simping for Rob Zombie but pretending to be militants, Zane


  • Claims to be female (yet to be verified)
  • Claims to be a high ranking member of the bloods (yet to be verified)
  • Claims to be a hotshot lawyer (been proven that she isn't)
  • Claims to be black (even though she's said that she isn't)
  • Claims to be mother, yet has 50,000 posts on an internet messageboard (most which are 1000 word essays)
  • Abuses her kids
  • Joined in 2017, but din't start posting until 2018?
  • Is close to 50 years old
  • Quick to threaten brehs with violence, yet when pressed, constantly ducks the fade
  • Quick to call brehs white, yet when she's challenged over her race, constantly ducks the fade
  • Quick to use peoples emotional vulnerabilities against them
  • Posted violent threats that only white people would even dream of doing (Kinda like @TRY GOD and his obsession with raping breh's moms)
  • Has a problem with homosexual sex workers, yet is willing to hire one for her own pleasure
  • Uses pictures of other people's infant children on a website for adults
  • Had multiple good brehs banned off of some bullshyt
  • A supporter of 4chán conspiracy theories (Is potentially a right wing Trump supporting agent)
  • Is a Dap panderer
  • Claims NYC, but lives in VA
  • Gets tetchy whenever anyone shyts on NYC, even when it's deserved
  • Has a sick obsession with having other peoples kids as her avatar (Is potentially a pedophile?)
  • Has the posting style of previously banned coli members (King Musa, ****, etc.)
  • Seems to have some sort of immunity from the mods (and has proudly said so)


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Fyi for those cacs like @Arnie Palmie in here cosigning the other cac from the Low End (also this:

Arnie Palmer= Previous usernames​

  1. Not Even a Koala


@Dre God, - here’s another one to keep on the radar. I’m sure you’re not aware of his presence on here:

@Low End Derrick is the cac that co-signed Dragon Knight and Divinity posters- none of them opposing had shyt to say to them; in fact @Low End was caping for them. He was upset that they were offed
I like to emasculate bytch ass nikkas like you that talk tough. So, I fukk you in the ass and show you whos the real man. Nothing gay about it, actually its alpha.
that too :shaq: you a bytch, you need to be taking that dikk. and bet id fukk you in the ass and there wont be shyt you can do about it because you're a p*ssy ass nikka

id fukk you right now like I did that other nikka p*ssy

so nicole snitched on dragonknight and divinity to get them banned?


you hate to see it

bytch ass nikka you see the location in the op. Stop the tough talking fakkit. You another one I'm dying to put hands on. Ima brutally beat the shyt out of you in that ring. I might even follow you out while you leave the gym and finish your p*ssy ass and gladly take the life sentence. fukk you bytch, please show up to the gym. I want to fukk you up so bad
Virgin poster Divinity making death threats like a bytch?

I like to emasculate bytch ass nikkas like you that talk tough. So, I fukk you in the ass and show you whos the real man. Nothing gay about it, actually its alpha.

DragonKnight was also a cac troll who was banned, came back tried to run with his 4Reddit racist white supremacist shyt in TLR.

(And y’all see the Asian @Stir Fry dapping all of his posts right?? Never hiding his animosity to align with the digicacs) notice how they always lie on black posters for what they actually DO.

—- the 4kkklan cac set that permeated the coli back then, the same names in here 4eva siding with cacs and c00n cons. Thread for thread

Oh and they ignore when actual Alt cac hack accounts actually get burned- Notice who is NOT in this thread right here:
Anyway, back to this music
The cacs and c00ns with their wench protectors hate when I blick them


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Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
I have 50 pages per post like all experienced coli users and this thread is 20 pages and it’s about @Nicole0416_718_929_646212 liking rob zombie movies :dead:

In 2012 y’all didn’t support my YouTube channel, podcast, or nothing and they both died and threads about them flopped but she gets 20 page threads about her favorite director.

Teach me the ways Nicole :mjlol:



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I have 50 pages per post like all experienced coli users and this thread is 20 pages and it’s about @Nicole0416_718_929_646212 liking rob zombie movies :dead:

In 2012 y’all didn’t support my YouTube channel, podcast, or nothing and they both died and threads about them flopped but she gets 20 page threads about her favorite director.

Teach me the ways Nicole :mjlol:

The same way that comments and threads that I post in The Root, recommended books and all that never get “trending” or looks. Fukked up priorities b. That’s how you know that segment is fugazi as shyt.

But then again, 75% of this site are Canadians, UKakkks and digiface cacs role playing and promoting their agendas. Which also explains how a white bytch was able to infiltrate unabated

Bytch could have started a podcast and a YouTube with 200k subscribers just bc she played victim, frauded by exhibiting a certain mental pathology and posted in The Booth. Look at her now.

Their element seems to only shut the Fuk up when you retaliate against them with extremism. Her cac male counterpart @GPBear has been silent as of late.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
These m’fers are still talking shyt - time for the extendo

This dude is hurt. And he claims to be married. Running up on a female Coli poster that he doesn’t know and never introduced to in life as “babe” among other violations. I was dissuaded from sending this compilation of DMs to his wife but I might not reject that devil on my shoulder anymore that’s been prompting me to Fuk up his real life.
:francis: :mjlol:
Red light… green light 😈🤫
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Apr 30, 2012
I have no idea why some of you are determined to get her riled up. You can disagree with her and point out where you feel she is wrong when she posts on a subject, but this need to make threads about her seems pretty obsessive to me. Then I see her post DMs some of you have sent her, and it all seems like the obsession some of you have is born out of some twisted desire for her. That may not actually be the case, but that is the image a lot of this seems to my older eyes.

If she is that much of a thorn to you, it is pretty simple to just pass over her posts. Creating these threads and sending @ seeking out confrontations with her seems very off to me and quite a bit juvenile.
Yeah, this is definitely not the case, at all. It's more to the contrary.

He is the one who initiates all this, and becomes obsessive, just look at all the posts that have come after yours. He goes out of his way to expose posters for absolutely no other reason than to troll and incite confrontation, and does it in a dishonest manner where he takes whatever folks post out of context to create the hysteria of them being exposed. It's why he just spams quotes and quotes to give off the appearance like it's damaging without any regard to detailing exactly why it is or given any appropriate context.

His entire gimmick is just calling out posters out at random, and then pushing them to see how much resistance he gets back. If you notice he'll go extra hard at those who don't defend themselves or call him out for his own bullshyt, but the minute you fight back, the crickets come out. It's your standard typical bully behavior; loudest voice in the room when he perceives nobody is a threat, but then goes quiet once he's stepped to.
This beef yall got with Nicole is tired asf. Mainly cause it seems based on ego. Ive never seen her post anything worthy of all the hate she gets. Sis goes hard for us, doesnt wench, denounces and calls out all forms of ratchetry.(edit: i should also add sis has probably scrubbed this board of more undesirables and agents in any given year than pretty much the rest of us combined. So yeah, whether u rock with her or not, no one can deny she is not just one of our greatest natural resources as a men, but as an online community as well. I dont see how anyone could argue against this fact in good faith)

Yeah sis can be brutal when confronting idiocy and generally shytty takes, but does that really negate all the decency and loyalty she has shown, to us and this site?:what:
You're obviously not paying enough attention then, or you carefully curating this image for him as an ulterior motive.

Sis doesn't go hard for anyone else but himself.

It feels like I'm in the Twilight Zone reading this post, as if everything you're saying runs contrary to what is actually happening. You're a 2022 poster, which means there's a good chance you're part of this influx of infiltrators that have snuck their way in. It probably even speaks more to that point where you're acting as an authority, looking from this grand view of what has gone on and are privy to all her exchanges, yet you've only been here since May of this year.

Y'all ain't slick.
Now thanks to sis, i always try to get all the facts before i form an opinion and comment on a thread. And as such am less likely to get my blood pressure up just to end up looking foolish.
Oh, yeah, you differently on the cover up posting this shyt.
