Hey Nicole. An Open Challenge.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
The three posters who have just popped up in this thread defending him, all joined this site this year. Need I say anymore?

Defending? Simply put if you think Nicole is a transexual, why are you so focused on interacting with her? If you don't like her like that, why do you feel the need to continue seeking out her responses. You say it is definitely not like that, but really it definitely looks like that.

A lot of times, you guys are @ her for no damn reason but to rile her up. If you want to point out where she is wrong about an issue or disagree, then there is nothing wrong with that. But this incessant need to dig at her, when you guys say she is an actual dude, exposes you too, unless you are actually into transexuals and hope that is the case for her. It also does not help your cases when she can bring up DMs of you guys talking to her all nice, and then turn angry when you do not seem to get the responses you desire. I personally think a normal well adjusted person really would not care what that person is, if they really do not like that person in the first place.

So again, what is the point in all of this? Why even return to respond to a thread like this, if all you want to do is dig at her? It looks obsessive, and that is the assessment I am still going with concerning this, since you have not said anything in this thread that proves it is not.
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Apr 30, 2012
@c00n Scott-Heruin finally logged the fuk out from his 24-48 hour coli binge to take a shower and a nap

This is basically @Nicole0416_718_929_646212, in a nutshell.

Notice how he didn't directly tag or quote me, but took a shot from afar to give off the appearance he's fighting back, all because he thinks an audience is in attendance. When dig, only just yesterday he tagged me multiple times, quoted my posts (I'd say roughly 50 of them) and referenced countless posts of mine dating back years, searching up keywords with my username in it, trying to expose me.

And he did this completely unprovoked.

It wasn't a case of him defending himself against a personal attack, it was him getting lost in his gimmick of feeling the need to expose folks at random.

Now, suddenly all that energy he had yesterday has dissipated once he realizes someone is calling him out on his bullshyt, and then re-runs the same gimmick on different posters who aren't putting up any resistance.

Watch him continue to prove me right, by not addressing me directly, and even popping back up in this thread taking shots at other posters at random.
Apr 30, 2012
Defending? Simply put if you think Nicole is a transexual, why are you so focused on interacting with her? If you don't like her like that, why do you feel the need to continue seeking out her responses. You say it is definitely not like that, but really it definitely looks like that.
Again, you're not privy to how this started, so there's no use trying to make out like you know what is going on.
A lot of times, you guys are @ her for no damn reason but to rile her up. If you want to point out where she is wrong about an issue or disagree, I then there is nothing wrong with that. But this incessant need to dig at her, when you guys say she is an actual dude, exposes you too, unless you are actually into transexuals and hope that is the case for her. It also does not help your cases when she can bring up DMs of you guys talking to her all nice, and then turn angry when you do not seem to get the responses you desire. I personally think a normal well adjusted person really would not care what that person is, if they really do not like that person in the first place.

So again, what is the point in all of this? Why even return to respond to a thread like this, if all you want to do is dig at her? It looks obsessive, and that is the assessment I am still going with concerning this, since you have not said anything in this thread that proves it is not.
He initiates almost all of these interactions. You only see folks fighting back, and then he plays the victim to garner sympathy, as if he didn't do anything wrong.

It's the gimmick he's been running for years now.

Take it from someone who's been here since day one, and up until just yesterday has not engaged with him, but has been watching from afar.

You have this picture in your head that because a thread like this has been made that folks are targeting him, when in actuality he started shyt in another thread with them. There's a reason why he has created more enemies for himself than anyone else on this board, and why the majority of his posting activity is trying to expose people. You've only been here for a few months, so I wouldn't exactly expect you to understand what has gone over the last half a decade; you shouldn't act like you're some omniscient presence to take the position you have.

Low End Derrick

May 8, 2014
This beef yall got with Nicole is tired asf. Mainly cause it seems based on ego. Ive never seen her post anything worthy of all the hate she gets. Sis goes hard for us, doesnt wench, denounces and calls out all forms of ratchetry.(edit: i should also add sis has probably scrubbed this board of more undesirables and agents in any given year than pretty much the rest of us combined. So yeah, whether u rock with her or not, no one can deny she is not just one of our greatest natural resources as a men, but as an online community as well. I dont see how anyone could argue against this fact in good faith)

Yeah sis can be brutal when confronting idiocy and generally shytty takes, but does that really negate all the decency and loyalty she has shown, to us and this site?:what:

There was a bait thread many of us fell for. So naturally sis wasnt lettting the bullshyt narrative fly, did her due diligence and debunked the narrative. Being understandably frustrated how quick we were to just roll with said narrative, she rightfully went in a little on those of us who didnt bother to do our homework before posting.

But instead of getting in my feelings and taking it personally, i simply dapped sis up, and admit how foolish i felt just taking a random twitter bird with a clear agenda's word as gospel. I mean, that is how i felt. I goofed up and had to eat my words. Not Nicole's fault. In fact if it wasnt for her, i may have never even known. And guess what? Sis was cool asf about it. Dapped me back up, commended me for taking accountability and i cant remember for sure but im pretty sure she, or someone repped me as well.

Everyone makes mistakes, the wise thing to do is to learn from those mistakes, and that is how we grow as people. Now thanks to sis, i always try to get all the facts before i form an opinion and comment on a thread. And as such am less likely to get my blood pressure up just to end up looking foolish.

Edit:Thanks @Nicole0416_718_929_646212 rep incoming just gotta find 25 posts worthy of rep besides the usual sensible posters.

This....could take a while. Just bear with me sis. Thanks again though for being a voice of reason. :salute:i know what a thankless endeavor that can be.

I have no idea why some of you are determined to get her riled up. You can disagree with her and point out where you feel she is wrong when she posts on a subject, but this need to make threads about her seems pretty obsessive to me. Then I see her post DMs some of you have sent her, and it all seems like the obsession some of you have is born out of some twisted desire for her. That may not actually be the case, but that is the image a lot of this seems to my older eyes.

If she is that much of a thorn to you, it is pretty simple to just pass over her posts. Creating these threads and sending @ seeking out confrontations with her seems very off to me and quite a bit juvenile.


Joined - May 25, 2022

Apr 30, 2012
Apr 3, 2014
This beef yall got with Nicole is tired asf. Mainly cause it seems based on ego. Ive never seen her post anything worthy of all the hate she gets. Sis goes hard for us, doesnt wench, denounces and calls out all forms of ratchetry.(edit: i should also add sis has probably scrubbed this board of more undesirables and agents in any given year than pretty much the rest of us combined. So yeah, whether u rock with her or not, no one can deny she is not just one of our greatest natural resources as a men, but as an online community as well. I dont see how anyone could argue against this fact in good faith)

Yeah sis can be brutal when confronting idiocy and generally shytty takes, but does that really negate all the decency and loyalty she has shown, to us and this site?:what:

There was a bait thread many of us fell for. So naturally sis wasnt lettting the bullshyt narrative fly, did her due diligence and debunked the narrative. Being understandably frustrated how quick we were to just roll with said narrative, she rightfully went in a little on those of us who didnt bother to do our homework before posting.

But instead of getting in my feelings and taking it personally, i simply dapped sis up, and admit how foolish i felt just taking a random twitter bird with a clear agenda's word as gospel. I mean, that is how i felt. I goofed up and had to eat my words. Not Nicole's fault. In fact if it wasnt for her, i may have never even known. And guess what? Sis was cool asf about it. Dapped me back up, commended me for taking accountability and i cant remember for sure but im pretty sure she, or someone repped me as well.

Everyone makes mistakes, the wise thing to do is to learn from those mistakes, and that is how we grow as people. Now thanks to sis, i always try to get all the facts before i form an opinion and comment on a thread. And as such am less likely to get my blood pressure up just to end up looking foolish.

Edit:Thanks @Nicole0416_718_929_646212 rep incoming just gotta find 25 posts worthy of rep besides the usual sensible posters.

This....could take a while. Just bear with me sis. Thanks again though for being a voice of reason. :salute:i know what a thankless endeavor that can be.

Who is this class of 2022 clown? :gucci:

Lay Z

May 24, 2022
Who is this class of 2022 clown? :gucci:

Yeah, this is definitely not the case, at all. It's more to the contrary.

He is the one who initiates all this, and becomes obsessive, just look at all the posts that have come after yours. He goes out of his way to expose posters for absolutely no other reason than to troll and incite confrontation, and does it in a dishonest manner where he takes whatever folks post out of context to create the hysteria of them being exposed. It's why he just spams quotes and quotes to give off the appearance like it's damaging without any regard to detailing exactly why it is or given any appropriate context.

His entire gimmick is just calling out posters out at random, and then pushing them to see how much resistance he gets back. If you notice he'll go extra hard at those who don't defend themselves or call him out for his own bullshyt, but the minute you fight back, the crickets come out. It's your standard typical bully behavior; loudest voice in the room when he perceives nobody is a threat, but then goes quiet once he's stepped to.

You're obviously not paying enough attention then, or you carefully curating this image for him as an ulterior motive.

Sis doesn't go hard for anyone else but himself.

It feels like I'm in the Twilight Zone reading this post, as if everything you're saying runs contrary to what is actually happening. You're a 2022 poster, which means there's a good chance you're part of this influx of infiltrators that have snuck their way in. It probably even speaks more to that point where you're acting as an authority, looking from this grand view of what has gone on and are privy to all her exchanges, yet you've only been here since May of this year.

Y'all ain't slick.

Oh, yeah, you differently on the cover up posting this shyt.

Yeah im not gonna argue with yall, or the other niney eleven posters who have sworn holy war on her for whatever various reasons. Yall wanna waste ur energy feuding with an anonymous poster on one of the last great spaces we have to congregate and kick it with minimal cac bullshyt, then have fun. If she has committed some heinous atrocity that warrants all this headache and negativity maybe i missed it. Feel free to share.

Otherwise, life is short, and im not trying to argue with @Another Man, or simp on any females. One is more than enough excitement, and i can see all the new p*ssy i want on the internet without any of the stress. Which is just one of many activities i would rather engage in online than silly arguments with anonymous folks who i will never meet.

Sorry if i offended anyone, this shyt is just silly and played out. GSH, i dont follow ur posts like that, so i cant speak on u.

LED, well, at the risk of invoking a life long grudge against me, i dont care for most of ur takes. Nothing personal, just a series of differing viewpoints and ideology. I wish u no ill will though. In fact, i wish u well pleighboy. Just gotta agree to disagree.

Neo, i actually fukk with most of ur views and opinions. Outside the nicole thing i believe u are good peoples. And i also believe u are above this hostility and grudgery and hate to see u indulge in it, and would love to see yall squash this. But thats between yall. Even if yall cant be cool, i still hate to see this side of u. Take it from someone who spent way too much of his youth and energy on people i feel have slighted me one way or another, like i said, life is short. And every second u spend on people u dont care for is a second wasted that u will never get back. But they are ur seconds, use them how u see fit. Jus sayin is all.

Apr 3, 2014
Yeah im not gonna argue with yall, or the other niney eleven other posters who have sworn holy war on her for whatever various reasons. Yall wanna waste ur energy feuding with an anonymous poster on one of the last great spaces we have to congregate and kick it with minimal cac bullshyt, then have fun. If she has committed some heinous atrocity that warrants all this headache and negativity maybe i missed it. Feel free to share.

Otherwise, life is short, and im not trying to argue with @Another Man, or simp on any females. One is more than enough excitement, and i can see all the new p*ssy i want on the internet without any of the stress. Which is just one of many activities i would rather engage in online than silly arguments with anonymous folks who i will never meet.

Sorry if i offended anyone, this shyt is just silly and played out. GSH, i dont follow ur posts like that, so i cant speak on u.

LED, well, at the risk of invoking a life long grudge against me, i dont care for most of ur takes. Nothing personal, just a series of differing viewpoints and ideology. I wish u no ill will though. In fact, i wish u well pleighboy. Just gotta agree to disagree.

Neo, i actually fukk with most of ur views and opinions. Outside the nicole thing i believe u are good peoples. And i also believe u are above this hostility and grudgery and hate to see u indulge in it, and would love to see yall squash this. But thats between yall. Even if yall cant be cool, i still hate to see this side of u. Take it from someone who spent way too much of his youth and energy on people i feel have slighted me one way or another, like i said, life is short. And every second u spend on people u dont care for is a second wasted that u will never get back. But they are ur seconds, use them how u see fit. Jus sayin is all.


Go to sleep, it's almost 5 am, you simping clown. :mjtf:

Yall 2022 posters are WOAT :snoop:

Lay Z

May 24, 2022
Go to sleep, it's almost 5 am, you simping clown. :mjtf:

Yall 2022 posters are WOAT :snoop:
Im good. I slept better than i usually do. There will be plenty of time to sleep when im dead. Thanks for ur concern though :salute:

As for the simping, are u saying u dont think she will fly out to fukk me for being nice to her on a message board?:lupe:

Good grief ive been a fool! Let me go make a hate thread right now! :pacspit:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
@Nicole0416_718_929_646212 what it do love? You catching Halloween Ends next week? You also gotta watch The Barbarian and Smile
Word. It’s all on the list. I’m watching the new Hellraiser - Hulu this weekend. Waiting for Smile and Barbarians to drop on streams. I can NOT wait until Halloween Ends, been counting this down since last year. 🥳


All Star
Jun 10, 2012
Word. It’s all on the list. I’m watching the new Hellraiser - Hulu this weekend. Waiting for Smile and Barbarians to drop on streams. I can NOT wait until Halloween Ends, been counting this down since last year. 🥳
Have you seen Alice? It just dropped on my streaming app. Might watch that tonight