In super hero movies. Why do the villains always try to kill the hero with the mostplan they come up with??
Why didn't Bane just kill Batman instead? He would have succeeded in destroying gotham then.
Interesting enough, in our world of mere mortals... we all do shyt that defies human logic.
People smoke cigarettes knowing it kills them. People fukk with no rubber with the most random nasty people. People sit on their couch being lazy complaining about why life isn't prosperous knowing that if they applied themselves they could potentially be the biggest success.
They don't do what is logical.
In the comic book world, that same human flaw is probably exemplified by %1000. Just like strength and other forms of intelligence. When a villain has a superhero in his clutches and that super hero's death is imminent...
The ego and level un almost sheer exctasy of actually having said hero in such a vunerable spot has to be reveled in. It has to be savored...and by that time... The superhero has foudn a way out and thrwarts the plan.
The best analogy of this in our world?
When you are fukking with no condom...the p*ssy gets to a point where it is so good... and every logical bone is telling you to pull out...but the feeling is nirvana like and you keep telling yourself one more thrust...
What do alot of people do? They do the illogical.