Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
People applauded after Django and Kill Bill 1 for me
People applauded after Django and Kill Bill 1 for me
After The Dark Knight. As soon as the credits came up, a CAC jumped up And yelled out, "Thank god we're still alive "
It happened in The Dark Knight and Avengers when I went to see them. Why not give head to another man in the theater? We paid our money and enjoyed ourselves.
As a white person I must say this is a white people thing. I remember everyone clapping at the end of Pearl Harbor and I wanted to shout "they can't hear you, you're clapping for noone."
the first movie i ever saw in the states was 'air force one'. as the credits rolled, everyone stood up, started cheering and clapping and yelling "U-S-A! U-S-A!". fukking hilarious.