Has anyone really stopped talking to one of their parents for a long amount of time?


Hope there's puddin' in the clink...
May 18, 2012
Districto de Columbia
And what's up with people saying "oh i called my ma she didn't pick up...so i don't call no more"..... as if you and your parents are on the same standing. parents EXPECT their kids to take the initiative to make contact.....it is inappropriate to expect your parents to chase you around to talk.....you're a grown up now, show your parents some appreciation. they not your homies, they your damn parents.

I feel where you are coming from. My boy is going this as well. His situation: Just imagine this tho.....Pops passes and you take it upon yourself to bring the family closer and maintain so things don't dissolve into Bolivia. You call your mother every Sunday (bright and early) to just say hello and hear her voice and want to tell her this too to avoid any "gray" area. In addition to that, you email her, you IM her now that she is up on the technology and you text her (you taught her how to use it) and you get absolutely NOTHING. You go and visit her only to be met with a "no answer" at the intercom. NO return calls, No return emails and NO return texts/ IMs. The fukk are you supposed to do.

6 months come and go.....

Bu bu bu but you hear that she speaks to the other kids? In addition to that, she gives the kids messages to give to you and not tell you herself. shyt is shifty. As an adult, tell a nikka what the deal is. You can handle it. With that, he's KIM and focused on other things. No time for them shenanigans!

Bu bu bu but now that it is in her mnd that you are not going to call for any reason, she want to call on the humble and ask "forced" questions and ignore your 6 month hiatus.:comeon: Guilt is a muthafukka!!!


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Well not a really long time but they (especially my mom) complains that I don't call her enough. :yeshrug:

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
some of yall are trippin....my pops died when i was 7 so i never really got to experience the whole father thing.....i make sure moms is good every week, especially with me being the oldest of 3. .

but yeah you guys are gonna regret it when they are gone.......

Haven't talked to my father in about 5 years. He basically chose not to be part of my or my brother and sister's life when he picked up and left my mom and moved halfway around the world to start a new family. On the other hand, I'm real close to my moms because of it and talk to her a few times a week. In fact I'm gonna go there tomorrow and get some home cooking inside me :lawd:

I rarely see my mom, maybe once every 5 years if that. We talk on the phone maybe a few times a year, however she's practically out of my life. :manny:
no homo* i'd hug u all


Jun 27, 2012
talk to my mom nearly every day... my dad was nearly every day too.



Suits 2 for $99
Jun 1, 2012
I was informed that my Mom passed away over three months after the fact.

Talk to my pops every week though.


May 2, 2012
You nikkas keep on fukking around and not calling your parents your gonna end up like Larry:ld:

[ame=http://youtu.be/IqGN6aWKYUI]Curb Your Enthusiasm - Larry gets bad news - YouTube[/ame]


May 6, 2012
So what's the reason why u don't talk 2 your pops? What's the issue?

yeah my pops...It was stupid though. At the end of the day, he provided for my brothers and sister. He did his job. I had no reason to feel some type of way cus he never felt some type of way when he had to get up in the morning to take care of us. Alot stuff that I done in the past was stupid. I appreciate them both.

I havent talked to my dad in 3 yrs , nicca remember he had a son and wanted to build a relationship when i was 25yrs living on my own, I told him it was too late he wasnt there when I needed him to guide me

You can't be f***ing serious?

This is your damn father were talking about, the one who made you, raised you, clothed you, fed you etc and you can't even pick up a damn phone? :what:

I couldn't imagine how heartbreaking it would be for me if my son practically ignored me after he moved out. This s*** should be a crime 4 real

:wtf: You people are disgusting. I talk to my moms atleast once a day and i'm at her crib every Sunday eating. I chill with my pops atleast once every couple of weeks. Me and my parents are very close and my mom is my everything. These are the people that gave your weird muhfukkas life, the least you could do is check on them and tell them you love them as much as possible.

As much as i understand where some of you are coming from, everyone's situation ain't as clear cut as that. I love my family to death and I couldn't fathom the thought of not speaking to my moms for x years. My dad is a totally different story as we're both apathetic towards each other. Y'all gotta understand that everyone's situation ain't the same. Some people got hurt by their parents, some it would probably take a death for them to realize their loss, and then there's some who even death won't phase them. Everyone's pain threshold or ability to handle it ain't the same. That's just how it is.


We could easily play the "I'm your first child/oldest/only boy/girl" card

Parents need to stop usin' "I took care of you" as an excuse to mistreat their children...especially once we become adults

I thought parents did that because they loved us...

By the responses in this quotes and just the thread in general you can see how different the mindsets of each person is. Some people feel that your forever in debt to your parents just because they had sex at one point and created you. Others see it further that if they were there for you you owe it to them. Whilst others feel that the parents just did their job etc,

My reasoning or my attempts to rationalize arent/werent easy. This is many years in the making. I will attempt to say it in a way that makes sense (if possible).

My pops was there. Always was, but he's a business first type of man. I remember when I was like 2 or 3 it was the only time in my life I ever saw him work. I say work because at that time he had just started his own business and has owned it and runs it and still does. Other than just providing, making sure I had a full stomach and clean clothes, handling the 'business' as I call or or the just responsibilities, I dont feel I had a connection with him at all. He did more than make sure I was fed, clothed and sheltered, I was enrolled in sports throughout my life and even went to Disney World for a family reunion. So on the outside it looked like I was just a normal kid.

I started to see at a young age, maybe 11 from when I would go over to friends house and the relationship they would have with their pops. Their pops would 'talk' to them and joke with them and it was more than just the bare responsibilities of being a parent.

Real talk I dont ever in my life remember hugging or being hugged by my pops. Ive shaken his hand like ive done the person at the bank or a job interview but when I was down and out like a kid gets, he never put his arm around me and told me everything was going to be ok.

The extent of all of our conversations from 7th grade to graduation were about my grades and if im passing or why did my teacher call, or where was my report card, how come I got a C when I could have shouldnt have been playin nintendo and gotten an A or B...the nikka was never 'interested' in me. I know he was lookin out cause he didnt want me to fail school and be a dummy or a bum. But because he was always on my back about school I didnt give a shyt for about 2 years whether I passed or failed.

I was about 13/14 when I made a decision, (pops always said to stand by your word) my word was if our relationship doesnt change by the time I graduate or shortly after then its over. It was such a business type relationship, I still played sports and did shyt throughout high school, I just stopped telling him when the games were and shyt because I didnt want him there. He was never the type to ask about what girls I was seeing or interested in but quick to say "Dont be out there fukkin with those white girls" or "How come your always with (insert homies name) and never with a girl ya'll aint fakkits are you?" That one always made me go :stopitslime: cause I think it was his way of inquiring who I was seeing or what not.

I dont know, the only way I can attempt to rationalize it was that me being the 4th kid he was burned out. My oldest brother is 12 years older than me so by the time I came he had been to all the sports practices and games, he had done it all and seen it all and just seemed to be going through the parenting motions with me.

He taught me mad independence, I cant hate on him for that, he didnt do it to be mean but to show me how the world works. He straight up said Im not gonna buy you a car because you wont appreciate it. I thought he was cheap at the time, but when I saved up 2g and bought my own whip, I babied the hell out of it, took wayyy better care of it cause that was my money. So in a way father does know best. But like I said, I still see it today when I kick it with my friends and we meet up with their pops, they have normal conversations and shyt, but it isnt new they didnt just start having those conversations after they graduated HS or college. They've always had them. They have all these inside jokes and shyt. When I graduated HS I damn near had to tell my pops I told you so, I told him time and time again I was gonna graduate and i'd take care of it, but no matter many times we had the same arguement about grades and progress reports and shyt. He was like a boss that gets on you about stats or sales or some shyt, like damn I know what the fukk im doing, let me do me and you do you.

But yea, after I graduated and I moved out, it was like when you resign respectfully from a job, put in a two weeks and just bounce. We've got nothing in common, nothin to talk about. it just is what it is. If my life has any consolation then it shows that being a parent is more that just feeding, clothing, sheltering and be present. Sure I saw the nikka every day but other than just passin by him when we were under the same roof, the result of a lot of our interactions left a negative impact on me. I mean shyt, I saw the mailman 5 days a week and he would ask how I was doing, or the guy at the barbershop would say something like "man your growin up fast etc"

Its damn near too late. If I ever do have a kid, I wouldnt want them to meet my pops because shyt, they aint gonna know more about him than I am. Its just all fukked up.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Nah bruh. U got it wrong. Some parents treat their kids like shhyt and take for granted the relationship they have. They use the "u only have 1 parent" as a scapegoat to treat people badly" and that ain't cool.

Nah bruh, I got it right. You need to re-read my post because it doesn't contradict what you've just said here.


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
My pops was there. Always was, but he's a business first type of man. I remember when I was like 2 or 3 it was the only time in my life I ever saw him work. I say work because at that time he had just started his own business and has owned it and runs it and still does. Other than just providing, making sure I had a full stomach and clean clothes, handling the 'business' as I call or or the just responsibilities, I dont feel I had a connection with him at all. He did more than make sure I was fed, clothed and sheltered, I was enrolled in sports throughout my life and even went to Disney World for a family reunion. So on the outside it looked like I was just a normal kid.

Your father reminds me of mine during his divorce (we stayed with dad and mom left)

In short; he was dealin' with too much drama (a lot of his own doin') to really care about how we (3 of us) were doin', but, our livelihood never suffered

My father gets on my nerves, because he uses that as an excuse to do dirt and expects more favor than my mother (who I could stand to, also, have a better relationship with), when it was suppose to be about love

My philosophy on parenting (relative to the OP) is; you take care of your children, beacause, you love them

They owe you nothing, but, respect--they didn't ask to be born

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Nah bruh, I got it right. You need to re-read my post because it doesn't contradict what you've just said here.

I went back and re-read your post. I guess we are agreeing? But I think that you are limiting the reasons for a kid to not speak to their parents. Basiclly I took from your post is that in the situations of child molestation or havin a mom like dmx's mom are the only 2 reasons that a child should have to not speak to their parents. And I'm saying that it just doesn't stop at those 2 reasons. There are many other reasons or factors that come in to play. My point was that many parents use the parental relationship as a buffer or a built in excuse/reason to treat their children like shytt. Because in my case that's exactly what my mom said to me when I wasn't talkin to her. She said " I can't believe u would treat your own mother like this and not talk to me" I'm like I can't believe u would treat your son like that. She was stuck without anything to say.

I think people in anybody in a family relationship , whether it be mother/father, child/parent, siblings, cousins whatever the case maybe should treat eachother with the utmost respect and honor. Once one individual crosses the line and decides to disrespect the other one, u can't blame the person who was hurt or disrespected for not speaking to person 1. I hope ur following me.

People should ultimatley be responsible and accountable for their actions, regardless of the relationships dynamic. U treat somebody like shyyt, then u should excpect them to react negatively. That's the bottom line. I think it was much better/more apropriate to not speak to my mom rather than cuss her out


May 4, 2012
I went without speaking to my father for a year after he put me out, we reconciled within the past month tho and we're all good :smugdraper:
Thats my nikka :to:

As for my mother, we went about a year without speaking when I got into trouble once (at age 15), I didn't really care tho bcuz I didnt live with her much so she had absolutely zero influence on my life :manny: Then another year, the same year my father and I weren't speaking.
But as I mature, I understand the importance of family and try to make things as peaceful as they're going to get between us.