Has anyone really stopped talking to one of their parents for a long amount of time?

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
talk about my father about once a week. I love and respect that man until my last breath..

My mother is in her second childhood and I don't really mess with her like that, the things a 50 year old woman can do to just her children the:mindblown: is astounding


May 17, 2012
the internet
I dont talk to my mom as much as I should.

I know its bad, but for one I hate the phone...also, we are just different people. Actually that whole side of the family I just dont mess w/ that much. Half are in and out of jail, the other half are in church every week...both institutions I dont understand.
Ill call her tomorrow and see whats up because of this thread though.

I should know better because me and my dad kinda had a falling out. I hadnt talked to him in like a year or two...well, next time I saw him he was in a wheel chair and dying. I spent nearly everyday w/ him from then on out for the next few years till he died.
My pops is the one I am most alike...and was the reason we had tiffs at time. I do regret that time we didnt talk because there is a lot I still wanted to talk to him about, and I think at the age I am at now we would have had an even better relationship.

But thats life...and I learned a lot in that process.


rill rill
Oct 14, 2012
Probably not. We were more likely to argue for days on end, seeing as how we lived under the same roof until I was 20. But there was always some form of communication going on.


May 7, 2012
Harlem, Uganda
I know a guy who stopped talking to his dad and his dad would always look for him after the son cut off all contact, dad never gave up and kept persuading him to return home. The son refused.

the dad died shortly and at the funeral I saw the son crying....smh

you're not gonna have ur parents forever, make the best of today.


May 2, 2012
South Sacramento
Had a falling out with my pops in 2000. nikka took me away from my mom in 88. I never saw or talked to her again... found out she died of cancer in 06. Dude stole my insurance check when I got hit by a car. Accused me of identity theft, and never apologized. Thought I had something to do with a murder and called the cops on me.

A whole bunch of other shyt too. I don't need it. Ima see him tomorrow for the first time in years at my nephew's graduation. It will be the first time he's seeing his grand daughter.


Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos
I don't talk to any of my family. Nothing happened, I don't hate them or anything...I just have absolutely nothing in common with them.

We would have nothing to talk about.


Aug 12, 2012
Single mothers are extremely annoyingly clingy and if your a son treat you as a surrogate husband. Its sad.

That is all


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
Well I can't imagine not talking to my moms, she passed a while ago but I talked to her at least once every week and whenever I had something real going on in my life she was normally the only person I talked to about it.

Me and my dad had a lil falling out not long after my mom passed and we were shaky for a couple of years but now we good. Dude can be an a$$hole and kinda slick but he stayed with my mom and took care of me and my sister the whole time so I gotta give him his props for that. Also he is my kids G-pa and my kids love him to death so I wouldn't let any petty personal issues get in the way of their relationships. Also as I get older I realize I'm alot like him and he still be lacing me with game time to time.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
:pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:Have not seen them since the end of 2004, last spoke to my mom 7 months ago, but i stopped because i had called her several times but i never got 1 return call from her, so fukk her, my dad have not spoken with him in over 10 years, he can eat a dikk 2 face piece of trash.

Commander in Chiefin

Passing blunts and bills $$$
May 1, 2012
Green Party
I moved out of my parents house senior of high school because of my mom. So for awhile I didn't talk to my mom other than "Hi, is dad home/put dad on the phone". Then when I got engaged, she wanted to make nice and put on the act of the loving mother. Began speaking with her more but still kept her at arms length. When I got divorced she took it really hard because of some shyt my ex said to her about me "having demons", so my mom blamed herself for being a bad mother. Kind of got a little closer after that but over the years it began to deteriorate again. The woman has serious issues that she will never admit to or address. I think it's the way she was raised because her entire side of the fam is factured and rarely speak. On the other hand, my pops calls me every week and promotes healthy communication. Sometimes he can be a little annoying but I know that is because he cares so much. I honestly don't know what I am going to do when he passes :to:


Mar 21, 2013
Probably won't talking to my "male parent" for a long time. I refuse to even acknowledge it's presence anymore. Hatred just doesn't cover it.

I didn't realize it until recently but he's spent his whole life basically belittling and bullying me. The nikka wouldn't even let me play football when I was a kid and never explained why (more on this in a second), and whenever I was getting punked out by kids at school, he would threaten to beat me up if I got in trouble. Told me to just go tell the teachers, but we all know how that shyt works. So I'd risk my lumps anyway just to keep my rep up at school.

I also didn't realize that my biggest bully, was never other kids but him. He'd never bother to explain anything to me even as I grew into adulthood, constantly treated me like a fukking baby (I'm in my 20s) and everytime you'd try to get to know him as a person, he'd just shut you down. Like there was no persona beyond "the father figure", shyt got me heated.

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the physical threats and violence. That shyt came to an though when he was pissed off about my not having a job (I got laid off so I had to live with my parents for a bit). One night, dude just decides to touch off an incident over nothing (was bytching at me about the way I was making food). Was trying to be calm and explain the situation to him that I wasn't going to burn down his house because he was getting hyped that I might fukk up and burn the house down somehow (:wtf:).

I said, "Wait, I've never burned down the house in all my 21 years, why would I start now?" His response? "CAUSE IT'S MY HOSUE!" And that right there pretty much tells you all you need to know about our relationship. He never felt the need to explain himself on anything (I can understand this as a kid, but this shyt doesn't fly when you're older) and would constantly feel the need to assert his authority over you physically or verbally. If he wasn't doing that, then he would essentially baby talk you with nicknames that you'd give a fukking three year old. He never grew with me through the years, we (my brother and I) were always babies in his eyes. I didn't mind it at first, but as I've gornw through the years, I've realized how much of a problem I've got with it because it symbolizes just how much he goes out of his way to belittle you while not making any effort to get to know you as a pesron. Add into that, you were always in the wrong no matter what. Even when he was completely in the wrong, and you'd call him out on it, he'd beat you anyway for "talking back". In our house, it wasn't cursing that was wrong, saying "no" was just as bad (which is hyporitical as fukk considering that he'd curse like a sailor).

On this particular night, I'd had enough. So dude steps to me threatening to call the cops and threatening to throw me out of the house (over nothing, I might add), and the whole time, I'm looking at him like, "I would love to see you try. :youngsabo:"

My mom is watching from the sidelines, and she's siding with me because he knows that it was wrong for him to start this incident. Meanwhile, while this is going on, he turns to my mom and cries (yes, literally CRIES) to her about how I'm being disrespectful (yeah, nevermind the fact that this nikka started this shyt), so he finally steps to me for the last time threatening to kick my ass...now in previous years this might have worked, but a nikka got his swole on in the last five years. So I'm pushing about 235-240 pretty muscular and he's gotten :flabbynsick: like most old men, and rather than do what he would expect me to do, or what he had gotten used to me doing as a kid, which was cowering in fear, I step back to him and say, "DO SOMETHIN THEN, bytch! :birdman:" I was mad heated and ready to throw and give him a little of what he's deserved all these years.

He again, backs off and starts crying about how I'm being disrespectful. shyt was plain hilarious, the logic in the situation.

Well, a few weeks later, I end up getting a job or two and moving out and we haven't spoken since. It's been about four months now.

As of yet, he's offered no apology, or even a "my bad" or even taken responsibilty for what happened. To him, it was about being "disrespespected" which is bullshyt considering that I didn't do shyt wrong in the first place. He'd have a point if I was some criminal, bringing trouble into his house, but that wasn't the case fo rme. I was just looking to lay low for a while until I got back on my feet, which I did.

Normally, my mom has to guide him into an apology whenever he goes overboard, but being fed up with his bullshyt, she left him on his own, and sure enough, he can't even admit that he fukked up. My mom put it best when she told me, "he probably thinks what he did was right".

Well, as it turns out, he was pissed about me not having a job (and trust me, I was trying...I'm no deadbeat), but rather than talk about it like normal people, dude always bottles things up, and then let's them loose in the worst possible way (yelling, insults, threats, physical beatings, intimidation, etc). Rather than talk about his disagreements sensibly, but that's never been his M.O.

It's really hard to describe this kind of logic and behavior, but I'm cool with just calling him retarded and leaving it at that.

So yeah, fukk him. I hope I never have to see an eye or an ear of that piece of shyt ever again. Good riddance.