I agree brother. Thank you for understanding where I'm coming from. That's all I was saying. When trying to date at a certain age, it's hard to find an equal match. I'm an educated, professional Black man. I need a woman who I can relate to and who is somewhat on my level. Someone who is mature and has her stuff together, mentally and financially. Someone who is not bitter, argumentative, or emotionally scarred. That's ALL the premise of the OP is/was.I'm 34 and I quit dating at about age 28. It's a waste of my time. It felt like dumpster diving. I at least wanted a woman with her own place, own car, college educated, making a minimum of $50,000 a year annually, no kids. At my age that's impractical. At the very least you're gonna be taking on someone else's kid or kids. I probably should have been more diligent about finding a woman in my 20s.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I don't get into all of that which is cute/ugly because everything is beautiful its humans that make things ugly.
Now on what people consider ugly, a woman going to run her game to keep a man, what she lacks in looks she'll make up in other areas, but those areas could be superficial, she's just this way to keep you, but that not might be the real her, only you know the answer to that.
You're right I don't really know her that well yet tbh but you know how when you meet a girl and you let certain things slide or you ignore maybe red (or yellow) flags because of the potential? Well I haven't had to do that yet, which is nice.
other races teach their daughters to be wives. black women are not taught that.Black men are expected ti date any old black women. We are not allowed to have standards.
Expecting hot black girls not to treat us like shyt is too much to ask.
In fact, according to many women, it's downright "misogynoir" when a professional black man wants a 8 or 9 level bottle girl type. It's OK for other groups of men not to entertain below a 8 when they make 70k+ but we must downscale.
We all have ti be content with levels of women no other race of man must eternally endure. Or so I'm told.
I can't say I relate to you, OP. Well maybe I can, but the difference between you and me is that you're more grown with experience, plus the child.
While I never really had dated anyone before, most of the time I feel like the right chick for me aint out there. Sometimes I think to myself what if I was older. Will I have a family? What my partner will be like? Could I be able to take care of myself and others? But then again, I feel like realistically, Id be still single and just do me. There are times I wonder if Im really missing much from not being in a relationship, but then again, this thread for an example. People can be fickle. Even me at times. I can't deal with too much of that. I get annoyed easily, so me being with a woman wouldn't be wonderful as it seems. It must be really tough just go from one relationship, to another, to another, to another then still hope theres another woman out there that'll definitely stay. It takes a lot of effort.
Butto you for being able to take care of yourself and your kid, OP. I know being a single parent can be hard.
I work at DCFS. I'm a social worker. In my spare time, I hit the gym, read, and watch movies. I don't really go out like that because I consistently work 70 plus hours a week and my job is physically and mentally exhausting. Why do you ask breh?
I'm not sure of your age breh, but take advantage of your youth and choose wisely when choosing a mate. Dating as an older breh is more difficult because all of the women in your age range have so much bitterness and emotional baggage due to all of their failed relationships and being involved with the wrong me. So they don't really know how to give or receive love properly because they're so hurt. That's my current dating issue. Finding a woman who is an optimist and not scarred by her dating past. Younger women, for the most part, aren't inflicted with these issues....
That 70 hr work schedule might have alot to do with it. That limits the amount of time you have to meet women. But on the bright side, you are a social worker, I'm guessing you meet new people everyday traveling around your city, or are you in the office mostly?
There could also be opportunities to meet women and cold approach in passing (grocery store, going to the bank, gas station, at the gym, etc etc)
Im 23, breh. Women my age are either lookin for ruff necks or "mature" men.
While that's happening, even though Im young, I know should be a better man. No chick is really checking for an Asocial dude with no dating experience, awkward and no car.My chances could had been better in High School maybe
Sounds like you're putting a hell of a lot of pressure on yourself.
I at least wanted a woman with her own place, own car, college educated, making a minimum of $50,000 a year annually, no kids. At my age that's impractical.