Hard on Hoes Part 16: Chicago Public School Addition


Dec 31, 2012
He should have restrained her. Plain and simple. He let his pride get in the way. These are young kids, young men are going to see that and think that it's okay especially if those young men don't have role models in their lives to tell them that's not how you go about an situation.


Jul 15, 2012
:beli: You comparing a 5th grader to a jr high kid, and you just admitted you barely could handle the 5th grader and she was not attacking you in the same manner as in this video. I gurantee that. If she was a LITTLE bigger and dd start getting the best of you, what then lady? If she managed to overpower you and get ontop of you, what then? I seriously doubt your 5th grader was anywhere near the same size as this girl in the video :beli:

You never know where these types of situations will end.

He didnt try to kill her either, he pushed her the first time, their just happend to be stairs :whoo: The second time he punched her and dropped her, you acting like he jumped on her and started choking her.

BOTH times she was the agressor, she came back fighting a second time.


Are you serious? Size wise there isn't much difference between 5th, 6th, and 7th grader. Psychologically there isn't much difference either. That is why 6th grade or 5th grade could be an elementary or middle school grade depending on the school. Most children around that age are the same size. 5th graders are big as hell. Get a damn clue.

Second, we aren't going to make up hypotheticals just to try to make your point more valid. I restrained her and I was not nearly three times her size like this grown man was.

Are you saying he didn't know she was going to go down that flight of stairs? They were right there by the stairs. He saw them. He knew should would end up down those stairs. Anyone who purposely pushes someone down a flight of stair is trying to causes serious harm or kill the person. Before she jumped back up, she looked dead and he gave no fukks. He showed no concern that she may be dead or have a concussion. So YES, he did try to kill or seriously injure her.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
you know what...

i hope yall have the same thought process and opinion when ya sister bf start beatin on her

or when ya cousin husband start abusing her

little kids shouldnt go thru that type of abuse from grown men

that shyt damages them psychologically
Yeah but are they provoking the situation by hitting the man and encouraging the man to hit them if so they they deserve it. No ifs ands or buts about it.:manny:

I defend women who deserve to be defended not these hoes.


All Star
May 15, 2012
you know what...

i hope yall have the same thought process and opinion when ya sister bf start beatin on her

or when ya cousin husband start abusing her

little kids shouldnt go thru that type of abuse from grown men

that shyt damages them psychologically

Shut your dusty corny ass up, those are diffrent situations, as ive said, men shouldnt be hitting women, and the same goes for women, if a women is getting beat for no reason, i have all the sympathy for her in the world and that man should be destroyed.

If a women gets knocked out for trying to fight a guy, go fukk your self.

Corny white knight fakkit, you trying to compare two totally diffrent situations.

Nice try tho fakkit


Jul 15, 2012
I presume you couldn't take it anymore which is why you're not teaching anymore? and neither could he. I doubt that was his first day on the job and he just went ham. Probably been building up for a while. I remember Jr high and HS and how the knuckleheads used to disrespect and taunt the guards as if they weren't shyt. Never put their hands on the guards tho cause boys KNEW they'd get that work. Lil girls and women in general have to learn that chivalry is over. Even white male teachers are fighting back. Funny thing is, y'all asked for it. Feminism right? :thumbsup:

Clipse: Its a new day!

Wrong. I left teaching because I was offered a fellowship to earn my phd (a degree that I ALWAYS wanted). Therefore, I am being paid to earn a higher degree. How many people would turn that down? You should have asked instead of presumed because you wouldn't look so foolish.

To the bolded. Again, if you don't have the patience to work in a low-income school, then don't do it. This behavior among students is not new. There were plenty of male students that had to be restrained in my old school. If you are reaching your limit find another damn job. Only an idiot would risk their freedom. It also says something about you if you have no other options than to work a job where you want to kill the people around you.

Also, I didn't ask for shyt. I was born in 1986. I wasn't in a damn feminist movement so stop with that bullshyt. If you want to argue with women who were in the feminist movement then you need to find an older women message board and do it there. This shyt has nothing to do with feminism. If he did it to a male student I would feel the same way. Who pushes a student down the stairs? Like :wtf: is wrong with you.


All Star
May 15, 2012
Are you serious? Size wise there isn't much difference between 5th, 6th, and 7th grader. Psychologically there isn't much difference either. That is why 6th grade or 5th grade could be an elementary or middle school grade depending on the school. Most children around that age are the same size. 5th graders are big as hell. Get a damn clue.

Second, we aren't going to make up hypotheticals just to try to make your point more valid. I restrained her and I was not nearly three times her size like this grown man was.

Are you saying he didn't know she was going to go down that flight of stairs? They were right there by the stairs. He saw them. He knew should would end up down those stairs. Anyone who purposely pushes someone down a flight of stair is trying to causes serious harm or kill the person. Before she jumped back up, she looked dead and he gave no fukks. He showed no concern that she may be dead or have a concussion. So YES, he did try to kill or seriously injure her.

There can be a huge diffrence in size between those 3 grades. :hula: I know that becuz i have nephews,nieces and cousins in all those grades and the size diffrence is hilarious. So stop lying

Three times her size? so if she was 120lbs he was damn near 400 lbs :lolbron: he musta been 12 feet tall too then huh? :patrice: Jesus, try not over exaggerting to the point of disbelief.

My only hypothetical is if im in a situation of being attacking, im going to try to end it as fast as possible, the longer shyt gets drawn out, the more chances of a serious injury.

Stop acting like her picked her up and tossed her down the fukking steps, SHE started attacking him on the landing right after the last step in that series. She swung, he put his hands up and pushed. She fell back, its terrible, but she was just a victim of circumstance. If he tried to restrain her right their, they both could have fallen and maybe she would have been seriously injured :huhldup:. He didnt want to injure her, which is why AFTER she fell, he didnt just run and jump ontop of her to hold her down.


Most wanted baby father
May 1, 2012
where they cross-over and clap boards

Respect yo elders :manny:


Dec 31, 2012
Wrong. I left teaching because I was offered a fellowship to earn my phd (a degree that I ALWAYS wanted). Therefore, I am being paid to earn a higher degree. How many people would turn that down? You should have asked instead of presumed because you wouldn't look so foolish.

To the bolded. Again, if you don't have the patience to work in a low-income school, then don't do it. This behavior among students is not new. There were plenty of male students that had to be restrained in my old school. If you are reaching your limit find another damn job. Only an idiot would risk their freedom. It also says something about you if you have no other options than to work a job where you want to kill the people around you.

Also, I didn't ask for shyt. I was born in 1986. I wasn't in a damn feminist movement so stop with that bullshyt. If you want to argue with women who were in the feminist movement then you need to find an older women message board and do it there. This shyt has nothing to do with feminism. If he did it to a male student I would feel the same way. Who pushes a student down the stairs? Like :wtf: is wrong with you.
I don't know if you still have me on ignore but you fine ass fukk. Even through that retarded ass filter.

Bay Area

Jan 8, 2013
East Oakland
Ok tough guy, i see you ignored the whole part of YOU having to put hands on women :laff:.

Just wait till you run into a 6'1 250 lb ratchet bytch who wants to scrap with you :lolbron: You tell all of us how you held her down with the softest of touch while wearing velvet gloves as not to damage her fair feminine skin . Whilst waiting for the constable to arrive and take the young lady away.

I've never put my hands on women. Men who hit women share the views that YOU have, they dont stop hitting women over night.


All Star
May 15, 2012
I've never put my hands on women. Men who hit women share the views that YOU have, they dont stop hitting women over night.

What view is that? If someone is attacking me, im going to try and stop it?


Thats my only view

I knoew your views tho....:cape::cape:

Can we agree, people should not be hitting each other, or are you going to keep saying "Men should never hit women, but women can becuz they are weaker most of the time"



Jul 15, 2012
There can be a huge diffrence in size between those 3 grades. :hula: I know that becuz i have nephews,nieces and cousins in all those grades and the size diffrence is hilarious. So stop lying

Three times her size? so if she was 120lbs he was damn near 400 lbs :lolbron: he musta been 12 feet tall too then huh? :patrice: Jesus, try not over exaggerting to the point of disbelief.

My only hypothetical is if im in a situation of being attacking, im going to try to end it as fast as possible, the longer shyt gets drawn out, the more chances of a serious injury.

Stop acting like her picked her up and tossed her down the fukking steps, SHE started attacking him on the landing right after the last step in that series. She swung, he put his hands up and pushed. She fell back, its terrible, but she was just a victim of circumstance. If he tried to restrain her right their, they both could have fallen and maybe she would have been seriously injured :huhldup:. He didnt want to injure her, which is why AFTER she fell, he didnt just run and jump ontop of her to hold her down.

So why did you stop teaching?.....

Because I was offered the opportunity to earn my phd. I received a fellowship. I planned to continue teaching for at least another few years, but an opportunity literally fell into my lap. I love my students. I haven't taught in two years, I no longer live in the city I taught, and my students STILL call me, skype me, Facebook me...literally some of the same students who worked my last nerve.

Also, negro, don't call me a fukking liar when I have been in enough schools to know what 11-13 year olders look like. Yeah there CAN be a difference, but 5th, 6th, and 7th graders are generally the same damn size. Again, that is why some middle schools include 5th graders, and why some elementary schools include 6th grade.

Also, are you going to under-exaggerate and pretend that he isn't wayyy bigger than her. Also replay the video. He deliberately pushed her down the stairs. She didn't fall back. He pushed her face first. Look at the damn video and stop making shyt up. I mean the video is right at the beginning of the thread.


All Star
May 15, 2012
Because I was offered the opportunity to earn my phd. I received a fellowship. I planned to continue teaching for at least another few years, but an opportunity literally fell into my lap. I love my students. I haven't taught in two years, I no longer live in the city I taught, and my students STILL call me, skype me, Facebook me...literally some of the same students who worked my last nerve.

Also, negro, don't call me a fukking liar when I have been in enough schools to know what 11-13 year olders look like. Yeah there CAN be a difference, but 5th, 6th, and 7th graders are generally the same damn size. Again, that is why some middle schools include 5th graders, and why some elementary schools include 6th grade.

Also, are you going to under-exaggerate and pretend that he isn't wayyy bigger than her. Also replay the video. He deliberately pushed her down the stairs. She didn't fall back. He pushed her face first. Look at the damn video and stop making shyt up. I mean the video is right at the beginning of the thread.

You are a liar tho :shaq2::, their is a size diffrence and the kids vary alot. Dont get mad at me cuz your saying shyt thats not true. :youngsabo:

He is bigger than her sure, hes not some fukking giant tho, shes not a petite little lady, shes not built like some stick figure,

As i said, she started a altercation and the top of some fukking stairs, he pushed her away, she went down the steps. If she didnt try to fight right their, this would have never happend. If

WHATEVER he said to her, if she would just did what he asked, their would have been no fight. HE DID NOT run up on her and start hitting her.

Whatever you say is moot, SHE started all of it, but becuz she went down steps, now SHES not to blame for any of it?

YOU STILL have not condemend her actions once. :russ: We got nothing further to discuss.

We can talk more about it after you calm down :smugbiden:

LOL @ this many pages and still not dicussing THE REAL ISSUSE.

:stylin: Thats my coli :cheers:


Jul 15, 2012
You are a liar tho :shaq2::, their is a size diffrence and the kids vary alot. Dont get mad at me cuz your saying shyt thats not true. :youngsabo:

He is bigger than her sure, hes not some fukking giant tho, shes not a petite little lady, shes not built like some stick figure,

As i said, she started a altercation and the top of some fukking stairs, he pushed her away, she went down the steps. If she didnt try to fight right their, this would have never happend. I

WHATEVER he said to her, if she would just did what he asked, their would have been no fight. HE DID NOT run up on her and start hitting her.

Whatever you say is moot, SHE started all of it, but becuz she went down steps, now SHES not to blame for any of it?

YOU STILL have not condemend her actions once. :russ: We got nothing further to discuss.

We can talk more about it after you calm down :smugbiden:

LOL @ this many pages and still not dicussing THE REAL ISSUSE.

:stylin: Thats my coli :cheers:

So me saying she should be suspended or expelled in the original post (original as in first) you quoted of mine is not condemning her? Do you know what those words mean? Do you realize that those are punishments for students who behave badly?

Also, I'm not a liar. I am more qualified to make that assertion than you who's on going on the fact that he has a handful of imaginary nieces and nephews who are in those grades. You have been the liar in this thread (talking about he pushed her and she fell back :rudy:). Stop making up bullshyt to support your weak argument. Everything you say is moot because you clearly don't read, you clearly didn't watch the video, and you are clearly :cape: for him.

Good day.


All Star
May 15, 2012
So me saying she should be suspended or expelled in the original post (original as in first) you quoted of mine is not condemning her? Do you know what those words mean? Do you realize that those are punishments for students who behave badly?

Also, I'm not a liar. I am more qualified to make that assertion than you who's on going on the fact that he has a handful of imaginary nieces and nephews who are in those grades. You have been the liar in this thread (talking about he pushed her and she fell back :rudy:). Stop making up bullshyt to support your weak argument. Everything you say is moot because you clearly don't read, you clearly didn't watch the video, and you are clearly :cape: for him.

Good day.

:pachaha: You only want her punished for attacking him. You dont even care WHY she would attack him in the first place, and why she would think thats an appropriate course of action to begin with. :pachaha:

You dont see how hilarious you are.

Yes im making up my family members now, you called it. I cant possibly have nieces and nephews. :snoop:

She did get pushed, but if their wasnt stairs behind her, she wouldnt have been falling down them. She would have just went backwards. She started the fight right there, so its her own damn fault.

:snoop: at me using logic and rational to argue with a "broad" ... Lol im done wasting my time. You never gonna see what really happend cuz your a "woman" supposdly and you have made up your mind.

Do you lady, and ill continue to watch these birds trying to attack and fight men, then cry foul when they get put on their ass.