Hard on Hoes Part 16: Chicago Public School Addition


Jul 15, 2012
He threw her head first down some steps and she jumped up like cam'ron out the casket for some more


Imagine what took place before he got to that point. Kids at that school probably crazy as hell. Everyone has their limits. I'm not saying its right but maybe if her parents taught her to respect grown folk she it wouldn't have gotten to that point. Kids trying to put hands on grown ass people aint what's hot. And he probably making what $10 an hour? I ain't letting no kid put hands on me for that little bit of money. He probably hate his job too..

That is why I said people like him should not work around students. I am a former teacher, students will push your buttons, disrespect you, and maybe even hit you. Anyone working at a low-income school knows that is what comes with the job. Again, if you don't have self-control and good nerves, working in a school is not for you.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
That is why I said people like him should not work around students. I am a former teacher, students will push your buttons, disrespect you, and maybe even hit you. Anyone working at a low-income school knows that is what comes with the job. Again, if you don't have self-control and good nerves, working in a school is not for you.

anybody with good since won't take the job. People who are educated and some type of skills won't do that. You get what you pay for when it comes to low wage gigs. People will either get fed up and quick or snap.


Jul 15, 2012
anybody with good since won't take the job. People who are educated and some type of skills won't do that. You get what you pay for when it comes to low wage gigs. People will either get fed up and quick or snap.

...for the people who snap instead of quit, I hope you they end up in jail. :yeshrug:

god shamgod

May 26, 2012
I could never be a teacher.I'd get reprimanded for beating kids up all the time

Especially these mid-late 90's kids who were conceived in the sherm era.I don't need to be restraining kids and having my guards up at school.They run up on me they :ufdup:


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
Obviously him throwing her down the stairs was excessive, but the fact that she got up and went right at him proves what type of person she is and deserved to get put down.

I mean a "delicate little flower" would've just laid there crying for help to get her away from the 'big scary man'...but nah she did the opposite.

No sympathy for these bad ass kids.


All Star
May 15, 2012
Thats the thing thats wrong with people like you. These words like "simp" has created a false sense of bravado in guys like you. You associate manhood with violence and misogyny. It's not a matter of a woman not being able to do any wrong, its a matter of I can hold a female down with my strength and restrain them without having to knuckle up and try to knock them out.

:russ: I dont associate any of that stuff with manhood.

Sounds like you know more about violence against women than me, how would you know you can hold a women down with your stength? All females? Let me guess your the typical coli 6'5 and 200 lbs of muscle with washboard abs right? Im sure you left a few bruises on those young ladies :whoo: My friend, you should not be hitting women like that. You should not put hands on them, call the police and wait for them to arrive.

Ive never even been in a situation where Id have to hold a female down from attacking me. :russ::russ:

carry on with your abusive ways, friend

Several pages into this thread and NO BLAME placed on the young girl whos first actions were to attack a grown man. No one is asking why she would turn to violence so fast, :bryan::bryan:

Its HIS fault for defending him self.



All Star
May 15, 2012
First, please don't tell me how I should define what a child is. A middle school student living under his/her parent's roof is a child. You can have your own definition of child, but you won't make me change mine.

Second, how did I make her out to be innocent? Does me saying she should get suspended or expelled make her out to be innocent? In your mind I guess so, but I'm pretty sure you knew that sentence was bull before you even typed it.

Yes. As a former teacher, I have restrained a student before and it was difficult and she was strong as hell (she was a 5th grader probably no bigger than the girl in the video). I restrained her by putting all my body weight on her as she laid on the ground. She kept head butting me, but I didn't try to kill her and she was eventually suspended. That is how things work out in the real world when you are an actual adult who doesn't let a child get the best of you. I'm guessing you wouldn't be mature enough to handle it like an adult, but I'm not surprised because not everyone has self-restraint (that ultimately would make you no better than the middle schooler though).

He was also three times her size. It would not have been that difficult.

:beli: You comparing a 5th grader to a jr high kid, and you just admitted you barely could handle the 5th grader and she was not attacking you in the same manner as in this video. I gurantee that. If she was a LITTLE bigger and dd start getting the best of you, what then lady? If she managed to overpower you and get ontop of you, what then? I seriously doubt your 5th grader was anywhere near the same size as this girl in the video :beli:

You never know where these types of situations will end.

He didnt try to kill her either, he pushed her the first time, their just happend to be stairs :whoo: The second time he punched her and dropped her, you acting like he jumped on her and started choking her.

BOTH times she was the agressor, she came back fighting a second time.



EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
That is why I said people like him should not work around students. I am a former teacher, students will push your buttons, disrespect you, and maybe even hit you. Anyone working at a low-income school knows that is what comes with the job. Again, if you don't have self-control and good nerves, working in a school is not for you.

I presume you couldn't take it anymore which is why you're not teaching anymore? and neither could he. I doubt that was his first day on the job and he just went ham. Probably been building up for a while. I remember Jr high and HS and how the knuckleheads used to disrespect and taunt the guards as if they weren't shyt. Never put their hands on the guards tho cause boys KNEW they'd get that work. Lil girls and women in general have to learn that chivalry is over. Even white male teachers are fighting back. Funny thing is, y'all asked for it. Feminism right? :thumbsup:

Clipse: Its a new day!

Bay Area

Jan 8, 2013
East Oakland
:russ: I dont associate any of that stuff with manhood.

Sounds like you know more about violence against women than me, how would you know you can hold a women down with your stength? All females? Let me guess your the typical coli 6'5 and 200 lbs of muscle with washboard abs right? Im sure you left a few bruises on those young ladies :whoo: My friend, you should not be hitting women like that. You should not put hands on them, call the police and wait for them to arrive.

Ive never even been in a situation where Id have to hold a female down from attacking me. :russ::russ:

carry on with your abusive ways, friend

Several pages into this thread and NO BLAME placed on the young girl whos first actions were to attack a grown man. No one is asking why she would turn to violence so fast, :bryan::bryan:

Its HIS fault for defending him self.


More like 5'10 170 pounds and yeah I do lift weights but it doesnt take a muscular person to know that men are stronger than women naturally regardless of weights, I cant believe I had to just explain that to a grown man. Again, what world do you live in where you think a grown ass faculty member is supposed to get away with squaring up against a student? Use logic.


RIP Fresh
Jan 25, 2013

Of course this is a terrible situation.

But only in America is it the VICTIMS fault for responding to a situation. No one stopped and asked that girl why her first response his violence and attacking. Let me ask you honestly, what is he as a person, not even a male in charge, supposed to do if that little girl just started jumping on him and hitting him without relenting? Sure, in a perfect world, he would not have to respond like that, but in a perfect world, that young lady would never even think about attacking an adult in charge.

No matter what he did, besides curling into a ball and letting this girl go ham on him until help arrived, would get the approval of you white knights.

Stop with all this women should never be hit, ya? Lets take it a step further and say people should not be hitting each other.

Someone attacking you is someone attacking you, if he just sat that and let her beat on him, dude could end up with a missing eyeball or paralyzed.

If someone is attacking me, im fighting back. Men shouldnt be hitting women, and women shouldnt be hitting men.

Its that simple.


Stop trying to make it as it was a 7 year old girl minding her business and he got ambushed by a big scary man. :russ:

Shes a teenager, not some innocent kid. She provoked him and started the whole sequence of events. I love how you try to make her out as the innocent victim.

Ill agree about the stairs, i dont think he intended her to go down, i think its was a bad spot they started off in :yeshrug:

He could have tried to restrain her sure, seeing as her first reaction was to attack a grown man. Im sure that would have not went off without incident.

Have you ever tried to restrain someone who didnt wanna it? Its not as easy as you make it sound. Im sure their would have been plenty of kicking, biting and scracthing.

Your perfect world scenarios dont play out in the real world, sorry to break it to ya



:salute: I support the movement and I approve this message


Obviously him throwing her down the stairs was excessive, but the fact that she got up and went right at him proves what type of person she was and deserved to get put down.

I mean a "delicate little flower" would've just laid there crying for help to get her away from the 'big scary man'...but nah she did the opposite.

No sympathy for these bad ass kids.

you know what...

i hope yall have the same thought process and opinion when ya sister bf start beatin on her

or when ya cousin husband start abusing her

little kids shouldnt go thru that type of abuse from grown men

that shyt damages them psychologically


All Star
May 15, 2012
More like 5'10 170 pounds and yeah I do lift weights but it doesnt take a muscular person to know that men are stronger than women naturally regardless of weights, I cant believe I had to just explain that to a grown man. Again, what world do you live in where you think a grown ass faculty member is supposed to get away with squaring up against a student? Use logic.

Ok tough guy, i see you ignored the whole part of YOU having to put hands on women :laff:.

Just wait till you run into a 6'1 250 lb ratchet bytch who wants to scrap with you :lolbron: You tell all of us how you held her down with the softest of touch while wearing velvet gloves as not to damage her fair feminine skin . Whilst waiting for the constable to arrive and take the young lady away.


RIP Fresh
Jan 25, 2013
I'm sure that man has pride too. And I'm sure being assaulted by some " little ass girl" who prolly hasnt been disciplined in her life would've affected that pride too. And yes, I can sit here and tell you unequivocally that no female in my family would act like a raving lunatic against a man twice their size. Better she learn from that punch than a bullet.

Btw, weren't you the same one in here arguing back and forth for THREADS with thoushall and Thiefypoo and who knows how many other females in here?. :usure: you wanna testify to manhood and maturity with all the beef threads I've created?

show me a post where i was arguing with thoushall

thiefypoo and me be clowning. nothing more nothing less

i dont maliciously attack women.