Education reform, free higher education, affordable LIVEABLE mixed income housing, paid maternity and paternity leave, consumer and environmental protections are the only things that can really even the playing field.
We are capitalist, we will ALWAYS have poor people.
The only thing we can do it improve the quality of life for the poorest people.
The studies have already shown how difficult it is to climb out of the poverty hole. The focus cannot be on ending poverty, as this is a function not a flaw in the system of capitalism, but by demanding that the rich (corporations) subsidize the lifestyles of the poor (who are poor because they must cheapen their labor in order to enrich others). Racism, misogyny, and the isms are an inherent part of a competitive system where someone must be at the bottom. The way I see it is that it is the poor peoples obligation to demand as much as possible from the oligarchs.
Education reform is crucial because rich people can "afford" the better schools while those in poverty are given the worst education.
While the college attendance rates are higher than ever, it is useless if the foundational prek to high school education was subpar. The graduation rates tell the real story.
Paid leave will assist all families in preserving the family unit, as fear of inability to provide is the biggest cause of marital discord.
If our country is so wealthy there is no reason for people to live on the streets or for poor people to be isolated in high crime neighborhoods.