Started doing Stronglifts on Monday. I did it backwards though and started BAB (Squats, Overhead Press, Deadlift). So far the 1st day was the toughest in terms of DOMS but by Friday the soreness was normal. I've started off with just the bar as I don't know what my 5 rep max is and I don't want to overdo it at the beginning. So far, the last sets have been consistently tough except for the bench press which wasn't as taxing as I thought it would be, so I think I've done the right thing.
Squats (the bar {20kg}) 5x5
Overhead Press (20kg) 5x5
Deadlift (35kg) 1x5
15 mins Intervals on Rowing Machine. 30second/30second split.
Squats (22.5kg) 5x5
Bench Press (20kg) 5x5
Barbell Rows (20kg) 5x5
15 mins intervals on Rowing machine 30/30second split
Squats (25kg) 5x5
Overhead Press (25kg)* 5x5
Deadlift (40kg) 1x5
10 mins intervals on Rowing machine 20/10 second split.
*-I wasn't supposed to lift 5 kgs more, was only supposed to put 2.5kg rather than 5kg but it ended up being manageable.
So far I'm happy with everything, albeit a little impatient in terms of aesthetics
. Nutrition-wise I'm OK too - I've also drank a lot more water recently rather than just juice, although I'm missing soft drinks a lot. The sweets are pretty easy to give up if I've got proper food in it's place.