Norrin Radd
To me, my board!
Very carefully
Look at the map son...
Explain to me how in the fukk a Dothraki army gon go through the heart of Westeros (areas loyal to the throne) and Kings Landing without being noticed...

Very carefully
Look at the map son...
Explain to me how in the fukk a Dothraki army gon go through the heart of Westeros (areas loyal to the throne) and Kings Landing without being noticed...
and in the time it would have taken to do that Jamie would have reached Kings Landing already with the gold...They could theoretically land on the shores of the Kingswood south of kings landing and then ride hard south west. It's all open plain down until it reaches the Dornish marches.
and in the time it would have taken to do that Jamie would have reached Kings Landing already with the gold...
Simple, Storm's End(abandoned) and ride West on the intercept course
Look at the map son...
Explain to me how in the fukk a Dothraki army gon go from Dragonstone through the heart of Westeros (areas loyal to the throne) and Kings Landing without being noticed...
They were near black water rush (the river bordering KL, the reach, and river run), so very close to KL. Dany could've easily went thru the stormlands, that territory is weak due to the fallout from the whole renly/stannis defeats. It's technically "sworn" to iron throne again, but reluctantly and with weak ass houses left, most the forces were destroyed fighting for stannis so there isn't much resistance she'd meet there and clearly the lannister army is in 2-3 areas right now so even a sighting from KL ain't gonna do much
Look at the map son...
Explain to me how in the fukk a Dothraki army gon go from Dragonstone through the heart of Westeros (areas loyal to the throne) and Kings Landing without being noticed...
The gold went ahead of them, you gotta remember Jamie bronn and Tarly had to make stops to shake people down for grain.and in the time it would have taken to do that Jamie would have reached Kings Landing already with the gold...
Thats really the complaint?
Look at the map son...
Explain to me how in the fukk a Dothraki army gon go from Dragonstone through the heart of Westeros (areas loyal to the throne) and Kings Landing without being noticed...
They could theoretically land on the shores of the Kingswood south of kings landing and then ride hard south west. It's all open plain down until it reaches the Dornish marches.
Thats really the complaint?
I mean with that logic how does any whole army ambush another "without being noticed"? How did the Lannisters manage to sneak their main army from Casterly Rock to the largest and richest territory at the time (Highgarden) without anyone noticing? How did the Ironborn manage to sneak their fleet behind the Unsullied? Honestly who cares?
Cersei doesn't even have that many allies anyway, they been driving home the point that she's surrounded by enemies all season. Only notable lords loyal to her is the new Iron Islands ruler and the Iron bank and both of their loyalties are shaky.
this is the issue - same issue i had with the iron born fleet showing up everywhere as well.
Dany hear's about the attack on high garden after the battlle
she rushes everyone to the remaining ships, which i didn't think she had enough but whatever
she passes kings landing and sails either to black water bay (where I believe the iron fleet is residing) or she goes through the narrow seas, in shipbreaker bay and lands in storms end.
this after being ambused by the iron isles fleet previously, but she figures lightening doesn't strike twice so risks taking a fleet of dothraki in the same area
lands at storms end and hauls ass up king road (since it's all forest between storms ends and kings wood, it would be a slow trek on horseback).
still manages to get a leg up on JAmie somewhere in the open field
or they take storms end and ride through the open plains with only 1 person (Tyrion) who could possible be familiar with the area.
not only that they knew exactly where Jamie would be at
just a bit too convenient is all I'm saying. It's a show but there's a bunch of happenstance going on for these battles to take place.
The point of the Dorne/Ironborn sailing together was for a multi front attack by them and the Tyrells while the Unsullied take casterly rock during the distraction. Tyrion spells this out one episode ago.those are all easily anaswered iron island are just north of casterly rock, they didn't have to sneak their fleet, an entire unsullied fleet going all the way around dorne and up the west coast without being notice by anyone would be a bigger issue.
lol you say they're easily answered then reply with this?high garden doesn't have a huge army , not to mention they figured the lannisters would protect casterly rock. there is only one city which is oldtown and high garden
The point of the Dorne/Ironborn sailing together was for a multi front attack by them and the Tyrells while the Unsullied take casterly rock during the distraction. Tyrion spells this out one episode ago.
lol you say they're easily answered then reply with this?
what does the size of the Tyrell army have to do with anything? The lannisters managed to sneak an entire army out of casterly rock to the doorstep of the richest most well resourced lord in the area without her noticing, period. Foot soldiers at that
This is a multi front war that escalated in a matter of days since dany arrived. The offscreen plans and adjustments are good for the entertainment factor
You make valid points. I'm just trying to make sense of it too but I'm sure the show writers said fukk it and just went for it.