So much packed into one episode. More Stark reunions
, Field of Fire part 2
Arya's officially a top tier fighter on top of being a faceless assassin
Brienne: "Who taught you?"
Arya: "No one"
Poor Meera. To sacrifice so much only to be brushed aside in the end. Bran's been saying "I'm the three-eyed raven now" since last season, but I think it's only now setting in exactly what that means for him. I think this was a consequence of that info dump the three-eyed raven gave him right before they had to escape. He really did die in that cave, along with Summer and Hodor
At least he put Littlefinger on notice about his fukkery. I never seen Littlefinger so shook
Littlefinger: To go through all of that and return home, only to find such chaos in the world...
Bran: ...Chaos is a ladder
Davos spent a lot of time trolling in this episode
Davos: What do you think of her?
Jon: Who?
Davos: I believe you know of whom I speak
Jon: I think she has a good heart
Davos: A good heart? I've noticed you staring at her good heart
Davos: King Snow, isn't it? No, that doesn't sound right. King Jon?
Jon hasn't even been around long and Dany's already asking him for advice. After the way this episode went, I wouldn't be surprised if Jon bent the knee...just not in the way Dany meant
The ending though. That battle was lit
And all of that with just one dragon and a Dothraki horde
I can't wait to see Cersei's reaction in episode 5. She's got money, but now no food. And winter is here. Iron Bank about to be like "A big chunk of your army and all of the food you needed got torched by a dragon and/or destroyed by a giant Dothraki horde? Well, we'll be in touch. Thanks for the gold repayment though"
Everyone seems to be wondering how did Dany get to Highgarden so quickly, but if you take in the setting at the end of the episode compared to the beginning, and Randyll's comment about needing to cross the Blackwater Rush before nightfall, I'm pretty sure Jamie's army got ambushed somewhere close to King's Landing, not in the Reach near Highgarden.
What an episode. Can't wait to watch it again in HD tomorrow night