Duck Season
1.6% Neanderthal.
I did this when they had it free for African-Americans.
My 23andMe results were: 81.4% African, 16% European, 1.2% Asian & Native American and 1.3% Unassigned.
I sent my results to Dr. McDonald. My results from him were: 81.5% West African (Yoruba), 17.5% European (English), and 1% Native American.
Most if not all of my European came from my dad side (my mom is dark skinned). I was surprised by the results since I looked up birth and death certificates before this. All of them said either: Black, Negro or Indian. And all the Indian was on my dads side. I figured that's where his lighter complexion came from. I'm guessing he figured the same thing. Of course I knew black female slaves were raped but since I saw birth & death certificates of direct ancestors with Indian on my dad's side, I thought the Indian would be alot higher.
He was going to take the test but when I showed him my results he looked disappointed. That was a year ago, he still hasn't took the test.
ya moms though she was indian as in red dot or feather?