explain. So you can't believe it if he tells you a couple locations and break down of ethnicity?
this is a bit out of my depth, but i will give it a shot, LOL
much like a woman on maury povich, we only know who the father is if the mother is honest and not too slutty. barring that, we have to bring every dude she spent more than 5 minutes alone with into the studio for testing. our ancestry is like that x100.
we need more people from the "old world" to be in the databse so we can compare every change in our y chromosome to other men's dna. africa is not heavily tested, so the database is very weak (all ethnicities have weak samples, but africa is even less sampled)
africans are older than everybody else, which means we have more history of more men adding changes to their y chromosome, so we need even more samples than other groups to apporach the same level of specificity.
the ancestry reports that call out specific african groups are overblown and will get revised over time as the sample situation gets better. everbody's dna analysis will be improving over time, so it is just a matter of fact that the ancestry results are nothing to get excited about right now.