Clark Wayne
Definitely going to try this one day. Always been interested, especially in learning more about my dad's ancestral line since he was raised by a stepfather.
"Not african." I don't think I look anymore different than anyone else around here. Always had blonde hairs as a kid though. In the summer you could see gold/red hairs on my hairline. Just figured it was normal.
It surprises people when I say I'm Liberian. Folks think I'm halfway joking on some "the white man took my past away and I'm reclaiming my roots" type shyt.
In regards to the prostate stuff, I don't think its something to worry. When you look at the compared to average ratio column, its not exceptionally high.
60 mintues already exposed this scam
How is it a scam?60 mintues already exposed this scam
UpdaTED RESULTS??@Nicole0416_646NYC probably blacker than u