Got an email from Capcom today, i guess that snitch @observe successfully got through to Capcom

Dec 7, 2014
Squatting 75x4



Cole Cash

They took a hammer and sickle to my back
May 1, 2012
Baltimore Maryland
@Cole Cash I warned you a while ago and you thought I was kidding.

I took it serious and I tagged @hustlemania then he basically said "don't tag me in your lovers quarrel" I'm not a mod anymore but I informed a booth mod and he did nothing but shyt on me for doing it, Definately I took it serious but hustlemania didn't give a fukk


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Going to be a little long-winded brehs

@Cole Cash much respect to you for being a stand up dude and being one of admirable preservance . Seen this while i was in the middle of taking an online course and wanted to respond yesterday , but couldn't right away. I agree with the folks in here alluding to the fact that what he did was beyond wrong. And his name is "Karim" which when translated from Arabic means :"generous" , yet not living out the attribute spoken about in Islam pertaining to Allah (God) nor on what the akhi's refer to as Sirat Al Mustaqeem. @Keyser Soze hit the nail directly on it head with the statement and im paraphrasing the breh "He has K.O.S. but still with that Willie Lynch shyt". With someone that Have Knowledge Of Self or "claims to" he makes a good advocate for the Crab-In-The Bucket Mentality, furthermore he harbor two flawed characteristics:

1.) he is clearly a snitch
2.) due to the above he's a goddamn hypocrite

From just being observant & making an account of y'all interactions on this site. His animosity and jealously is visceral, all the while you extended the olive branch and try to rock with him. But he instead decide to give his keys to his EGO. I dont always get a chance to peep threads on Thecoli because im always up and about (so its damn good when you brehs tagged me....thanks), but it slowly starting becoming evident with the statements he started making within certain threads like that thread @Xenos made on Freestyle Fellowship where he clearly was feeling himself. Or the little sly ass comments he made in your thread where you posted your interview where you check this crumb cake ass nikka (the one you had stickied in regards to the BBW album). On numerous levels he trash poster with flawed opinions and contradicting statements , but yet this is someone taking college accredited courses and can not argue a point. Ive seen this in threads from @bigrodthe1 @Billy Ocean @JamieFoxxHairline @UghhFan @Xenos @MC Metaphysical and a couple of others.

He pride himself on "being better", but this only implies to the conceitedness he has in regards to himself, once you weigh those scales and what he actually has done shyt is very very very miniscule . As the old saying goes a person work speaks for itself. I remember him mentioning that he was going to work with A-Wax yet Wax didnt even know who i was referring to when i ask about a collabo via Twitter. You showed and proven that by pushing that energy out there and creating something to bump in the whip. Saigon, BBW , and now Street Champion. When the mirror is raise it just shows what observe isnt doing so he wants to hinder your progress. Clearly hoeish ass tendencies and hating. to the highest degree.

Keep busting your gun the progress is already paying off g.
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