Girls taking forever to text back

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
too many women in 2020 do this bull shyt to men to the point men think it’s “normal” When it’s another poor form of communication. It’s misleading. It’s using men for attention. That is toxic femininity. Leading men on, text them a couple hours then ghost, then text them 2 days later. The hell is this? You guys be knowing the guy is interested but you don’t care as long as dude keeps texting to give you a ego boost so you can share to your street walker friends “look at this guy! He is so dumb. I rarely text him and he keeps texting me back. I’m gonna set something up and when the time comes I will not show up. men are trash :pachaha::bryan::heh:

what you mean is have the guy keep texting you and texting calling it “building communication” until when ever you feel like getting to know him in person which is never. Brah, you can’t run game on us. :dahell:

I'm sorry but I am not having a long draw out text conversation to get to know someone. Texting is informal. It's what I do with my friends to share jokes or information that really doesn't need a conversation. I literally have at least 10 text conversation in my phone now that have gone on for months because everyone in the conversation gets back to the conversation whenever the can. And we are all perfectly okay with that.


I'm not a teenage girl. I have a whole life that doesn't surround my phone. Texting just seems like a very impersonal and lazy way to build a relationship. I'm sorry but I'm not taking a man who uses texting as his main source of communication seriously.


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
@Crayola Coyote

You know you and I are basically having a texting conversation right now right? We've been having a conversation for like 2 days. Both of us responding when we can and it takes nothing away from the conversation.

But we're not building. We're not getting to know each other. It's very impersonal. We can pick it up or leave it whenever we want and it won't mean anything to either of us.

This is exactly how I treat texting in real life. I don't see the problem with it.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
BP the E,

No disrespect to you, but I don't think true to the game grown ass men expect a woman they don't know to place them on top of her priority list, unless he is insecure and immature.

However, there is such a thing as common courtesy. Women want men to be the initiators when it comes to communication, asking her out, etc. OK, so when men do that, then it isn't unreasonable for a man to expect some sort of reciprocity.

I responded to a breh on this thread on how I deal with women and let me tell you that it isn't cool to ghost on someone or put them on the back burner who have done nothing negative nor disrespectful towards you. But, I also understand that you nor any woman are not obligated to communicate with a man, if you don't want to do so. The inverse also applies, BTW..

For me, I prefer to deal with those who are genuinely and sincerely interested in becoming better acquainted with me. If that isn't possible, then cool. Let it be known so we can go on our separate ways. No harm no foul!

But, ghosting someone is childish and cowardly, unless someone is disrespectful, vulgar or exhibited creepy behavior. In that sense, ghosting is understandable.

Other than that, if someone calls you, then said person was thinking about you which is a good thing. If you don't feel like said person deserves a prompt response, then politely let him know, so that he will leave you alone.

I recently had this discussion with a Brehette about this topic and told her what I am telling you. She gave me some push back, but I stood firm with my sentiment and told her that letting someone know you are not interested is OK. She didn't have to give an explanation, but simply let someone know that she is moving on, if that is how she feel.

Needless to say, a day or two later she reached out to briefly state, w/o detailed reason, that she didn't feel we were compatible. I thanked her for letting me know and I told her that I will delete her info in which I did. End of story! I wished her the best!

It's all good!

You're all over the place with this post. First, the conversation isn't about ghosting. The dude in the OP has since talked to the chick. She didn't ghost him nor have I said anything about ghosting.

Second, this conversation isn't about calling. It's about texting and the appropriate amount of time it takes to return a text.

Anyway let me tell you EXACTLY why I don't take texting seriously. It's a half assed form of communication. You can literally text 10 people at once. You can text while you're sitting next to another person you are dating. It is NOT how you get to know someone. If the conversation was about phone calls or FaceTime you'd have an point. I have had a guy text me "Good morning beautiful!" not knowing that I can see he sent it as a mass text.


I ain't mad at it but don't try to give me crumbles and call it a meal. Texting is away to communicate without giving the person your undivided attention and I will treat it as such. You're not gonna convince me that texting takes any sort of effort or shows genuine interest. It doesn't. I could have zero interest and text you back promptly every time because it takes no effort. Again, texting is half assed so i will treat it ass such. You and I are having a texting conversation now. And how much of a relationship are we building? None.

You better take that "you're a bad person because you don't text back" stuff to a woman dumb enough to not see it for what it is.


Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
You’re encouraged to post but don’t be on that fukk shyt. Thanks and you’re welcome breh.
If you can boss up on these females and be assertive the way you are doing to Coli posters, you'll be swimming in coochie

Don't be afraid to upset a woman, once you pass that barrier it'll open up your game in a big way

You don't have to be an azzhole, but don't be afraid to be an azzhole


Dec 2, 2015
You're all over the place with this post. First, the conversation isn't about ghosting. The dude in the OP has since talked to the chick. She didn't ghost him nor have I said anything about ghosting.

Second, this conversation isn't about calling. It's about texting and the appropriate amount of time it takes to return a text.

Anyway let me tell you EXACTLY why I don't take texting seriously. It's a half assed form of communication. You can literally text 10 people at once. You can text while you're sitting next to another person you are dating. It is NOT how you get to know someone. If the conversation was about phone calls or FaceTime you'd have an point. I have had a guy text me "Good morning beautiful!" not knowing that I can see he sent it as a mass text.


I ain't mad at it but don't try to give me crumbles and call it a meal. Texting is away to communicate without giving the person your undivided attention and I will treat it as such. You're not gonna convince me that texting takes any sort of effort or shows genuine interest. It doesn't. I could have zero interest and text you back promptly every time because it takes no effort. Again, texting is half assed so i will treat it ass such. You and I are having a texting conversation now. And how much of a relationship are we building? None.

You better take that "you're a bad person because you don't text back" stuff to a woman dumb enough to not see it for what it is.

BP the E,

Sup with the hostility?? I never came at you funky, so why are you in a defense mode?

Next, my post to you wasn't all over the place. In addition, I understand that this thread was about someone not receiving a text within a reasonable time. But, to me, texting and calling is communicating. I agree with you on not taking texting as serious as phone chat or in person chatting, but the moral of my story still stands.

For me, bottomline is that whenever someone decides that he or she doesn't want to communicate with someone, then that person should let it be known. But, I also believe that those who feel slighted about not receiving s prompt text, call or whatever should move on and not resort to irrational behavior.

To end this, I have no issue with you, but the extras and kata stance shyt was unnecessary. It's all good though..

Thanks for responding!

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
A chick I’m fukking with didnt ghost me, but the bytch been acting like she too busy the last few days. So you know I had to keep it playa.

I asked the bytch to make me some macaroni cause she made some before and it was fire. So I had to ask her again a few days later. Then she hit me up on some other shyt. So I say, nikka where my macaroni. She gon say, what I tell you about talking to me like that:picard: I’m like bytch you know a nikka want some macaroni. “Oh I been busy” Ok I got a plan for this.

I’m ignorant and I like to play mental warfare with these hoes. So I hit up another bytch who I know gon make it and told her to make it. So of course she was like hell yeah. So she dropped it off today.

So shorty hit me up last night and was like I’m gonna make it this weekend. I responded and told her I had another bytch make me some already. Then she gonna tell me I’m being dramatic and petty. Should have made the macaroni :yeshrug:

So I told her I still want it. I think she mad. But I got two pans of macaroni. When she come over tomorrow or Sunday, I’m gonna answer the door eating the macaroni other shorty made:troll:

If you not engaging in mental warfare with these women, I feel bad for you. I just be having fun really. If a bytch playing around just, move on. Or engage in mental games cause that shyt be fun and it be pissing them hoes off. I swear it’s just a sport for me.

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA
BP the E,

Sup with the hostility?? I never came at you funky, so why are you in a defense mode?

Next, my post to you wasn't all over the place. In addition, I understand that this thread was about someone not receiving a text within a reasonable time. But, to me, texting and calling is communicating. I agree with you on not taking texting as serious as phone chat or in person chatting, but the moral of my story still stands.

For me, bottomline is that whenever someone decides that he or she doesn't want to communicate with someone, then that person should let it be known. But, I also believe that those who feel slighted about not receiving s prompt text, call or whatever should move on and not resort to irrational behavior.

To end this, I have no issue with you, but the extras and kata stance shyt was unnecessary. It's all good though..

Thanks for responding!


Dec 11, 2012
@Crayola Coyote

You know you and I are basically having a texting conversation right now right? We've been having a conversation for like 2 days. Both of us responding when we can and it takes nothing away from the conversation.

But we're not building. We're not getting to know each other. It's very impersonal. We can pick it up or leave it whenever we want and it won't mean anything to either of us.

This is exactly how I treat texting in real life. I don't see the problem with it.

To be honest...your right to a large extent..

Like I stated, if you not in a female social circle, you cant take the shortcut..
No matter how uncomfortable it might be for alot of them, I want a verbal convo..if I cant get it, no point of keeping the number....

nikkas really be selling themselves short by ignoring the fundamentals...


Dec 19, 2017
He'd get much faster results if he cold approached. That online shyt is tough, if you ain't got game in real life, you definitely don't have it online.

@Rozay Oro

Post the texts. If you don't have em next girl you chat with post em.
I must respectfully say lies... These dating apps are like shooting fish in a barrel.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Texting is basically like this, re: dating/interpersonal relationships

1)for people you don't really know and want to ask out, just get to the point, one text, ask them out, but, have a clear ask, and purpose, polite, and something that would appeal to the person, and leave it at that. Don't text "we should hang out", be more direct, "Are you free for dinner on Tuesday?" I would rather not go back and forth with someone, until we have established what we are doing, to some degree. Example, don't just text aimlessly with someone you want to ask out, go ahead and ask.

If they defer, you have to kind of let it sit, but remember, relationships can always go forwards, but never backwards. Don't cut ties, things often and usually come back around, but not always. Severing ties, unless someone is really dysfunctional is not really important. If someone ghosts you, just let it stand, until you can reset things, and if you can't, just leave it.

2) For people in your social circle, you may date, or go out, or sleep together sometimes, texts can be about whatever, music, memes, current events and also invites


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I will say women, but it's men and women, but look, sometime, at the unred texts in red on someones phone, I have seen dozens and dozens, never even opened, you think that person remembers every single one? No, they have already forgotten, it didn't make it through the filter. You can't take it as malicious.


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
A chick I’m fukking with didnt ghost me, but the bytch been acting like she too busy the last few days. So you know I had to keep it playa.

I asked the bytch to make me some macaroni cause she made some before and it was fire. So I had to ask her again a few days later. Then she hit me up on some other shyt. So I say, nikka where my macaroni. She gon say, what I tell you about talking to me like that:picard: I’m like bytch you know a nikka want some macaroni. “Oh I been busy” Ok I got a plan for this.

I’m ignorant and I like to play mental warfare with these hoes. So I hit up another bytch who I know gon make it and told her to make it. So of course she was like hell yeah. So she dropped it off today.

So shorty hit me up last night and was like I’m gonna make it this weekend. I responded and told her I had another bytch make me some already. Then she gonna tell me I’m being dramatic and petty. Should have made the macaroni :yeshrug:

So I told her I still want it. I think she mad. But I got two pans of macaroni. When she come over tomorrow or Sunday, I’m gonna answer the door eating the macaroni other shorty made:troll:

If you not engaging in mental warfare with these women, I feel bad for you. I just be having fun really. If a bytch playing around just, move on. Or engage in mental games cause that shyt be fun and it be pissing them hoes off. I swear it’s just a sport for me.
this is how you talk to women? :hhh:

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
BP the E,

Sup with the hostility?? I never came at you funky, so why are you in a defense mode?

Next, my post to you wasn't all over the place. In addition, I understand that this thread was about someone not receiving a text within a reasonable time. But, to me, texting and calling is communicating. I agree with you on not taking texting as serious as phone chat or in person chatting, but the moral of my story still stands.

For me, bottomline is that whenever someone decides that he or she doesn't want to communicate with someone, then that person should let it be known. But, I also believe that those who feel slighted about not receiving s prompt text, call or whatever should move on and not resort to irrational behavior.

To end this, I have no issue with you, but the extras and kata stance shyt was unnecessary. It's all good though..

Thanks for responding!
I am not sure why you are taking the post as an attack on you. I said nothing personally insulting to you. I just said I don't agree with you and stated exactly why I don't agree.


And my posts have never been about not communicating. They are about not treating texting like a real effort to get to know someone. You keep trying to change to scope of the conversation.

Again you and I are texting now. So if I decide not to reply to your posts am I obligated to tell you I don't want to reply to your posts? Nah you wouldn't give a shyt right? We would just move on with our lives and get back to the posts when he got time to do so right? What's wrong with that?:pachaha:

The only difference in the conversation we are having now and texting a chick is that you wanna fukk her. You only get aggy because you want them cheeks. :heh: Ya'll literally have informal conversations that you exit and enter at will every time you log on to this forum. But somehow if a chick does the same to you she's a terrible person who can't communicate.

The hypocrisy is unreal.

But it's cool. No hard feelings. This is just a casual conversation. It ain't that serious.