George Zimmerman's Brother Makes an @ss Outta Himself on Piers Morgan...


May 1, 2012
You're right, Zimmerman did shoot and kill Martin. Just look at the facts tho and take the emotion out of it. No one knows who confronted who. That's big, thats why that local DA couldnt pursue Zimmerman. That major gap of information from Zimmerman getting off the phone until a neighbor seeing them fight on the ground was not seen by anyone.

Noone knows who confronted who?? Are you a retard? :wtf:
May 1, 2012
the reason this case is so important is because if george zimmerman gets off, ALL of these cacs with guns will think it's ok to immediately presume any black man in their presence is guilty. that gives them the green light to shoot first and ask questions later.

look at what robert zimmerman, george's brother, put on twitter. he said being around black males is risky, as if we're dangerous animals who are inherently violent. THAT is why this case is so important. THAT is why black people are outraged by what took place and what is sure to follow if that fakkit gets off.


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
On KRS One's nose, eating sunflower seeds.
First off bro, stop it. Everybody have said something racist in their lives. So get off the high horse with that shyt.

Second, Man fukk what his brother gotta say. Hell yea, he's gonna defend his brother.

My point is you never know what you're gonna say or how you're gonna respond in the heat of battle. I had my place broken into twice in one month. I remember reporting the break-in to the dispatcher and being so mad that I was like, those fukking broke ass mexicans that I saw everyday probably did this shyt. Now what if something wouldve happen b/t me and the indivduals I was talking about and the police listen to the dispatcher recordings. Then I get arrested for a hate crime. That's bullshyt. I know I don't hate Mexicans but I said some wrong and now I have a federal hate crime case on me.

I read this and I really wanted to tell you to shut the hell up, but that would be :demonic:

So, :mjpls:
Apr 30, 2012
This clown is refering to the lib media as if black folks are not conscious of the potent lib racism that exist too

By this clown ass nikka's rational, the way you portray yourself on face book, you should be treated accordingly when you are offline. So these bytches that do the duck-lip poses want a kiss. I should be a serial kisser, force kissing bytches that pose with the duck-lips

Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
white people EVERYWHERE hate blacks, and their hate is increasing. wake up, black people. these people believe you have no rights. as shown by the tweets of this fakkit ass brother of zimmerman, if you are black, you are guilty. you are not protected by a presumption of innocence. that is how white people think, and they are becoming far more comfortable expressing that sentiment publicly.

No they don't. The only white people that hate blacks are the ones explouted and brainwashed to. The other ones were just opportunists. I guess all of my friends hate me too? And my girlfriend? So youre saying this cac Zimmerman would stand a chance against an urban jury :comeon:?
Apr 30, 2012
the reason this case is so important is because if george zimmerman gets off, ALL of these cacs with guns will think it's ok to immediately presume any black man in their presence is guilty. that gives them the green light to shoot first and ask questions later.

look at what robert zimmerman, george's brother, put on twitter. he said being around black males is risky, as if we're dangerous animals who are inherently violent. THAT is why this case is so important. THAT is why black people are outraged by what took place and what is sure to follow if that fakkit gets off.

I feel what you saying but if this case never existed, there are still a number of cases that hint at the lack of concern for the lives of black folks by white folks. One case will never be and should never be viewed as the match that sparked racial dialogue or racial tension because history have already provided us a gallon of gasoline to spark racial dialogue and encourage changes to not just the systemic racism but also stop the implicit racist conditioning of the new generations


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
robert has a point about the media (liberal) and it's portrayal of the three individuals, but i feel like he didn't intend to come off that way because he has no evidence aside from his own words. which, to me, means he either doesn't know what he's talking about and/or someone else told him to say that. plus, he didn't start talking about that (drawing comparisons between his brothers portrayal and the others) until later into the interview. if that was really his message and it wasn't fueled by other things, he might have had an decent argument. but the fact of the matter is, he didn't make that tweet solely because he thought the media wasn't portraying both of the alleged in a fair manner. he made that tweet comparing two pictures of those african american boys, one accused and one dead, saying people had a reason to fear african american boys because of the pictures they take. in essence, he was trying to draw some pattern...


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
robert has a point about the media (liberal) and it's portrayal of the three individuals, but i feel like he didn't intend to come off that way because he has no evidence aside from his own words. which, to me, means he either doesn't know what he's talking about and/or someone else told him to say that. plus, he didn't start talking about that (drawing comparisons between his brothers portrayal and the others) until later into the interview. if that was really his message and it wasn't fueled by other things, he might have had an decent argument. but the fact of the matter is, he didn't make that tweet solely because he thought the media wasn't portraying both of the alleged in a fair manner. he made that tweet comparing two pictures of those african american boys, one accused and one dead, saying people had a reason to fear african american boys because of the pictures they take. in essence, he was trying to draw some pattern...


I mean it stands to reason that "the media", as it were, is going to treat individuals allegedly involved in a gruesome murder of an infant, and an individual that we know was shot while carrying only tea and skittles, in a far different respect and manner.

And GZ has his own history when it comes to social media, as his old myspace contained several inflammatory statements about other races (including his own)...that too has received very little play in the media.

We have a value system in this country where we dont demonize a victim, unless said behavior is absolutely relevant to the matter at hand. Robert Z, doesnt feel like that value should apply because Trayvon is a niqqer. An fb pose and quoting a rap song is not relevant in a case where the person in question was murdered for reasons completely unrelated to his FB activity. RZ is appealing to the base racist instincts of his brother's supporters, and those on the periphery, and going all out in an "us vs. them" appeal to bigots.


Omniversal Guardian
May 4, 2012
I think you mean "give him the beats" :rudy:

I've never heard anyone use the term, "give him the breaks" :wtb:

Its those small subtleties in slang that y'all cacs will never be able to understand, and it exposes y'all every time.


I bet he practiced that in his head over and over again until it sounded black enuff to him.

Cac said the "breaks"


Juliano Soprano

May 1, 2012
Zimmerman took upon his self to follow (harass) someone; the person he was following gave him the breaks; Zimmerman feared for life while receiving the breaks and shoot and killed Martin. Zimmerman should've let the dame police do they job but this is what happens when keeping it goes wrong.

Now Martin is dead and Martin's family will never be the same.
Zimmerman loses everything, job, money, friends, etc. Even if Zimmerman is acquitted, his life will never be the same. He would have to move.

Emotionally, I think the dude should get sentence to jail.
From the legal side of things, I can see how he could be acquitted but held civilly liable for the death of Martin.
"nikka" got me listenin to Kurtis Blow after this post :stylin:


May 2, 2012
These two young black males being accused of shooting "One" baby are characterized as the villans of the century and that one young white male who shot "Twenty" babies is a troubled young man with mental issues, post racial America ya'll.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012

I mean it stands to reason that "the media", as it were, is going to treat individuals allegedly involved in a gruesome murder of an infant, and an individual that we know was shot while carrying only tea and skittles, in a far different respect and manner.

And GZ has his own history when it comes to social media, as his old myspace contained several inflammatory statements about other races (including his own)...that too has received very little play in the media.

We have a value system in this country where we dont demonize a victim, unless said behavior is absolutely relevant to the matter at hand. Robert Z, doesnt feel like that value should apply because Trayvon is a niqqer. An fb pose and quoting a rap song is not relevant in a case where the person in question was murdered for reasons completely unrelated to his FB activity. RZ is appealing to the base racist instincts of his brother's supporters, and those on the periphery, and going all out in an "us vs. them" appeal to bigots.

but my point is, both of the accused haven't been to trial and haven't been convicted yet the media will and has in the past vilified them both. people will vilify them because they have their own beliefs about the case, their own prejudices, etc. you can't say that hasn't happened because you know it has. piers didn't want to admit that because he wanted to push the issue of robert coming off as racist (that's what i believe his agenda was when he invited him to the show). i feel like robert might have racist tendencies but it's hard to tell given the situation and what has occurred in his life. situations like these can also bring out the worse in people. imagine if someone in your family was accused of racism and killing someone and that made national news. even if you weren't racist, you'd probably end up harboring some sort of anger...

i just thought that point should be highlighted. i didn't read everyone's posts so i don't know if someone mentioned it but i felt i should because it's easier to spot the person who's on the defense (robert) and to write him off completely even if he has some valid argument within his defense. never the less, don't think of my ability to see and agree with his subpoint as a vote of confidence in robert. i still think his tweet was inspired by racism. which goes to my other point; regardless of that, i doubt very highly robert's tweet came from thinking about all that (media portrayal). the way it was worded and the fact his tweet didn't mention anything about the portrayal of his brother and the accused infant killer means, to me, he was trying to connect race in the tweet.

and your second point about not demonizing the victim, the zimmerman case is trying to establish who was at fault, no "victims" (in terms of the case) have been established yet. trayvon is considered the victim because he's dead but not because he has been proven to be not responsible for the incident's escalation. the media doesn't draw a line or a distinction between that. they see that someone died and consider them to be the victim. they show videos and get interviews of people that are angry over the kid being killed which only boosts support towards trayvon being the victim. mind you, i'm not claiming sides or say trayvon isn't innocent or that george is. i'm just outlining...

i mean, you could talk about zimmerman's psychological issues all day but you'd just be hypothesizing...


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
but my point is, both of the accused haven't been to trial and haven't been convicted yet the media will and has in the past vilified them both. people will vilify them because they have their own beliefs about the case, their own prejudices, etc. you can't say that hasn't happened because you know it has. piers didn't want to admit that because he wanted to push the issue of robert coming off as racist (that's what i believe his agenda was when he invited him to the show). i feel like robert might have racist tendencies but it's hard to tell given the situation and what has occurred in his life. situations like these can also bring out the worse in people. imagine if someone in your family was accused of racism and killing someone and that made national news. even if you weren't racist, you'd probably end up harboring some sort of anger...

i just thought that point should be highlighted. i didn't read everyone's posts so i don't know if someone mentioned it but i felt i should because it's easier to spot the person who's on the defense (robert) and to write him off completely even if he has some valid argument within his defense. never the less, don't think of my ability to see and agree with his subpoint as a vote of confidence in robert. i still think his tweet was inspired by racism. which goes to my other point; regardless of that, i doubt very highly robert's tweet came from thinking about all that (media portrayal). the way it was worded and the fact his tweet didn't mention anything about the portrayal of his brother and the accused infant killer means, to me, he was trying to connect race in the tweet.

and your second point about not demonizing the victim, the zimmerman case is trying to establish who was at fault, no "victims" (in terms of the case) have been established yet. trayvon is considered the victim because he's dead but not because he has been proven to be not responsible for the incident's escalation. the media doesn't draw a line or a distinction between that. they see that someone died and consider them to be the victim. they show videos and get interviews of people that are angry over the kid being killed which only boosts support towards trayvon being the victim. mind you, i'm not claiming sides or say trayvon isn't innocent or that george is. i'm just outlining...

i mean, you could talk about zimmerman's psychological issues all day but you'd just be hypothesizing...

I dont even know what a lot of this means, and it seems you're making arguments that RZ didnt even make. At any rate, the media has a responsibility to the facts at hand --- they dont have a responsibility to act as GZ's defense team, simply because we havent gone to trial yet. We have a freedom of press. The fact remains that the evidence that has surfaced leads people to naturally conclude that GZ was the aggressor, and Trayvon was the victim. This is a free country, and thats the overall consensus. I can understand RZ's defense of his brother, at a base level, but he is swimming upstream with respect to the facts at hand, because this case doesnt reflect well on his brother or his brother's actions. Thats why he is pulling out dirty plays and appeals like this --- hes trying to muddy the waters, because the facts, and GZ's own wildly inconsistent testimony and representation of events dont work.