I have never seen kids fight like that...not just shyt-talking, but delivering real punches and pulling out knives. I didn't know to feel looking at that. Them babies had heart though with no hesitation.
This episode has sealed it for me. At this point, I'm convinced a lot of the second sons (or second-born children) in this universe are cold and crazy: Daemon, Viserys (Rhaegar's brother), Ramsey, Stannis, the Blackfish, Oberyn...even Yara and Lysa...I don't know what it is that sets these folks on this course, but it always makes for good TV

. Aemond came off cold and crazy to me when I saw how he reacted to that damn pig; he didn't even flinch. Now he got the biggest dragon in the world now...he is feeling himself. He is coming off like the second coming of his psychotic ass uncle Daemon. Same hairstyle, same grin, eyeballing a female relative and contemplating incest. Hell, even their names look alike.
Speaking of uncle Daemon, he has absolutely no chemistry with this new Rhaenyra. The incest is already creepy but it was nauseating this episode because the two actors have no 'umph' together. I don't care what anyone says - that wedding ceremony looked satanic as all hell. I'm kind of happy Vhagar didn't stay around for that fukkery, but I hate the girls lost the dragon they had been used to seeing all their lives with their mama.
Aside from that, this fool is laughing at his wife's funeral and sitting back while his daughters are trying to defend themselves to the king. What the hell is he on? The Daemon of these last two episodes has been very weird; his energy seems very different since the time jump. I hope he is back to his normal antics next week.
Viserys can do no wrong in my book; he has already proved his strength by staying alive, despite of whatever it is he has which is obviously killing him slow. He is falling apart but still holding on every week. He tried to make amends with his crazy little brother. Then he trolling his new wife by calling her his old wife and lover's name...he knew what he was doing

. As far as how he handled the kids, it's hard to remember that, technically, Aemond is Rhaenyra's little brother, not just Alicent's child. And Rhaenyra is still his favorite kid. He know those kids aren't hers and still won't throw her under the bus. Talk about loyalty. He vowed he wouldn't foresake her, and for all the shyt he gets, he has held fast to that promise. Rhaenyra is stupid as hell, but her daddy is making sure no one is going to hurt her and her babies while he is alive.
With how he handles his wife, though...if Viserys was Bobby B, he would have knocked the hell out of Alicent for repeatedly questioning his judgment in front of all those people. If he were Joffrey, he would have just had the Kingsguard to do it for him.
When that baby Luc said he didn't want Driftmark because that would mean everyone is dead, that hurt my heart

. Adults never see it that way but kids do. Even Corlys couldn't argue with that. Rhae's kids really are sweet babies. Luc took his big brother's dagger and cut his uncle to protect his brother. Since we get another time jump next week, I can't wait to see what Joffrey's personality is like and if he is just as "strong" as his older brothers.
What a minute...I forgot since his mama married Daemon, he is technically their stepdad-great uncle

. I
really hope his crazy doesn't rub off on these boys. I also hope Rhaenyra show those little girls some love and attention.
And I hope Seasmoke somehow let's Rhaenys know her baby boy is still alive. Watching this lady cry for two dead children in this episode bothered me; it hurt worse to know Laenor is alive but his parents truly believes he's gone. I hope they somehow work him back into the show so that they can reunite at some point.