his whole post comes down to "if you have a bad team, you are going to have a bad time" no shyt thats pretty much true in everything in life
It's not just that. It seems despite his boast of 100 hours he doesn't understand the meta at all. I've never heard reaper or roadhog described as unbalanced or OP(I hardly even see roadhog being picked and he's has no mid/long range game outside his chain) I'm pretty sure Bastion damage has been nerfed and genshi's stars take him out while he's in turret mode easily. Even if some players are difficult to deal with, they all have counters. I can pick Mei and neutralize a fast moving tracer, soldier or Lucio with my gun(while healing myself). Or put some Symmetra turrets near a major pathway/choke points. Or stay out of range with zenyatta and hit them with discord balls. Or just set up a turret with trojborn. It's a lot of options. And whose ultimate is OP? The only one that's aggravating is Junkrats because you can't see the direction his booby trap is coming. But they add audio cues so when you hear him say his line, that's your hint to move away from a huge firefight because the bomb is coming that way( same with bastion whistle, trojborn molten core, etc) And hell if you are knowledgeable of the map and know where the health packs are you really won't need a healer. So @Killigraphy I honestly don't see this huge balancing issue you are taking about