The Picasso of the Ghetto
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I would disagree, there was clear internal instability, but at least he made some positive strives in gender equality gaps and secularization.
brother post the link!The pdf is online and can be found with a quick Google search
I heard Libya was like a Cuba type situation where the wealthier minority group didn't like the leader (in Cubas case Castro.).
Like I would always wonder why Miami was full of white Cubans and Cuba had all the Afro Cubans, and then the history of Castro helping out in Africa. Like I said before I don't know anyone personally from Libya but it just seems like we were never presented the full picture when it came to Gaddafi.
Speaking on Cuba I believe I had read something to Cuba opening the doors for African Americans to come for free med school, I could have my info mixed up though.
http://www.bgf.nu/greenbook.pdfbrother post the link!
I find Cubans to be interesting, because...
White Cubans are some of the most racist whites you'll ever meet, while black Cubans are some of the most "African" black people you'll ever meet. Such a big contrast between the two. And yeah Cubans in CUBA did A LOT for Africa and black people. Hell, look up Cuba's role in the Angolan civil war and helping fighting against the white apartheid backed UNITA.
We as a people gotta start traveling, we get all of our info from 2nd hand accounts and or bias media, it's more to these stories are being presented.
A Black Panther Guide To Algiers - Roads & KingdomsDidn't the Black Panther Party have a base in either Libya or was it Algeria?
To insinuate that Libya was some sort of Utopia is incredibly moronic, I don't care what some Hilary emails say.
He will keep peons like ISIS out the paint but he is in a position where everyone is at his mercy so if he doesn't like you you got problems. Like I said I can't really make a call on him, similar to Castro. I've heard only white Cubans dislike Castro
Lol but isn't he housing a so called militant by the name of Assata Shakur?It ain't that cut-and-dried, you have Blacks who like him you have Blacks who dislike him. He did persecute Santeria practitioners and Black millitants, called them Black racists and neutralized their movement cause apparently there was no need for it since he abolished racism in Cuba.