fukkery alert mayne, Terrence Howard on the Joe Rogan Podcast

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I didn’t know we judge facts based on your scale? A basic fact to an audience who doesn’t know any of the facts at least gives them a starting point.

No, it doesn't. If you're talking to someone who doesn't understand a subject, then telling them a half-truth about the subject followed by a bunch of lies does NOTHING good for them.

That's the exact formula for damn near all pseudoscience. You start with a misinterpreted fact you read and then just start riffing with bullshyt.

Maybe you can post a video of someone directly challenging his theories while he’s presenting them?

Because it would be a complete waste of time. :dead:

No one who has even a fraction of knowledge/education on any of those subjects is going to take a single thing he says seriously. And the people who don't have any knowledge on the subject, how would they know whether Terrence Howard was right or the debunker was right? Terrence Howard could say nothing but falsehoods and the debunker could be 100% right, and if they believed Howard the first time, then they'd still be like, "I dunno, maybe I don't have a physics degree but Howard's explanation is pretty convincing."

I demonstrated how 1 x 1 is obviously 1, not 2. If Terrence Howard has been struggling with that basic arithmetic for 35 years and still doesn't know the answer, then how the hell do you think he's going to discern deep truths about physics and complex mathematical geometry?

How about this? Howard claims he has the power to destroy all of humanity, but he wants to use his powers for good instead. He claims he has an entire board behind him that decides when and how to use his great discoveries for the benefit of mankind. Plus he's a millionaire, and anyone with the slightest good idea (or even halfway convincing bad idea) can find some venture capitalist to dump some solid startup capital their way, especially someone with Terrence Howard's connections. So why not wait for him to put out even ONE mankind-benefitting accomplishment with all this knowledge and power he claims to have, and then actually take him seriously?

Until then, you're just getting played by a conman with psych issues.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Only seeing clips… Coli kinda behind imo

Ive been hearing the same things he’s been saying not just from him, from other researchers and scientists since the UAP vids dropped 7 years ago.

He brought up Billy Carlson in the clip (saying we are a part of one consciousness, multiple dimensions, as above/so below, etc.,) and i heard it from other scientists, physicists, government officials, Agency officials, Shamans in indigenous countries (where 3-letter agencies that will go to and learn/ investigate from), etc.

People on Tiktok excited that Putin just exposed that “Jesus” (Yeshua) was black… well if you read about ancient texts you probably wouldve already came to that conclusion as well.

Like there was a council who decided what was in the Bible…. None of those dudes were black. The Catholic church whitewashed the Dead Sea Scrolls, removed SPECIFIC books out of it and the OLDEST version of the Bible is the Ethiopian one that has all the books in it… and there are Tablets with similar stories that predates the bible, etc. They also went out with white men to other countries and basically beat that into their mind… especially Latin countries

And this is just becoming more mainstream I guess. I don’t know if I believe it all, but I think if you read or pay attention you will start seeing patterns and things connecting.

I think Howard is trying to piece it together to the best of his knowledge.

And I think the Vatican knew a lot of this. They have an entire store room of ancient shyt from hundreds of thousands of years underneath it. Learned that while investigating David Grusch.

Bet Coli didnt know Vatican just had a press release on Friday with new guidelines for unexplainable phenomenon or something. Been studying so I havent watched it yet.
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May 17, 2014
This interview is hilarious. At 40 minutes he has to break to detox :dead:

He is definitely likeable which is how he is able to just talk all this stuff without people just saying fukk off
Oct 26, 2014
It's only dumb if you can't count. Do you even know how multiplication works?



If you have 2 bags and each bag has 2 apples in it, then you have four apples.

If you have 5 bags and each bag has 4 apples in it, then you have twenty apples.

Now, if you have ONE bag with ONE apple in it, how many apples do you have?

That's it. That's all I have to do to demonstrate that 1 x 1 = 1. And Terrence Howard refuses to comprehend even that basic shyt.

Dumb af . Yall are brainwashed by cacs. Explain having 1 apple and multiplying it by zero and have fukking ZERO apples instead of ONE fukking apple still .

Hey bro I just multiplied your bank account by zero now you’re broke and I’m taking all your money. Cool? :mjlol:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Nearly everything you said is wrong, but let's just focus on the specific claims.

People on Tiktok excited that Putin just exposed that “Jesus” (Yeshua) was black… well if you read about ancient texts you probably wouldve already came to that conclusion as well.

It takes about 5 seconds to debunk the claims that were made on social media. The translation was fake and nearly everything claimed about the context was fake too.

The icon is a copy not an original, the original is fairly recent not ancient, it's a common icon used by the Russian military, and Putin didn't say anything whatsoever about "Black Jesus" or Black anything when he presented it.

That, of course, has no bearing on whether Jesus was actually black or brown.

Like there was a council who decided what was in the Bible.

Of course they had a council to decide what was in the Bible, what else would you have expected them to do? People came together and made a final decision, you would have preferred they do.....what exactly?

But the "council to decide what was in the Bible" didn't come until 382, by that point everyone had already basically agreed what books were legitimate for 200 years. You can see various lists from theologians and bishops in the 100s and 200s regarding which Biblical books should be considered canonical, and they almost perfectly match the final decisions of the 382 council. The only potential New Testament book I can think of that came close to canonical without making it was Shepherd of Hermas. The main debates were over various Jewish texts that some of the early Fathers had referred to from time to time, but which the Jews themselves didn't consider part of their scripture.

Note that by the time the Catholic Church had that council, many of the Orthodox churches (including the Egyptian, Ethiopian, Syrian, and the church of Jerusalem) had already split off from the western churches, so those eastern churches weren't even part of their council. Yet they still used the same Biblical canon without any direction from the Catholic leaders.

The Catholic church whitewashed the Dead Sea Scrolls, removed SPECIFIC books out of it

Dead Sea Scrolls hadn't even been discovered when the Catholic Church made the canon, so how could they "whitewash" them? :heh:

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a huge conglomeration of writings from some fringe Jewish group writing before Christianity even existed, so why would you take them as authoritative as opposed to anything else? They were some people writing in caves who could write whatever they felt like writing. If 2000 years in the future, someone finds the book of Mormon or the Koran in an archeological dig, should they say, "Look at this! The Bible is wrong! Why didn't they include the Koran and the Book of Mormon in their sacred text?"

the OLDEST version of the Bible is the Ethiopian one that has all the books in it…

The Ethiopian Bible is not the oldest version of the Bible.

The Ethiopian Bible is exactly the same as the Catholic Bible except that they also include Jubilees, Enoch, 2 Ezra, and 3 Maccabees. All of these were rather late-written Jewish texts that aren't considered part of Scripture by a single sect of Judaism. They have nothing to do with Jesus. If the Jews don't even consider these writings to be part of the Old Testament, then why do you care whether Christians do or not?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Dumb af . Yall are brainwashed by cacs. Explain having 1 apple and multiplying it by zero and have fukking ZERO apples instead of ONE fukking apple still .

If you have 1 box with 0 apples in it, how many apples do you have?


That is the exact meaning of 1 x 0 = 0

If you have 0 boxes with an apple in them, how many apples do you have?


That is the exact meaning of 0 x 1 = 0

Hey bro I just multiplied your bank account by zero now you’re broke and I’m taking all your money. Cool? :mjlol:

If you have 1 bank account with 0 dollars in it, how many dollars do you have?


If you have 0 bank accounts with dollars in them, how many dollars do you have?


That's the basics of mathematics, breh. It's not some mystical operation. It's just counting. If you have a lot of boxes of nothing.....it's still nothing.
Oct 26, 2014
:dead: If you have 1 box with 0 apples in it, how many apples do you have?


That is the exact meaning of 1 x 0 = 0

If you have 0 boxes with an apple in them, how many apples do you have?


That is the exact meaning of 0 x 1 = 0

If you have 1 bank account with 0 dollars in it, how many dollars do you have?


If you have 0 bank accounts with dollars in them, how many dollars do you have?


That's the basics of mathematics, breh. It's not some mystical operation. It's just counting. If you have a lot of boxes of nothing.....it's still nothing.

If you have 1 apple and multiply it by zero you still have one fukking apple. Zero has no numerical value on its own :mjlol:

“Multiplying “ the apple by zero means absolutely nothing. It’s equivalent to farting on your apple. You’d still have one apple :dead: :laff:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

If you have 1 apple and multiply it by zero you still have one fukking apple. Zero has no numerical value on its own :mjlol:

“Multiplying “ the apple by zero means absolutely nothing. It’s equivalent to farting on your apple. You’d still have one apple

Say "Multiply by 5" to that same apple, breh. You'll still have just one apple. :russ:

You are 100% correct that just saying the words "multiply it by zero" is the equivalent of farting on the apple. So is saying "multiply by 5" or "multiply by 100". Just saying something to an apple is never going to change how many apples you have. :laff:

When you use the operation of multiplication, what you are actually doing is stating that you have a specific # of sets with a specific # of objects in each set. So if you have 0 sets of 5 apples, you have 0 apples. If you have 5 sets with 0 apples in each set.....you still have zero apples.

You confused yourself logically because you tried to use an abstract mathematical representation to change a real-world apple....but the mathematical representation can never change a real apple, no matter what your equation is. Just stating an equation never changes the real world. What the equation does is DESCRIBE the world. And the situation you keep describing is a "1 x 1 = 1" equation, because you have 1 set of 1 apple. There's no "0" anywhere there.
Oct 26, 2014
Say "Multiply by 5" to that same apple, breh. You'll still have just one apple. :russ:

You are 100% correct that just saying the words "multiply it by zero" is the equivalent of farting on the apple. So is saying "multiply by 5" or "multiply by 100". Just saying something to an apple is never going to change how many apples you have. :laff:

When you use the operation of multiplication, what you are actually doing is stating that you have a specific # of sets with a specific # of objects in each set. So if you have 0 sets of 5 apples, you have 0 apples. If you have 5 sets with 0 apples in each set.....you still have zero apples.

You confused yourself logically because you tried to use an abstract mathematical representation to change a real-world apple....but the mathematical representation can never change a real apple, no matter what your equation is. Just stating an equation never changes the real world. What the equation does is DESCRIBE the world. And the situation you keep describing is a "1 x 1 = 1" equation, because you have 1 set of 1 apple. There's no "0" anywhere there.
I’m fukkin done breh. You got it. You think 1 apple multiplied by 5 is 1 apple. :dead:

Multiplying anything by zero is the equivalent of just fukking saying it because zero has no numerical value on its own :laff:

These cacs :dead:lied to yall about everything.

Terrance tryna wake it up.

Regardless any of these numbers or equations only work because we agree to it. Same with how money works. We all have to accept that bullshyt values :dead:


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
I know you're trolling, but don't say that shyt on here or people will believe it. :dead:

There's a goofy urban legend that's been going around forever claiming that Einstein was bad at school, or bad at math. He wasn't. He was an absolute prodigy in math and physics both from a very young age, and got into history and philosophy reading complex works as a young teenager that would have stymied most adults.

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