It's in the fine print, excludes hardware sales. Per you M$ doesn't care about hardware, they just want their software/gamepass everywhere correct?I didn’t say they were just buying COD
Oh, so you just deflecting to nonsense instead of the topic at hand cause when held up to the light your “concern” breaks down to stan shyt.
Sony stans
and stop posting that dumb ass chart. It’s wrong AF, i dont know where they got their numbers
PlayStation revenues near $25bn as PS5 ships 7.8m in five months
The launch of the PlayStation 5 and a solid line-up for PlayStation 4 helped drive a strong year for Sony Corporation.T…
Maybe that’s your problem, working from a position of ignorance will have you out here looking like a dummy![]()

The Top 10 Public Game Companies Generated $126 Billion in 2021 as Subscriptions and M&A Shake up the Market | Newzoo
Read this article to learn 2021's top 10 game companies by revenues! We also look at how gaming's biggest acquisitions would shake things up.