Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


May 1, 2012
If you need to go somewhere to find some inspiration because your life is stagnant, what's wrong with that. No matter what the reason is.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
I can't be furious. I just see a bunch of old lames "frustrated" that they couldn't find good women here, forcing them to travel a thousand miles southward. As the resident old dude on this site....I'm telling y'all....don't be like them lames. This country is too big to not find something worthwhile. Those dudes are just a bunch of once young lames that turned into old lames with an escape plan that most men would call a "two week vacation with my boys."

These niqqas took a two week vacation for some ass and made it their lives. :heh:

What if you like mixed Japanese / Brazilian girls, only two countries in the world you'll find that special blend in great numbers :ohhh:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
if it's that olive oyl looking bytch you posted on sohh that has you believing that your :eat: you can keep that for yourself

She ain't the finest thing, but that's what's wrong with you shallow ass nikkas.

Y'all have the nerve to complain about there not being any good women, but like I said earlier in the thread, EVERY dude has had a woman who didn't look like a straight up dime, but she would hold him down and be there for him, but he turned her down anyway.

Y'all just straight up too shallow to give them a chance. So, IMO, from there, you get whatever you deserve from women, whether they are shytting on you or you can't find what you want.

So when dudes talk about "there's no good women", I don't feel bad for you and you just look stupid and I don't mind flexing hard on you, cause you ain't shyt. Cause there are plenty of women who would do for you but your ego got you sprung thinking you're gonna find perfection to the point where you turn down good qualities because the package isn't the most appealing.

What if you like mixed Japanese / Brazilian girls, only two countries in the world you'll find that special blend in great numbers :ohhh:

Then you are shallow as fukk and being stupid. And you deserve a relationship based on looks/physical attributes. Not one based on personality/good character.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
If you need to go somewhere to find some inspiration because your life is stagnant, what's wrong with that. No matter what the reason is.

Dog...they blamed women here for not feeling them and think getting some low budget women from another country want them for something deeper than being Americans with bread.

These aren't niqqas talking about going to Brazil and marrying into some middle class or upper class families. Te type of women they'd have to work for, meeting their families and bring something meaningful to the table. They're fukking slores that most men their age get their rocks off during a one week vacation with their boys. No man in their rightful mind is against that....we've all been there. :youngsabo: but these dudes were frustrated enough with the women back home to make that their lives.

That's lame. Don't blame America....blame yourselves being over 40 and still not getting it.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
What if you like mixed Japanese / Brazilian girls, only two countries in the world you'll find that special blend in great numbers :ohhh:

If all it takes to fall for a chick is to have those qualities, I'd feel sorry for that type of dude.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
More like you are concocting something in your own mind and trying to apply that to me. The only people here that were crying were you and a few others mad that them old school negroes up and decided to get it elsewhere in the world. I ain't mad at them for taking it worldwide. Why are you?
Naw you been crying the whole time dawg. You might deny it or call it something else but thats what youve been doing

You up here talking some nonsense about evading responsibility. WHAT responsibility are they avoiding? Those men DID take responsibility. They didn't particularly care for what they saw here, took action and went elsewhere and found what they were looking for elsewhere. They found a solution to their problem. Your version of responsibility is settling for whatever they can find in the local area instead of opening their options up on a worldwide basis.You acting like them negroes owe it to you or to the women here to keep their johnson inside of american women.
They avoided the responsibility to the communities and history that enabled them to have the opportunities they have access to. They avoided the responsibilities they have to themselves to pursue the best situations possible. By stepping their shyt up here they wouldn't have to settle.

So a culture that openly teaches and promotes feminism not only through media, but in the school system and tells women to those traditional gender roles has NO effect on women refusing to participate in a more traditional relationship? 50% divorce rate It's because men aren't proving enough to these females? Bruh please. Ain't no such thing as proving something in order for a woman to be a traditional woman. Either she IS or she isn't.
Again, plenty of black women are willing to submit to a dude who shows he is worthy of submitting to. All this feminism bullshyt you're spewing is just that. If a man shows he's a leader women will follow.

lol@women here not engaging in traditional relationships because men haven't proven something... but magically these men can find it where they go elsewhere?
Not very difficult to understand... these Brazilian chicks see dudes as a come up, so naturally they are gonna give these dudes the royal treatment... its a hustle + an illusion

And that "something" was described by those dudes in the vid... its the ability to provide. Lot of black American women have had to step up to that role because black men haven't. And while there may be some bias working in women's favor, at the end of the day succeeding as a black male in America is not impossible.... and I would bet its a lot easier here than Brazil

why in the world should these negroes or any man PROVE a doggone thing when they can go elsewhere and get that without having to prove something? Cats ain't got time to be sitting around hoping women magically catch on. Why would they waste time proving something to get a more traditional experience when they can go get it without having to prove anything? Makes no sense putting in more effort for something they can get for less effort.
Of course.... why would a man try to be the best man he can be, achieve success, exhibit positive influence in his community, when he could just flee the country and be lied to by some women in a third world who see him as a meal ticket? Why? Because like I said, dudes like you want the world to be handed to you without working for it; you dudes are afraid to push yourselves; you dudes have no sense of personal responsibility and it manifests itself in your inability to find success with women in America

You keep talking about feminism and materialism.... if this was really the problem, no black man would be able to find happiness with a black woman, and yet damn near all the black couples I know are deeply happy + in love... so again, if the problem is cultural, how come everyone isn't having the same problems??? There has to be some other element that is unique to each individual situation, and in my experience its the difference between taking control and handing it over to everyone you blame
I like reading this thread but lol @ a newly signed up troll coming in, trolling badly, then getting daps from certain shady members of the coli community

obvious trolls but i like the discussion, so keep it up :popcorn:

I dont think I dapped anyone in this thread who wasn't from the green board... but hey... truth is truth :manny:


May 2, 2012
watching you nikkas seriously get furious over this on both sides has me dying though

shyt is hilarious to me. I dont know none of yall nikkas, so I dont give a shyt what none of yall nikkas do. You wanna stay in America, fine. You wanna go to Brazil, fine. You dont really need to explain yourself to random strangers breh. The shyt doesn't concern us and even if it did, frankly, I dont give a shyt anyway.


That's been my point from jump. If some random ass nikka on the Coli says he wants to go somewhere, how is that personally hurting you and why do you need to jump down his throat? why do you care? :skip:

And on top of that, its almost Christmas :krs: Log off and go watch Christmas Story with your family nikka :wtf:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
shyt is hilarious to me. I dont know none of yall nikkas, so I dont give a shyt what none of yall nikkas do. You wanna stay in America, fine. You wanna go to Brazil, fine. You dont really need to explain yourself to random strangers breh. The shyt doesn't concern us and even if it did, frankly, I dont give a shyt anyway.


That's been my point from jump. If some random ass nikka on the Coli says he wants to go somewhere, how is that personally hurting you and why do you need to jump down his throat? why do you care? :skip:

And on top of that, its almost Christmas :krs: Log off and go watch Christmas Story with your family nikka :wtf:
This is dumb. This is a message board. What you're posting is saying one should basically not post.

It isn't a "concern." It's calling a bunch of niqqas corny for blaming women making them run away.

We're men. What part of the game is this?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
shyt is hilarious to me. I dont know none of yall nikkas, so I dont give a shyt what none of yall nikkas do. You wanna stay in America, fine. You wanna go to Brazil, fine. You dont really need to explain yourself to random strangers breh. The shyt doesn't concern us and even if it did, frankly, I dont give a shyt anyway.


That's been my point from jump. If some random ass nikka on the Coli says he wants to go somewhere, how is that personally hurting you and why do you need to jump down his throat? why do you care? :skip:

And on top of that, its almost Christmas :krs: Log off and go watch Christmas Story with your family nikka :wtf:
But youre here too :leostare:

nikkas wanna play that 'im too cool' shyt, but still feel compelled to show themselves :skip:

If you were too cool you wouldn't even be here


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
She ain't the finest thing, but that's what's wrong with you shallow ass nikkas.

Y'all have the nerve to complain about there not being any good women, but like I said earlier in the thread, EVERY dude has had a woman who didn't look like a straight up dime, but she would hold him down and be there for him, but he turned her down anyway.

Y'all just straight up too shallow to give them a chance. So, IMO, from there, you get whatever you deserve from women, whether they are shytting on you or you can't find what you want.

So when dudes talk about "there's no good women", I don't feel bad for you and you just look stupid and I don't mind flexing hard on you, cause you ain't shyt. Cause there are plenty of women who would do for you but your ego got you sprung thinking you're gonna find perfection to the point where you turn down good qualities because the package isn't the most appealing.
:wow: etherous.


May 2, 2012
This is dumb. This is a message board. What you're posting is saying one should basically not post.

It isn't a "concern." It's calling a bunch of niqqas corny for blaming women making them run away.

We're men. What part of the game is this?

These "corny nikkas" aren't bothering you. If nikkas lives are really that miserable, I dont see why we have to jump down their throats even more. What joy do you get out of that? :aicmon: