Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Cause at the end of the day, for me personally my wife was a good match from jump street. I didn't settle at all, you woe is me dudes wouldn't even be in the space to meet a woman like my wife. We are not one of those People of Walmart type couples bruh

And I know none of these men did any of that shyt here because they left...

Bruh.... if moving thousands of miles away isn't abandoning your community what is

This makes no sense... when I say step your game up, I mean step your game up... upgrade your appearance, upgrade your financial status, upgrade your mind, upgrade your social circle.... then you won't have to settle.

And why would I be envious of their position? I'm married to the love of my life. I can go to Brazil. I was out of the country twice this year, and next year I'm prob leaving twice again (Japan + Maldives and hopefully Ghana). And I have everything I want here in the US, I don't have to flee the country to find love + peace

Again, the problem isn't that the women won't play the traditional role, its that these dudes don't bring enough to the table to show these women they are men worth submitting to

And if a chick doesn't see you as someone she would want to submit to, she's not giving you the ass. But shes also not gonna give you respect or time of day.

Because obviously its about more than just getting ass... someone even said they respect RamDam for his honesty... he knows he has no game, and has resigned to paying for affection. I don't agree with his method but at least he accepts some responsibility in his predicament

These guys and dudes like you are so goofy in how far you go to evade responsibility. Freshman year of high school yall were the dudes crying about chicks only wanting seniors. Senior year yall were crying about chicks only wanting college dudes, athletes and dudes with money. College yall were on that "man im grinding and chicks need to love me for free". And now youre crying about how women are too materialistic. Meanwhile the whole time there have been dudes not far from your position in life getting the attention and respect you couldn't from these broads. If it was a one time thing it owuld be one thing. But if there's a million different situations with the same undesirable outcome, and you are the only common factor, you're the problem

Youre the kind of dude to see a millionaire and say 'damn he is lucky. someone prob hooked him up'. Millionaires see millionaires and say 'damn that dude is a hard worker. he seized an opportunity'. As long as you feel like someone owes you something without you having to prove your worth you won't get shyt.

I dont need cosigns from anybody bruh. I have been on this same shyt since Reincar was Lord of the Lames back on the green forum. Yall nikkas are still crybabies and victims and until you man up and take control of your situations you will never see success in anything

Real talk Looney, you broke this shyt down like science breh. This by far the most epic post of the year. You probably dont care but fukk it breh you have my respect for what you just posted. Even though we didnt see eye to eye on shyt back on the hamster in the beginning, but I right now Im man enough to admit that youre a great poster.

I have been saying what u just posted all year around but you came and said it in one big perfectly written paragraph...:wow:

shyt was so on point, like point blank range, no guts blown up left chest face gone.:damn:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
:pachaha: CTK just served this nicca. :dead: Watch that fool come in and type up another long response about how it's everyone else's fault.

So much pussification. :wow:

It's safe to that ole boy and the legion of lames are probably the most un-humble dudes you will ever come across. That's pretty much them "nice guys" in general. They are the most deserving and worthy fukkas you will ever come across in their mind. Never met so many dudes who always got the finger pointed at someone else, who are so perfect while everyone else around them is 100% wrong.

You not gonna get in to heaven with this kinda behavior/thought process :mjpls:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Real talk Looney, you broke this shyt down like science breh. This by far the most epic post of the year. You probably dont care but fukk it breh you have my respect for what you just posted. Even though we didnt see eye to eye on shyt back on the hamster in the beginning, but I right now Im man enough to admit that youre a great poster.

I have been saying what u just posted all year around but you came and said it in one big perfectly written paragraph...:wow:

shyt was so on point, like point blank range, no guts blown up left chest face gone.:damn:
I dont want to hurt feelings. We should all be :eat:. But to eat you need the truth and sometimes the truth hurts


May 2, 2012
Yo, its Christmas yall :dwillhuh: Can't we have a cease fire atleast until the 1st? Its fukkin WWIII in here :dwillhuh:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Cause at the end of the day, for me personally my wife was a good match from jump street. I didn't settle at all, you woe is me dudes wouldn't even be in the space to meet a woman like my wife. We are not one of those People of Walmart type couples bruh

And I know none of these men did any of that shyt here because they left...

Bruh.... if moving thousands of miles away isn't abandoning your community what is

This makes no sense... when I say step your game up, I mean step your game up... upgrade your appearance, upgrade your financial status, upgrade your mind, upgrade your social circle.... then you won't have to settle.

And why would I be envious of their position? I'm married to the love of my life. I can go to Brazil. I was out of the country twice this year, and next year I'm prob leaving twice again (Japan + Maldives and hopefully Ghana). And I have everything I want here in the US, I don't have to flee the country to find love + peace

Again, the problem isn't that the women won't play the traditional role, its that these dudes don't bring enough to the table to show these women they are men worth submitting to

And if a chick doesn't see you as someone she would want to submit to, she's not giving you the ass. But shes also not gonna give you respect or time of day.

Because obviously its about more than just getting ass... someone even said they respect RamDam for his honesty... he knows he has no game, and has resigned to paying for affection. I don't agree with his method but at least he accepts some responsibility in his predicament

These guys and dudes like you are so goofy in how far you go to evade responsibility. Freshman year of high school yall were the dudes crying about chicks only wanting seniors. Senior year yall were crying about chicks only wanting college dudes, athletes and dudes with money. College yall were on that "man im grinding and chicks need to love me for free". And now youre crying about how women are too materialistic. Meanwhile the whole time there have been dudes not far from your position in life getting the attention and respect you couldn't from these broads. If it was a one time thing it owuld be one thing. But if there's a million different situations with the same undesirable outcome, and you are the only common factor, you're the problem

Youre the kind of dude to see a millionaire and say 'damn he is lucky. someone prob hooked him up'. Millionaires see millionaires and say 'damn that dude is a hard worker. he seized an opportunity'. As long as you feel like someone owes you something without you having to prove your worth you won't get shyt.

I dont need cosigns from anybody bruh. I have been on this same shyt since Reincar was Lord of the Lames back on the green forum. Yall nikkas are still crybabies and victims and until you man up and take control of your situations you will never see success in anything

More like you are concocting something in your own mind and trying to apply that to me. The only people here that were crying were you and a few others mad that them old school negroes up and decided to get it elsewhere in the world. I ain't mad at them for taking it worldwide. Why are you?

You up here talking some nonsense about evading responsibility. WHAT responsibility are they avoiding? Those men DID take responsibility. They didn't particularly care for what they saw here, took action and went elsewhere and found what they were looking for elsewhere. They found a solution to their problem. Your version of responsibility is settling for whatever they can find in the local area instead of opening their options up on a worldwide basis.You acting like them negroes owe it to you or to the women here to keep their johnson inside of american women.

So a culture that openly teaches and promotes feminism not only through media, but in the school system and tells women to those traditional gender roles has NO effect on women refusing to participate in a more traditional relationship? 50% divorce rate It's because men aren't proving enough to these females? Bruh please. Ain't no such thing as proving something in order for a woman to be a traditional woman. Either she IS or she isn't.

lol@women here not engaging in traditional relationships because men haven't proven something... but magically these men can find it where they go elsewhere? why in the world should these negroes or any man PROVE a doggone thing when they can go elsewhere and get that without having to prove something? Cats ain't got time to be sitting around hoping women magically catch on. Why would they waste time proving something to get a more traditional experience when they can go get it without having to prove anything? Makes no sense putting in more effort for something they can get for less effort.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
More like you are concocting something in your own mind and trying to apply that to me. The only people here that were crying were you and a few others mad that them old school negroes up and decided to get it elsewhere in the world. I ain't mad at them for taking it worldwide. Why are you?

You up here talking some nonsense about evading responsibility. WHAT responsibility are they avoiding? Those men DID take responsibility. They didn't particularly care for what they saw here, took action and went elsewhere and found what they were looking for elsewhere. They found a solution to their problem. Your version of responsibility is settling for whatever they can find in the local area instead of opening their options up on a worldwide basis.You acting like them negroes owe it to you or to the women here to keep their johnson inside of american women.

So a culture that openly teaches and promotes feminism not only through media, but in the school system and tells women to those traditional gender roles has NO effect on women refusing to participate in a more traditional relationship? 50% divorce rate It's because men aren't proving enough to these females? Bruh please. Ain't no such thing as proving something in order for a woman to be a traditional woman. Either she IS or she isn't.

lol@women here not engaging in traditional relationships because men haven't proven something... but magically these men can find it where they go elsewhere? why in the world should these negroes or any man PROVE a doggone thing when they can go elsewhere and get that without having to prove something? Cats ain't got time to be sitting around hoping women magically catch on. Why would they waste time proving something to get a more traditional experience when they can go get it without having to prove anything? Makes no sense putting in more effort for something they can get for less effort.

I'm 150% sure there's a picture of you with a fedora on somewhere. :mjpls:


May 1, 2012
I like reading this thread but lol @ a newly signed up troll coming in, trolling badly, then getting daps from certain shady members of the coli community

obvious trolls but i like the discussion, so keep it up :popcorn:


May 10, 2012
watching you nikkas seriously get furious over this on both sides has me dying though

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
watching you nikkas seriously get furious over this on both sides has me dying though

I can't be furious. I just see a bunch of old lames "frustrated" that they couldn't find good women here, forcing them to travel a thousand miles southward. As the resident old dude on this site....I'm telling y'all....don't be like them lames. This country is too big to not find something worthwhile. Those dudes are just a bunch of once young lames that turned into old lames with an escape plan that most men would call a "two week vacation with my boys."

These niqqas took a two week vacation for some ass and made it their lives. :heh: