Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..

May 1, 2012
why is some broad named marilynmonroe so invested in what men do with their penis?

if this is in fact a broad...its sad and pathetic...

if its a man....kill yourself...:smugfavre:

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Breh you sounding like me right now. It's a toss up between bora bora, Fiji, and the Maldives as to where I wanna knock out.

word, shyt im just now starting to travel for non business purposes

My girl wanted to do a cruise so we going to Cozumel, Belize, and Honduras

but Fiji has to be next

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
Oh word, so don't let the nice places fool me, so all of American should be jugged by Detroit or New Orleans? Curitiba is a model city other cities around the world copy, but I guess that doesn't matter because there's crime elsewhere. The Southern part of Brazil is damn near an extension of Europe, but you've been to Brazil, you should know that, right?

I really doubt you've been to Brazil to be honest, you're talking about some nonsensical shyt like seeing how the MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION lives? What in the fukk, the majority of the population of Brazil does not live in Favelas, and the majority of the population is not poor. You sound like someone that is furiously googling shyt to try and prove a point.

Just googled Curitiba, it's beautiful :wow:
fukk am I doing here :damn:


Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
May 23, 2012
Cerulean Cave
Glad to see this thread calm down a bit. Anyway, personally, I'm not the 'traveling for no reason' type of guy who walks around taking pics of landmarks. That shyt sounds really boring. If I wanted to see the Eiffel Tower or the Giza Pyramids I could just go on google.

I have low dopamine levels so I can't have fun unless I'm doing something exciting: sky diving, snow boarding, jet skiing over shark-infested waters (only half kidding here), etc. So aside from sex and business opportunities these activities seem like a good motivation for traveling.

I basically want to live my life like these guys:

The Blob - Launching Humans 50 Feet High - Contour - YouTube

[ame=]Paramotor Sky Racers - Parabatix - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]WINGSUIT RACING - Human Flight at 140mph! - YouTube[/ame]

Paintball Warfare - Epic Paintball Battle - YouTube
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Jun 19, 2012
Its hilarious this is coming from a black male who probably barely sees 30k a year its obvious alot of you dudes are dumb ass ghetto trash who never stepped foot out the projects of brooklyn,quyens,chicago,detroit,atl,dc etc. For one how is America the most materialistic country when world wide fathers still marry the poor azz daughters off to rich men in arranged marriages just so they can get a chance at the good life. Youdumb azz niccas stay comparing American women to women who live in countries where poverty is out of control,you got 11,12,13,and14 year old girls walking the streets sellin their pucci at alarming rates just to feed their family, and you lame azz no pucci gettin American niccas think its cool to take advantage of that lmaoo it shows your a fukkin loser lol. Only a lame azz nicca travels to a third world country to sleep with diseased underage prostitutes and yes i said underage be cause alot of the prostitutes are young girls who were often times sold into sex slavery. Its hilarious you gloss over the fact the only reason the brazilian chick sleeps with is because she is dirt poor and you have money or you gloss over the fact these chicks set lame azz dudes like you up every year to get robbed and murked in their home country while they run off with your cash but you bash american women for being materialistic lmaoo you clown azz s8mp ass nikkaz are so confused. Just admit your ugly azz hell and cant get no p*ssy instead of justifying payin for sex

Lmaoo its true these dudes dont know how wack they sound lol niccas go to a third world country with bishes wearing plastic bottles as shoes and brag when the poor diseased bytch sucks his cock for the american equivalent of$25 lmaoooo. Lets not forget the fact Brazil has one of the worlds largest tranny population n s and is the plastic surgery Capitol of the world full of fake asses,fake breasts,fake hair shyt even fake vaginas but nyggaz claim they like natural women :bryan: these hypocritical azz nyggas be killin me

We got a feisty one over here. :wow:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
:russ: this chick came in, spit that ether/truth. Pretty much destroyed the whole thread

:dead: how yall gonna let this happen?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
there is no difference

why didn't you step your game up and accept responsibility for your race and marry a black queen instead of opting to take the easy way out by settling for a white woman? At least with them going to Brazil, they have the potential to deal with someone with black blood in them. Why didn't you man up and hold down your community for the future of the black race and marry and share your finances with a black woman? Why didn't you tether yourself to 'your only ally' as you expect them to? How do you know that these men didn't mentor their community or raise kids here? They are like 30 to 50+ years old.
Cause at the end of the day, for me personally my wife was a good match from jump street. I didn't settle at all, you woe is me dudes wouldn't even be in the space to meet a woman like my wife. We are not one of those People of Walmart type couples bruh

And I know none of these men did any of that shyt here because they left...

If them negroes are happier going overseas, I ain't mad at them. Why are you? Ya'll trying to paint them as if they are abandoning their community. The only cats I been noticing that are getting mad are the ones who are married or in long term relationships...
Bruh.... if moving thousands of miles away isn't abandoning your community what is

lol@telling us we need to 'step our game up', which in ya'lls mind is essentially settling for less, because in a few posts later, ya'll talking about their demands for women here are just too high. If their dollar wasn't stretching it here, why in the world would ya'll be mad at them for exchanging their currency somewhere else and finding more value for their time and effort? Funny how every interaction men have overseas is automatically pegged to prostitution, which attests to how YA'LL may think, but has little to say of what others are actually doing overseas. It almost sounds like some of you are envious of their position.
This makes no sense... when I say step your game up, I mean step your game up... upgrade your appearance, upgrade your financial status, upgrade your mind, upgrade your social circle.... then you won't have to settle.

And why would I be envious of their position? I'm married to the love of my life. I can go to Brazil. I was out of the country twice this year, and next year I'm prob leaving twice again (Japan + Maldives and hopefully Ghana). And I have everything I want here in the US, I don't have to flee the country to find love + peace

The only real retort to men expanding their option is, 'lolz they can't get coochie here so they need to fly overseas,' when what was being discussed in the documentary or in this thread has NOTHING to do with getting sex... it comes down to ATTITUDE and looking for a woman that plays the more traditional role of a woman. Some of them negroes may have been going for pay to play, but some of them may have actually ENJOYED the culture they've experienced elsewhere and found the attitude of the women they experienced there refreshing. I don't know where ya'll get this notion that sex is somehow difficult to get or even the topic.

Again, the problem isn't that the women won't play the traditional role, its that these dudes don't bring enough to the table to show these women they are men worth submitting to

And if a chick doesn't see you as someone she would want to submit to, she's not giving you the ass. But shes also not gonna give you respect or time of day.

And what in the world kind of sense does that even make? If it was just about 'getting the coochie', they'd save a ton of money paying prostitutes HERE instead of flying to a foreign country. It couldn't be that some guys ARE sex tourists, while others actually were wowed by their treatment overseas compared to here, could it be? It couldn't be that different cultures with completely different values have different ways of treating their men could it?
Because obviously its about more than just getting ass... someone even said they respect RamDam for his honesty... he knows he has no game, and has resigned to paying for affection. I don't agree with his method but at least he accepts some responsibility in his predicament

These guys and dudes like you are so goofy in how far you go to evade responsibility. Freshman year of high school yall were the dudes crying about chicks only wanting seniors. Senior year yall were crying about chicks only wanting college dudes, athletes and dudes with money. College yall were on that "man im grinding and chicks need to love me for free". And now youre crying about how women are too materialistic. Meanwhile the whole time there have been dudes not far from your position in life getting the attention and respect you couldn't from these broads. If it was a one time thing it owuld be one thing. But if there's a million different situations with the same undesirable outcome, and you are the only common factor, you're the problem

Youre the kind of dude to see a millionaire and say 'damn he is lucky. someone prob hooked him up'. Millionaires see millionaires and say 'damn that dude is a hard worker. he seized an opportunity'. As long as you feel like someone owes you something without you having to prove your worth you won't get shyt.

Funny how all these self proclaimed 'gamed up' negroes are cosigning the one motormouth broad here that is the perfect example of what cats AREN'T trying to deal with here. If ya'll are cool with dealing with that, having power struggles and working harder for less, that's on yall. I ain't mad at them cats for expanding their options to get the best deal where they can. That's called being smart.

I dont need cosigns from anybody bruh. I have been on this same shyt since Reincar was Lord of the Lames back on the green forum. Yall nikkas are still crybabies and victims and until you man up and take control of your situations you will never see success in anything


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
why is some broad named marilynmonroe so invested in what men do with their penis?

if this is in fact a broad...its sad and pathetic...

if its a man....kill yourself...:smugfavre:

Yup, now that you've mentioned it, this marilynmonroe character is a flaming transvestite. REAL TALK! This fake wanna-be woman seems a little too fixated on topics about transsexuals. In fact go back and re-read all the previous post this tragfag submitted particularly this thread:

Fellas Would You Smash these "GIRLS"

This is why he/she is so adamantly involved in a thread which strictly caters to men, constantly talking down on women from other foreign locales, while showing dudes collections of photos of other transvestites. In fact, if you notice when I called out marilynmonroe on being a tranny in one of my previous posts he/she never responded back, yet every other negative comment I made this tranny tried to defend! The reason marilynmonroe knows so much about Brazil and the culture, is because this queer more than likely had a sex change there!

You nasty, mixed-up b@tch, you ain't no 100% real natural woman! You've been exposed!

Lets not forget the fact Brazil has one of the worlds largest tranny population n s and is the plastic surgery Capitol of the world full of fake asses,fake breasts,fake hair shyt even fake vaginas!


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
so you dont think that doesnt play a part in why there divorce rate is lower thans ours dumbass lol, America`s divorce rate numbers are highly over exaggerated when u take out repeat offenders who have been married 3,4,5, times the numbers are nearly as high as before and dead @You niccas not addressing the fact that in alot of cultures a woman`s entire econmic future is tied to her husband so of course the divorce rate would be lower. Btw you dumb fukk alot of these improvements you see in brazil have only been made in the last 10 or so years still hasnt changed the extreme gaps between the rich or poor there and the poverty levels and other 0arts of the country. Nicca talkin bout im googlin shyt when he got his facts off wikipedia lmaoooo

So that's how stats work? Selectively removing those that you don't agree with, thanks I wasn't aware that was the proper way to compile data :aicmon: I thought you weren't from the US, why are you referring to the US divorce rate as "ours"? Too stupid to remember you're on your alias? You can't attack the message so you attack the messenger, but why should I expect any different from some google warrior that thinks the majority of Brazil is impoverished. The gap between rich and poor is wide, but there is still a middle class you moron, and while their wealth gap is shrinking ours is growing. In your own stupid words, you said the majority of Brazilians were poor, you said that and that isn't true.

Glad to see this thread calm down a bit. Anyway, personally, I'm not the 'traveling for no reason' type of guy who walks around taking pics of landmarks. That shyt sounds really boring. If I wanted to see the Eiffel Tower or the Giza Pyramids I could just go on google.

I have low dopamine levels so I can't have fun unless I'm doing something exciting: sky diving, snow boarding, jet skiing over shark-infested waters (only half kidding here), etc. So aside from sex and business opportunities these activities seem like a good motivation for traveling.

I basically want to live my life like these guys:

Zipline Catapult - Bluehouse Skis - YouTube

The Blob - Launching Humans 50 Feet High - Contour - YouTube

Paramotor Sky Racers - Parabatix - YouTube

WINGSUIT RACING - Human Flight at 140mph! - YouTube

Paintball Warfare - Epic Paintball Battle - YouTube

The guy that films those videos seems to be living the absolute life, he's got videos in Africa as well -

Seems to be a photographer / world traveler :lawd:
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May 10, 2012
the stupidity in these last few pages has depressed me
all you nikkas ain't shyt


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
Cause at the end of the day, for me personally my wife was a good match from jump street. I didn't settle at all, you woe is me dudes wouldn't even be in the space to meet a woman like my wife. We are not one of those People of Walmart type couples bruh

And I know none of these men did any of that shyt here because they left...

Bruh.... if moving thousands of miles away isn't abandoning your community what is

This makes no sense... when I say step your game up, I mean step your game up... upgrade your appearance, upgrade your financial status, upgrade your mind, upgrade your social circle.... then you won't have to settle.

And why would I be envious of their position? I'm married to the love of my life. I can go to Brazil. I was out of the country twice this year, and next year I'm prob leaving twice again (Japan + Maldives and hopefully Ghana). And I have everything I want here in the US, I don't have to flee the country to find love + peace

Again, the problem isn't that the women won't play the traditional role, its that these dudes don't bring enough to the table to show these women they are men worth submitting to

And if a chick doesn't see you as someone she would want to submit to, she's not giving you the ass. But shes also not gonna give you respect or time of day.

Because obviously its about more than just getting ass... someone even said they respect RamDam for his honesty... he knows he has no game, and has resigned to paying for affection. I don't agree with his method but at least he accepts some responsibility in his predicament

These guys and dudes like you are so goofy in how far you go to evade responsibility. Freshman year of high school yall were the dudes crying about chicks only wanting seniors. Senior year yall were crying about chicks only wanting college dudes, athletes and dudes with money. College yall were on that "man im grinding and chicks need to love me for free". And now youre crying about how women are too materialistic. Meanwhile the whole time there have been dudes not far from your position in life getting the attention and respect you couldn't from these broads. If it was a one time thing it owuld be one thing. But if there's a million different situations with the same undesirable outcome, and you are the only common factor, you're the problem

Youre the kind of dude to see a millionaire and say 'damn he is lucky. someone prob hooked him up'. Millionaires see millionaires and say 'damn that dude is a hard worker. he seized an opportunity'. As long as you feel like someone owes you something without you having to prove your worth you won't get shyt.

I dont need cosigns from anybody bruh. I have been on this same shyt since Reincar was Lord of the Lames back on the green forum. Yall nikkas are still crybabies and victims and until you man up and take control of your situations you will never see success in anything

These guys and dudes like you are so goofy in how far you go to evade responsibility. Freshman year of high school yall were the dudes crying about chicks only wanting seniors. Senior year yall were crying about chicks only wanting college dudes, athletes and dudes with money. College yall were on that "man im grinding and chicks need to love me for free". And now youre crying about how women are too materialistic. Meanwhile the whole time there have been dudes not far from your position in life getting the attention and respect you couldn't from these broads. If it was a one time thing it owuld be one thing. But if there's a million different situations with the same undesirable outcome, and you are the only common factor, you're the problem - :damn:

Post of the year. That ether :whew: