Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I won't even go in like a did last time, but the main point is a lame who can't get p*ssy in the US is not going to up and become some Don Juan cat in Brazil. Unless he's paying for it, which defeats the whole purpose of claiming they're moving on from American broads because they are too materialistic.

nikkas need to stop attaching all this extra "women know how to be women" and "settle down with a foreign girl, American girls are shyt" talk and just say they want to pay for exotic p*ssy and get it over with. Because that's all it is and will be. 9/10 these chicks are looking for a come up when it comes to American men. And when they're not and you're just dealing with regular women, if you're a lame you'll run into the same probs you did with women in the US guaranteed. Probably even worse, because Brazilian women expect a lot more from men in terms of physical appearance and providing that US chicks do. Especially Rio and Sao Paulo broads.

The fukk makes you nikkas think Brazilian women want to deal with your whining and competing with women any more than American bytches do? Cats doing all this running from safe haven to safe haven (first it was Atlanta, now Brazil :russ:) instead of accepting that they're unbearable and pathetic motherfukkas that need to fix themselves.

:merchant: :damn:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
O yea I forgot about that "I want my woman to submit to me like a traditional woman should, but I dont want her to demand that I provide for her like a traditional man should" garbage

Then those same dudes will turn around and cry about how women want to have their cake and eat it too

Cats kill me :dead:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I have mixed feelings on this too. Personally I would rather be with a chick who wants to be with me, rather than needs to be with me. And whenever I hear people talk about how foreign women are more traditional I kind of have to laugh. They vary like American women. And even in the third world they still go for the dude with the status + money. Even more so, in some cases, as that dude might be their ticket out of poverty/death. Whereas here dude will just be a way for women to brag.

I think dudes need to work at being the best they can be, rather than saying "this is who i am and women need to cherish my mediocrity". Thats really the root of it. Women need to do the same, but this is a men's message board.

:merchant: you mean to tell me that being slightly overweight with a receding hairline, having shytty credit, and pushing a 2003 dodge stratus ain't enough to get a model?



I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Lol im glad you brought that up, dudes on here stay comparing muslim,african and hispanic women who can barely read or write,have no useful skills outside of laying on their backs and poppin out a shyt ton of kids that they usuallly dont have the money to feed to American women, who have their own jobs ,own money,own place car or etc. These men forget that it was men who undervalued traditional women work complaining that while there out paying the bills all she does in cook,clean and watch the kids etc never mind the fact she is raising his kids and was virtually running the household, but now that women are afforded jobs and education and can survive without being force into marriages with abusive cheating sumbag men niccas want complainv that bytches aint traditional lmaoooo. American males are hilarious:russ:

:whoa: men weren't undervaluing traditional roles. Women were the ones that claimed they wanted their independence via the women's liberation and feminist movement.


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
:wtf: is going on, is it ether day or something?

I went to college with a bunch of Brazilians from Sao Paulo. They were fine as almighty but the same as any other women. Same expectations of men. Same independence. :shaq2:

Also know a cat who moved his Brazilian wife over to America along with her ma. She hardly speaks english so she cannot converse with his own family. The mother doesn't speak english at all. :smh:..Now he got a kid with her and she doesn't work because when he got she wasn't working and she expects him to provide. Dude is :to: and basically got 3 "kids" to feed.

Socially he is in the dumps. No one wants to hang out with him because the wife is culturally so different. Yeh he got him a "bad brazillian" but he fckued up royally.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
O yea I forgot about that "I want my woman to submit to me like a traditional woman should, but I dont want her to demand that I provide for her like a traditional man should" garbage

Then those same dudes will turn around and cry about how women want to have their cake and eat it too

Cats kill me :dead:

Nah. I remember one thread on SOHH. This dude Kev straight up said

"I want a traditional woman who cooks, cleans, etc...... And who doesn't mind taking on a part time gig to help out with the bills a little sometimes". I literally LMAO. Because at that moment I realized that Kev was a broke nikka who doesn't wanna admit it. Quite frankly, that's the case with a lot of guys who subscribe to this bullshyt ideology. Walking contradictions.

:wtf: is going on, is it ether day or something?

I just had to stop him cause I literally read dude's post like

nikka said traditional men don't complain, but yet he's a leader in a thread filled with nothing but complaints, but some how he thinks he's traditional.

Dude's fukkin' retarded. :heh: And it's no wonder he's been "spittin knowledge" for all these years on the internet, but NOTHING about his life has changed. NOTHING. Dude is the same kev that was posting on SOHH +3 years ago.

Still no woman
Still minimal to no people skills
Still outrageously and stupidly religious ( and I don't even have a problem with religion, but come on)
Still spittin' conspiracy theories
Still fantasizing about doing shyt, but not doing it

Dude does nothing to change his situation, but drops more "knowledge" than any nikka I've ever come across. At some point you have to realize your own advice/complaining ain't right if it ain't even workin' on your own life.

If you're such this good guy, why does NOTHING fall in line for you? Oh lemme guess. "It's everyone else's fault". :beli: Nah nikka. You're not a catch. Get over it and settle. You're the equivalent of a black women single in her 30s talkin' about men ain't shyt. :rudy:

Nah bytch, you ain't shyt. :manny:


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
I seriously can't believe y'all Hero Simps let this rabid, incoherent mutt come in and completely derail this highly informative thread!

"For one how is America the most materialistic country when world wide fathers still marry the poor azz daughters off to rich men in arranged marriages just so they can get a chance at the good life."

Sorry, you ignorant, illiterate c*nt but the actual data, which is measured by purchasing power parity reflects America is still the most materialistic society/country in the world by a wide margin! Furthermore, your silly, illogical analogy is flawed, as any parent who lives within a impoverished, poor, war ridden country/area/region would in most cases want the best economic situation for themselves or their children.

"Its hilarious you gloss over the fact the only reason the brazilian chick sleeps with is because she is dirt poor and you have money or you gloss over the fact these chicks set lame azz dudes like you up every year to get robbed and murked in their home country while they run off with your cash"

Uh, many of you hood rat and bougie African American hoes who are "dirt poor" do the same thing as well by seeking out Tricks, Simps or balling brothers to pay your bills and purchase lavish gifts in return for the possibility of sexual favors. Also, American women of all races, and in particular African American women murder men for economic reasons on a regular basis. But rarely do you hear or read stories about Brazilian women tricking their husbands/boyfriends with paternity scams to prosper financially from the family courts like black women in the U.S. And there is always danger lurking wherever you go, so quite frankly the arguments you present here are comical at best. But at least if you're ganked in Brazil by a female, she won't leave her dirty weave tracks behind after fleeing!

"Only a lame azz nicca travels to a third world country to sleep with diseased underage prostitutes and yes i said underage be cause alot of the prostitutes are young girls who were often times sold into sex slavery!"

While it's true that quite a few males visit Brazil because prostitution is legal, for some guys it's just not about the sex, it's the dynamic of men wanting to have relationships with women based on traditional values. And speaking of diseases, you failed to point out, African American women have more STD's than any other race of women that reside in the U.S.A. In fact the CDC shows more than half of African American women in America today have herpes. No wonder black men and those of other races all over the world want nothing to do with some African American women and are choosing other alternatives! Also, please point out who stated on this thread they were traveling to Brazil specifically to hook up with under-aged girls for sex as you seem to keep repeating these same ridiculous comments time and time again as an attempt to shame a few of these lames into agreeing with this TRASH your regurgitating!

All these trivial misguided comments honestly reflect is that you're just a jaded b@tch who doesn't like or agree with the fact that African American males have other OPTIONS & are no longer checking for many of you bottom rung, trifling African American women.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
All these trivial misguided comments honestly reflect is that you're just a jaded b@tch who doesn't like or agree with the fact that African American males (along with men of other races) have other OPTIONS & are no longer checking for many of you bottom rung, trifling African American women.
Again, 90% of married black males are married to black women

Stop letting this anger + frustration consume you, you aren't speaking logically


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Lmaooo dude you need to read up on European history even when women were traditional in European culture the men still treated them like shyt. Lets not forget traditional culture included forcing 12,13 year old girls into marriages with 40 yr old men. Alot of things feminist get credit for already was practice in some african,asian and native american cultures them old dusty white bytches didnt create the concept of the liberated women lol

I don't even know why I quoted you :snoop:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I seriously can't believe y'all Hero Simps let this rabid, incoherent mutt come in and completely derail this highly informative thread!

Sorry, you ignorant, illiterate c*nt but the actual data, which is measured by purchasing power parity reflects America is still the most materialistic society/country in the world by a wide margin! Furthermore, your silly, illogical analogy is flawed, as any parent who lives within a impoverished, poor, war ridden country/area/region would in most cases want the best economic situation for themselves or their children.

Uh, many of you hood rat and bougie African American hoes who are "dirt poor" do the same thing as well by seeking out Tricks, Simps or balling brothers to pay your bills and purchase lavish gifts in return for the possibility of sexual favors. Also, American women of all races, and in particular African American women murder men for economic reasons on a regular basis. But rarely do you hear or read stories about Brazilian women tricking their husbands/boyfriends with paternity scams to prosper financially from the family courts like black women in the U.S. Quite frankly, the arguments you present here are comical at best, because there is always danger lurking wherever you go. But at least if you're ganked in Brazil by a female, she won't leave her dirty weave tracks behind after fleeing!

While it's true that quite a few males visit Brazil because prostitution is legal, for some guys it's just not about the sex, it's the dynamic of men wanting to have relationships with women based on traditional values. And speaking of diseases, you failed to point out, African American women have more STD's than any other race of women that reside in the U.S.A. In fact the CDC shows more than half of African American women in America today have herpes. No wonder black men and those of other races all over the world want nothing to do with some African American women and are choosing other alternatives! Also, please point out who stated on this thread they were traveling to Brazil specifically to hook up with under-aged girls for sex as you seem to keep repeating these same ridiculous comments time and time again as an attempt to shame a few of these lames into agreeing with this TRASH your regurgitating!

All these trivial misguided comments honestly reflect is that you're just a jaded b@tch who doesn't like or agree with the fact that African American males have other OPTIONS & are no longer checking for many of you bottom rung, trifling African American women.




Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
I seriously can't believe y'all Hero Simps let this rabid, incoherent mutt come in and completely derail this highly informative thread!

Sorry, you ignorant, illiterate c*nt but the actual data, which is measured by purchasing power parity reflects America is still the most materialistic society/country in the world by a wide margin! Furthermore, your silly, illogical analogy is flawed, as any parent who lives within a impoverished, poor, war ridden country/area/region would in most cases want the best economic situation for themselves or their children.

Uh, many of you hood rat and bougie African American hoes who are "dirt poor" do the same thing as well by seeking out Tricks, Simps or balling brothers to pay your bills and purchase lavish gifts in return for the possibility of sexual favors. Also, American women of all races, and in particular African American women murder men for economic reasons on a regular basis. But rarely do you hear or read stories about Brazilian women tricking their husbands/boyfriends with paternity scams to prosper financially from the family courts like black women in the U.S. Quite frankly, the arguments you present here are comical at best, because there is always danger lurking wherever you go. But at least if you're ganked in Brazil by a female, she won't leave her dirty weave tracks behind after fleeing!

While it's true that quite a few males visit Brazil because prostitution is legal, for some guys it's just not about the sex, it's the dynamic of men wanting to have relationships with women based on traditional values. And speaking of diseases, you failed to point out, African American women have more STD's than any other race of women that reside in the U.S.A. In fact the CDC shows more than half of African American women in America today have herpes. No wonder black men and those of other races all over the world want nothing to do with some African American women and are choosing other alternatives! Also, please point out who stated on this thread they were traveling to Brazil specifically to hook up with under-aged girls for sex as you seem to keep repeating these same ridiculous comments time and time again as an attempt to shame a few of these lames into agreeing with this TRASH your regurgitating!

All these trivial misguided comments honestly reflect is that you're just a jaded b@tch who doesn't like or agree with the fact that African American males have other OPTIONS & are no longer checking for many of you bottom rung, trifling African American women.
:russ: Look at this c00n
You nikkas take hating on your own race to olympic levels
and please post those CDC statistics :wtb:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Nah. I remember one thread on SOHH. This dude Kev straight up said

"I want a traditional woman who cooks, cleans, etc...... And who doesn't mind taking on a part time gig to help out with the bills a little sometimes". I literally LMAO. Because at that moment I realized that Kev was a broke nikka who doesn't wanna admit it. Quite frankly, that's the case with a lot of guys who subscribe to this bullshyt ideology. Walking contradictions.

I just had to stop him cause I literally read dude's post like

nikka said traditional men don't complain, but yet he's a leader in a thread filled with nothing but complaints, but some how he thinks he's traditional.

Dude's fukkin' retarded. :heh: And it's no wonder he's been "spittin knowledge" for all these years on the internet, but NOTHING about his life has changed. NOTHING. Dude is the same kev that was posting on SOHH +3 years ago.

Still no woman
Still minimal to no people skills
Still outrageously and stupidly religious ( and I don't even have a problem with religion, but come on)
Still spittin' conspiracy theories
Still fantasizing about doing shyt, but not doing it

Dude does nothing to change his situation, but drops more "knowledge" than any nikka I've ever come across. At some point you have to realize your own advice/complaining ain't right if it ain't even workin' on your own life.

If you're such this good guy, why does NOTHING fall in line for you? Oh lemme guess. "It's everyone else's fault". :beli: Nah nikka. You're not a catch. Get over it and settle. You're the equivalent of a black women single in her 30s talkin' about men ain't shyt. :rudy:

Nah bytch, you ain't shyt. :manny:

