Captain Crunch
Brazil isn't a developing nation, but there is truth to chicks playing dudes down there, however I'd say it's mostly in Rio. If you're going down there solely for women you're more than likely going to have to pay for it or get played, I said that earlier in the thread. The average Brazilian female isn't as easy as they are made out to be, you'd be better off just staying in the US if all you want to do is fukk for "free".
Every man should go to Brazil though, experience the culture and laid back atmosphere, and the women are the most beautiful in the world as far as I'm concerned. I think I've been enough places to say that, and they are a lot more approachable and friendly than US women.
As far as girls playing dudes, what is it robbery/kidnap setups and trying to get green cards? Also, how would you stay safe, if it's first traveling there by yourself?