Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


May 7, 2012
It's the same thing with these white dudes going to thailand and wifing up these broads. they may play nice and stroke your ego but these girls are ruthless brehs. be careful

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
So does the epidemic of soft ass dudes. shyt's hilarious.

"I'm perfect, everyone else is wrong, I'm leaving and going somewhere else because I know I'll be right there :sadbron:"

No nikka. You will STILL will be getting played. You just won't notice it cause their women are a lot sneakier and have encountered/played your type several times before.


I was saying that, to the dudes that are not soft or weak, they rather settle down with a woman that loves her traditional roles and not complain/ hesitate at all. There is a reason why Marriage rates is plummeting in America while in the other countries, men are happy with rational minded women that put work in for the household. Not complicated, the way a great relationship is supposed to be.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
ok now i'm new so i'm guessing this is some delusional nicki minaj fanatic young bytch....

women are women hoes are hoes, I know media and society has pushed the dollar signs=getting a good women down u lames throats but the golden truth remains the same, its a womens choice to be a women and dollars don't disturb that.

I find it quite sad and hilarious that money is the only thing that makes some people feel secure in the presence of women....

I got the aura of a winner though, so rather rich or broke my presence alone gon make her blow me..... thats the honest truth jack, can't no money get in the way of me pulling any lovely lady I see worthy.
This sounds good but there comes a point where you going to need money/status to get some of these women. Thats just real cause I believe you get women why would you lie about that but also being real how good is the status for most guys don't have at least a little something going for themselves?

Exactly. Men are providers everywhere else in the world and women are the beneficiaries, but some how developing countries are different. :skip: I've said on here times before, EVERY man on here has encountered a good woman who would hold him down, but he passed on her because of her looks.

I went on an emerging economy tour in a South American country recently and those women are no different and they all have underlying desires when it comes to American men and the ones who already have money aren't fukkin' with nikkas like that. Only a simp who is not familiar with them would be fooled into thinking they've got something special.

Women in developing countries are the most sheisty females by far. The stories I have from my interactions with my family members alone and the things they've told me would have these dudes feelin' like :facepalm: for being so stupid. Dudes be hella desperate for any kind of attention though.
I think some of the dudes by the tone of their post don't get the wanted attention like you said and since its easier to impress chicks overseas with less that makes them feel good in the way I really think they wish they could get back home. If you think about it a dude with like 40k in certain countries is probably a baller in other countries and the women probably act how American women do around the "baller". I don't know maybe cats that have been overseas can tell how much validity that has I wouldn't know just moreso a thought.

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
I FINALLY got my shyt together. I got the passport and the tickets and hotel and I'm headed to brazil in April around my birthday. I'm feeling :win: just in anticipation

you got your visa sorted breh? what city you going to?

on a general note, some women overseas are attracted to you as an american because it's exotic to them. in brazil, speaking english is a commodity and can be considered hip or at least educated. on the other hand, some women are into money ( :skip: ). if you think you're guaranteed p*ssy because of either one, you're in for a terrible time, and if you're deadset on your bank account winning you some p*ssy, be prepared to say goodbye cause you're just GFE'ing down there in that case .


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I think some of the dudes by the tone of their post don't get the wanted attention like you said and since its easier to impress chicks overseas with less that makes them feel good in the way I really think they wish they could get back home. If you think about it a dude with like 40k in certain countries is probably a baller in other countries and the women probably act how American women do around the "baller". I don't know maybe cats that have been overseas can tell how much validity that has I wouldn't know just moreso a thought.

I think there are a lot of women who would want a dude pulling 40k. Ain't nothing wrong with a dude having some +$40K ambitions though.

It some less attractive women out there looking for men who will be with them period. Dudes would never look their way though unless it's for fukking.

to the dudes that are not soft or weak,
Trust, if you are in a thread contemplating leaving a country because of women as if something is wrong with everyone else and you are perfect you are soft and weak and you damn sure need to take a look in the mirror and see why you aren't getting what you want before you make any other move.

Never came across so many grown men who are so adamant about shifting the blame for the problems they have to everyone but themselves. If both sexes spent less time trying to figure out why the other party is wrong and just improved themselves, all their problems would be solved.

Go to one of them developing countries with your heart all open and ready for love with them women if you want to. You will get played, quick.

I don't think any of those men in that video described having wives or long term partners. The reason they keep getting that good treatment they are talking about is because they are paying for that puss and companionship. If dudes on here couldn't see that... :dead:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I think there are a lot of women who would want a dude pulling 40k. Ain't nothing wrong with a dude having some +$40K ambitions though.

It some less attractive women out there looking for men who will be with them period. Dudes would never look their way though unless it's for fukking.

Trust, if you are in a thread contemplating leaving a country because of women as if something is wrong with everyone else and you are perfect you are soft and weak and you damn sure need to take a look in the mirror and see why you aren't getting what you want before you make any other move.

Never came across so many grown men who are so adamant about shifting the blame for the problems they have to everyone but themselves. If both sexes spent less time trying to figure out why the other party is wrong and just improved themselves, all their problems would be solved.

Go to one of them developing countries with your heart all open and ready for love with them women if you want to. You will get played, quick.

I don't think any of those men in that video described having wives or long term partners. The reason they keep getting that good treatment they are talking about is because they are paying for that puss and companionship. If dudes on here couldn't see that... :dead:

:whoa::wtf: Men in here are mad at women that don't contribute to anything. I know that most men know their roles and have to do. I don't expect perfection, just a chick that can hold her end of the deal. I don't settle with second class behavior or shytty attitudes. Don't confuse that with being "weak."

CoCKy GeNiuS

May 10, 2012
This sounds good but there comes a point where you going to need money/status to get some of these women. Thats just real cause I believe you get women why would you lie about that but also being real how good is the status for most guys don't have at least a little something going for themselves?


women get juicy when in the presence of nikkas who are winning period.... that doesn't mean u have to splurge on the broad and give her ya credit card because u have no charisma or aura.....

a women wants a man that is confident first, believe that... its why u see them cats who are getting paper but corny gettin played by their wives by nikkas they meet in walmart, trust its real....

so never believe that u can slack on ya paper, because thats a necessity FOR U not a broad, but u better believe that if u believe in u, knocking down a cold broad isn't hard comlplex financial work....


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Why does it sound like cats are trying to shame traveling overseas now?
Who has shamed anyone from going overseas? And who is talking about just getting p*ssy?

Let's not over exaggerate and project to make a point that no one is talking about. :yeshrug: Read.

:whoa::wtf: Men in here are mad at women that don't contribute to anything. I know that most men know their roles and have to do. I don't expect perfection, just a chick that can hold her end of the deal. I don't settle with second class behavior or shytty attitudes. Don't confuse that with being "weak."

Most men don't contribute anything either.

Trust, if you are having problems with women, YOU are your own problem. Stop shifting it on to someone else and look at your damn self. :birdman:

Honestly, if you think "it's everyone else", it's really you.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Who has shamed anyone from going overseas? And who is talking about just getting p*ssy?

Let's not over exaggerate and project to make a point that no one is talking about. :yeshrug: Read.

Most men don't contribute anything either.

Trust, if you are having problems with women, YOU are your own problem. Stop shifting it on to someone else and look at your damn self. :birdman:

There's no logical reason why a grown man should be walking around saying that he has a problem with the female sex as a whole unless he is (a) homosexual, (b) refusing to realize that he is not perfect.

Honestly, if you think "it's everyone else", it's really you.

That is not the case at all, many times.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Brazil isn't a developing nation, but there is truth to chicks playing dudes down there, however I'd say it's mostly in Rio. If you're going down there solely for women you're more than likely going to have to pay for it or get played, I said that earlier in the thread. The average Brazilian female isn't as easy as they are made out to be, you'd be better off just staying in the US if all you want to do is fukk for "free".

Every man should go to Brazil though, experience the culture and laid back atmosphere, and the women are the most beautiful in the world as far as I'm concerned. I think I've been enough places to say that, and they are a lot more approachable and friendly than US women.

Stan Winters

Jul 2, 2012
Dont argue with this chick trying to derail the thread. Shes just doing like an american chick does....argue to argue with no real interest to discuss the topic.....keeping winning brothers.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Dont argue with this chick trying to derail the thread. Shes just doing like an american chick does....argue to argue with no real interest to discuss the topic.....keeping winning brothers.

:russ: Hop under your real screen name and say it though. :heh: Some of y'all cats some hoes man.

That is not the case at all, many times.

Sure bud. At the end of the day, you will always be the same dude, with the same problems you've always had because you don't want to look at yourself. Look at yourself, evaluate, and grow from it.

Keep your train of thought tho. You're right about everything. Every woman in the United States is wrong. Coli brehs got it right though. :pachaha:


Does that idea even make any logical sense? :dead: Dudes are like females sometimes on here.

they are a lot more approachable and friendly than US women.
They are also a lot better at spotting an easy American come up as well.


May 1, 2012
What does a foreign woman who is in the US legally have to gain from an average american (non white) male? :ld:

Why do those foreign women typically possess the attributes people are in here seaking?