Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Black people do need to travel more, I watched a Documentary the other day called "A Map For Saturday" dude quits his job and spends 1 full year traveling around the world. He did it on $20,000, from Australia, to Southeast Asia, then finally to Brazil and Argentina. The one thing I took away from the film is that of the thousands of travelers he met @ hostels around the world, not 1 single person was black. I mean, not 1 single black person in the 20+ countries he visited was traveling around the world, statistically you should run into atleast 1 angry nikka or 1 preppy Canadian black chick in a hostel somewhere. $20k is a steep investment, especially if you're quitting your job, but if you cut Europe out of the equation you could go away for a month or so.

My memory is hazy, but including his room, this dude spent like $17 on an entire day trip plus lunch and dinner while he was in Asia too :laugh:


May 27, 2012
it is not just fathers, though.

black foreign men have their culture and the social norms of interaction still intact.

a black man from anywhere but the us.
has a sound rich foundational history and know how.
of how to act and behave culturally welled since the beginning of time.
that was not interrupted.
an african black man, knows his familial lineage and names back to the dawn of time, generally.
i know so because i learned how uneducated i was about the history of our culture in canada in missaauga.
at a picnic table, outside a bp gas station with an east african light skinned connect. who taught me about where being light skinned really comes from. as we are born black men of all hues and populated the world as different hues.
we are not light skinned in origin because a white man raped us.

white men and their color comes from us! we are the original man.
as a black american male, do not know this truth.
including as a black american male.

in general, has no idea whom his father is.

let alone, his great-great grandfather.
the practice to strip and break us of our culture in america.
to re-institute it with capitalistic penal colony mores.

which are not based in healthy social norms.

is why we a struggle here in america.

until we strive to learn about just american law in just marriage.

then branch off into other realms.

we will alwsys be trapped.

america is a great country in legal theory and actual law.

the problem is good ole boi traditionalism has been instituted to uproot the application of sound law making.

that is the issue and what black americans need to understand.
generally black people do not even know this is a penal colony.

nor do they even know or are aware. we are the most profitable commodity in it.

when we learn that,...we will move into brighter days.

the more we subscribe to outdated good ole boi traditionalism. which was made to destroy us purposefully. we head to our inevitable destruction.

art barr

:damn: Give this man a nobel peace prize


May 27, 2012
Black people do need to travel more, I watched a Documentary the other day called "A Map For Saturday" dude quits his job and spends 1 full year traveling around the world. He did it on $20,000, from Australia, to Southeast Asia, then finally to Brazil and Argentina. The one thing I took away from the film is that of the thousands of travelers he met @ hostels around the world, not 1 single person was black. I mean, not 1 single black person in the 20+ countries he visited was traveling around the world, statistically you should run into atleast 1 angry nikka or 1 preppy Canadian black chick in a hostel somewhere. $20k is a steep investment, especially if you're quitting your job, but if you cut Europe out of the equation you could go away for a month or so.

My memory is hazy, but including his room, this dude spent like $17 on an entire day trip plus lunch and dinner while he was in Asia too :laugh:

Whenever people ask me where their next trip should be I tell them Puerto Rico. Cheap ass flights and its an experience that will get you hooked on travel. From the food, to the nightlife, to the sights, to the women :noah::noah: its traveling 101


May 27, 2012
:lolbron: how can i forget about that POF thread. A lot of those cats are the same ones in the black women ain't shyt thread talkin bout how many dime pawgs they get.

I keep saying it, but a lot of these dudes have lied to themselves so much, they forget what's real and what's fake. Like that nikka @606onit. Peep what this fukk nikka said:

And this dude picture

In his mind he's a 6 foot, 6 figure, 6 pack, 6 series driving nikka fukking dime white bytches everyday and they just can't get enough of him :russ:

:dwillhuh: Whats worse the fact he thinks hes light skinned or the fact he thinks he has a 6 pack or the fact he looks like a bama ass nikka whose unemployed :russ:

To me its not a black women thing its an american women thing, most dont hold a candle to how lady like these women from other countries are. You wont realize it till you travel, but American women are very masculine compared to other places.
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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Idk breh, I've come across some very health conscience chicks, many whom were from foreign countries like France, Germany,Guadalupe......

:ohlawd: that Moroccan chick from Guadalupe, should have taken a pic of that ass........

I mean they were so about that healthy life, it wasn't even funny. I've run into certified milfs who could pass for 22-24 easily, when they were like 27-33....

That health conscious person would be health conscious regardless of where they live. I'm talking about the normal everyday female. The average women in other countries isn't a normal weight because she's counting calories and hitting the gym 5 days a week. Their lifestyle and the food they eat just leads to that type of body. If the average women comes to the US and lives the typical American lifestyle, she's gonna look like the average American, fat.

It's like fat Asian broads. Asians women are known to be some of the most petite women in the world. But we've all seen the fat asian chick before that had us like :mindblown:

Reading over this thread though just make me happy to be with my girl. We never argue, never fight, she loves to travel (planning to hit Europe next spring hopefully), cooks and cleans the crib, and she's good with money. We were in DR in July and met this black dude that was telling us he copped a 2BR condo right by the beach for like 60k. Now we got plans to buy a vacation home of our own in a year or two.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
:dwillhuh: Whats worse the fact he thinks hes light skinned or the fact he thinks he has a 6 pack or the fact he looks like a bama ass nikka whose unemployed :russ:

To me its not a black women thing its an american women thing, most dont hold a candle to how lady like these women from other countries are. You wont realize it till you travel, but American women are very masculine compared to other places.

I'll agree, American culture is fukked up, but I'm just hoping these dudes on here aren't foolish enough to pack up and move to Brazil over the delusion that 7 Brazilian dimes will be waiting for you soon as you step off the plane. If you're a weird, socially awkward loser in the US, 9/10 you'll be the same in any country you go.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Black people do need to travel more, I watched a Documentary the other day called "A Map For Saturday" dude quits his job and spends 1 full year traveling around the world. He did it on $20,000, from Australia, to Southeast Asia, then finally to Brazil and Argentina. The one thing I took away from the film is that of the thousands of travelers he met @ hostels around the world, not 1 single person was black. I mean, not 1 single black person in the 20+ countries he visited was traveling around the world, statistically you should run into atleast 1 angry nikka or 1 preppy Canadian black chick in a hostel somewhere. $20k is a steep investment, especially if you're quitting your job, but if you cut Europe out of the equation you could go away for a month or so.

My memory is hazy, but including his room, this dude spent like $17 on an entire day trip plus lunch and dinner while he was in Asia too :laugh:
:whoa: :whoa: :whoa:

:ufdup: link violation....

Lowkey, I want to do something like this.......

I can c/s the Asia part. When I was in China, I didn't spend anymore than $40 after being there a month. We literally ate out every night, 9 people deep, the bill on average would come to about $3-5 a meal on average. At first, we thought it was a mistake, because we had ordered sohh much, desserts, drinks, appetizers; you name it. We brought way more than we had anticipated.

The only thing I didn't like about China is that it had a distinct muggy smell....

Real talk, America is the land of opportunities, once you educate yourself on how to make money. I can't stress the importance of saving your dough and having moderate / conservative spending habits...


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Black people do need to travel more, I watched a Documentary the other day called "A Map For Saturday" dude quits his job and spends 1 full year traveling around the world. He did it on $20,000, from Australia, to Southeast Asia, then finally to Brazil and Argentina. The one thing I took away from the film is that of the thousands of travelers he met @ hostels around the world, not 1 single person was black. I mean, not 1 single black person in the 20+ countries he visited was traveling around the world, statistically you should run into atleast 1 angry nikka or 1 preppy Canadian black chick in a hostel somewhere. $20k is a steep investment, especially if you're quitting your job, but if you cut Europe out of the equation you could go away for a month or so.

My memory is hazy, but including his room, this dude spent like $17 on an entire day trip plus lunch and dinner while he was in Asia too :laugh:

This dude traveled the world, great video of him traveling and shyt.

Reset, Live, Grow - YouTube

Here's the 1st video in the series, dope as shyt. Dude looks like a sodomite though:

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Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
:whoa: :whoa: :whoa:

:ufdup: link violation....

Lowkey, I want to do something like this.......

I can c/s the Asia part. When I was in China, I didn't spend anymore than $40 after being there a month. We literally ate out every night, 9 people deep, the bill on average would come to about $3-5 a meal on average. At first, we thought it was a mistake, because we had ordered sohh much, desserts, drinks, appetizers; you name it. We brought way more than we had anticipated.

The only thing I didn't like about China is that it had a distinct muggy smell....

Real talk, America is the land of opportunities, once you educate yourself on how to make money. I can't stress the importance of saving your dough and having moderate / conservative spending habits...

I've never been to Asia, wasn't actually interested in going there until I saw this documentary. Zero intention of ever stepping foot in India :scusthov:


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits

I've never been to Asia, wasn't actually interested in going there until I saw this documentary. Zero intention of ever stepping foot in India :scusthov:
props hopefully this will be good.

I'm undecided about India though. I haven't done too much research. I've seen how reality TV shows depict it as overcrowded and somewhat sexist.

@zerozero where do tourist normally congregate in India(vague / loaded question)

Bro one place I stayed in China made this big ass bowl 3x a day :wtf:



I don't care what anyone thinks,these outfits are swagged out. :ahh: the silk....


Never seen this many people on motorcycles. The picture only gets like 1/25 of the line.....

Along with a bunch of pictures, I could post. Asia is definitely worth hitting up, in this lifetime.

Not to mention, people for the most part where generally accepting, no real rudeness, that i can remember. They'll be more amazed at seeing a black person. Not to mention, everyone wants to see you play basketball :smh:

could be worse :manny:
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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Seen his videos last year as well.

Seeing people with videos that are traveling the world always has me like :wow:

Me and my girl been thinking bout doing the same thing on the real. Fortunately we're in a good place financially, so we'll probably be able to spend at least 6 months traveling from country to country if everything work out the way we plan.