Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
:pachaha: I was just gonna bring up Atlanta. That was the supposed to be the black man's paradise not too long ago. Then reality hit and they realized they wasn't getting any play from women in Atlanta either.

nikkas never want to admit that maybe they have nothing to offer these women. They'd rather just blame everything on women wanting thugs.

you can get play in the ATL as long as you ain't fat, ugly, or broke. Women still approach you on some thirsty azz shyt :ohmy: .

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I actually think it IS a great idea for people to travel the world and broaden their horizons (that is honestly the best way to move yourself to the next level).

Brazil has a very different culture than America (collective vs individualistic). The only thing I have to say is that American black men are delusional as hell if they think that they don't contribute to the negative American culture. I, too, find that I prefer the foreign black men I've dated over many of the American black men I've dated. Many of them actually know how to lead without being chauvinistic or demeaning. Their masculinity is very natural/unforced and they aren't constantly trying to prove it (and they are very respectful to women in general).

So if a Black American man has the same attributes as the foreign man, would you look at him the same and give him play?

I realize that women here tend to shyt on their own for being "too nice" but would go out and give the puccy to the foreign guy that is "nice" as well. They have different expectations for different men, sorta like the dorky white dude can get himself an above average chick, but the black dude gotta be swagged out to even get looked at.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The few parts I liked about is them saying people need to travel more and the emphasis need to placed on family and hyper individualism is a problem in the US

I think big girl is married though, unless she's one of them broads who's wearing an engagement ring for fun.

That's American culture though breh, this whole country is going through an obesity epidemic, regardless of race and gender. You bring that same broad here and she'll get :flabbynsick: quick as hell. There's a lot of high caloric, low nutritional, low priced food in this country.

A lot of people gonna drop dead in this motherfukka from obesity in the near future. On some population relapse shyt.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
ladies, the harem will be open.

daddy, jr is here for all of you.

might be exception to the rule...on another level, so keep getting educated, keep getting money, daddy jr is still ahead.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
America has a ton of comforts, and in it's earlier days, it had a ton of soul. The music coming out of the 70s, 80s and some of the 90s was amazing. This was the land of opportunity. Unparalled wealth, opportunity and with the tech boom, unprecedented communication.

Ever since 9/11, things done changed. We're losing more and more liberty, we're constantly overseas in these unbelievably expensive wars and more are on the way, we're in debt we can't shake, counties are going bankrupt. Companies are shipping all kinds of jobs overseas and pretty much leaving us to the 'service' aka mostly retail jobs and things of that nature. They are even using technology to ship over jobs that you thought would be safe like accounting. The music of love, togetherness, and black pride has been replaced with music celebrating us murdering each other, whoring out our women and other such filthy subjects. Instead of being shown material that enhances successful relationships, men are being showed the baller/pimp/gangster lifestyle and women are being pumped full of promiscuity, being shown media that elevates the whore, and things of that nature. If you notice, mostly all of these shows have the same THEME, which is promoting ignorance. This is for a reason.

Even if you look at the food, it is meant to kill. You get a huge tub of acid and sugar water known as sodas to go with your deep fried, high caloric diabetes laden food. Count these soaring gas prices and cost of living to go on top of that. The women are cool, but real talk, I'm going to be looking for a nice country I can cool out in when things really hit the fan.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
i personally know a dude who went to brazil got a dime and brung her back to america.

but the thing is its not that much different than here because if your a lame you still wont get that much play. he told me real recognize real and you can get murked thinking shyt is sweet out there. he said he got tired of his boys saying they gonna go and never go so he just went dolo found a nice piece and wifed her.

the only thing is she americanized now so she not different than any other american chick at the end of the day

Eddie Murphy, why you treat me like animals? :deadrose:


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
Before watching the video I expected it to be a lot of bitter dudes complaining about BW...but these brothers ain't bitter at fact they look happy as hell :laugh:. Its more like they've been enlightened on the dramatic difference of cultures outside of the U.S whether its the women, food, or how people treat each in general. The "Matrix" is a great analogy because its almost like the U.S. is this enclosed fake reality and stepping outside of it will make you see what life is really about and how most people of other cultures interact with each other.

The moral of the story of this doc is not black man vs black woman at war...but for Black Americans (or all Americans) to go cop a passport to travel and expand their thinking of the world.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Exactly. They all look like they are glad where they are at. They should have left out that whole segment about black women and what is going back on at home and instead showed more of what they were doing out in Brazil. Way too much talking and not enough of showing the variety in that country.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
America has a ton of comforts, and in it's earlier days, it had a ton of soul. The music coming out of the 70s, 80s and some of the 90s was amazing. This was the land of opportunity. Unparalled wealth, opportunity and with the tech boom, unprecedented communication.

Ever since 9/11, things done changed. We're losing more and more liberty, we're constantly overseas in these unbelievably expensive wars and more are on the way, we're in debt we can't shake, counties are going bankrupt. Companies are shipping all kinds of jobs overseas and pretty much leaving us to the 'service' aka mostly retail jobs and things of that nature. They are even using technology to ship over jobs that you thought would be safe like accounting. The music of love, togetherness, and black pride has been replaced with music celebrating us murdering each other, whoring out our women and other such filthy subjects. Instead of being shown material that enhances successful relationships, men are being showed the baller/pimp/gangster lifestyle and women are being pumped full of promiscuity, being shown media that elevates the whore, and things of that nature. If you notice, mostly all of these shows have the same THEME, which is promoting ignorance. This is for a reason.

Even if you look at the food, it is meant to kill. You get a huge tub of acid and sugar water known as sodas to go with your deep fried, high caloric diabetes laden food. Count these soaring gas prices and cost of living to go on top of that. The women are cool, but real talk, I'm going to be looking for a nice country I can cool out in when things really hit the fan.

:lawd: church...the culture in America has been off the family since the 80's Brehs. Big Biz is the true controller of wealth and culture to ignorant people...and the culture its self as you said promotes ignorance....

shyts a vicious cycle...Black men and women are the only ones at odds like this. And its evident from the fat, lispy one in the video. She kept promoting the "money is important, we need a financial supporter like a FATHER (:heh:) but THE FAMILY IS IMPORTANT"

Dual-consciousness you can't place such importance on money and love/family....

Walter White did that so hopefully you won't have to go through that.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Before watching the video I expected it to be a lot of bitter dudes complaining about BW...but these brothers ain't bitter at fact they look happy as hell :laugh:. Its more like they've been enlightened on the dramatic difference of cultures outside of the U.S whether its the women, food, weather or how people treat each in general. The "Matrix" is a great analogy because its almost like the U.S. is this enclosed fake reality and stepping outside of it will make you see what life is really about and how most people of other cultures interact with each other.

The moral of the story of this doc is not black man vs black woman at war...but for Black Americans (or all Americans) to go cop a passport to travel and expand their thinking of the world.


That doc is nothing like that. These dudes say they're happy as a result of black American women forcing them to leave. A bunch of "oh...I'm happy now after being bitter" ass niqqas.

All of this focus this thread has made on captain obvious get ass while you're traveling overseas bs has nothing to do with those lames forced migration down to Brazil due to forced winds of black American women hurt.

In other words, they couldn't weather it here.
