Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


May 17, 2012
No offense, but if you haven't really traveled you can't speak on "women being women" everywhere, because that is honestly not the case. Our culture is what is causing the deterioration of MEN and WOMEN as a whole, not just women. You're talking about people bringing people back to our culture, that is the root of the problem, a lot of these men are just expatriating and not coming back.

Word, you hear stories of men getting set up and killed in other countries? Post them, and I'll show you 10x as many men killed by their wives or girlfriends in the US.

The US is the most violent first world nation in the world, the way you're talking about underdeveloped nations is how a lot of people in Europe view us :yeshrug: There are more murders in Chicago and Philly than Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden and Austria....combined. So, if you're that afraid of being killed, maybe you should move to a more developed country?

no offense? well, none taken. now, let's talk about stats. you wanna tallk about the 1000 murders that occurred in chicago last week? or about the 10,000 deaths that occurred in the dungeons of philly? do you really want to use that? i mean, honestly? do you really wanna use that?

if a highly developed country like the US can have such high numbers, i can assure you the real unrecorded numbers of these lesser countries are astronomical.

ur telling me the Philippines keeps diligent/accurate records like the US? at least in the US u KNOW the numbers of murders that are happening. in third world countries like the Philippines YOU DONT! n1ggas die and they get buried. no serious investigation. here in the states, someone can die with no apparent sign of violence. but they still order an autopsy to confirm the cause of death. in the Philippines, u can poison whomever u choose to and when that person dies, it'll only be an unfortunate event which will be tossed aside as just another death. you wanna talk about numbers?? you want to believe the numbers countries like Columbia puts up? n1gga what? are you seriously debating this with me?

like, some of yall are bent on this traveling overseas nonsense that nothing will change ur mind. its one thing to go to visit overseas, but to be unabashedly bold enough to say u want to live there because ur home country is so bad? like, wtf kind of life are you living? :wtf:

and yes, i have lived overseas. i've walked past a dead arm robber on the streets of western africa. i have seen the horrors perpetuated regularly on the citizens of the land by thugs with guns. i have seen disorder at its worst. I have seen the worst of mankind. i have seen things u can only fantasize about. I know human nature. and trust me, man, u are making a horrendous mistake by continuously entertaining this ridiculous idea of moving overseas.

its one thing if ur job transfers u out of country, and u learn to love the place after having lived there (out of necessity because ur job transferred you).. its another thing to uproot yourself from the homeland searching for diamonds on the horn of a unicorn.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
And get mad at the fact that you don't need swag to pull women that look better than 90% of the American bytches here:shaq: . I can get cocky and rather rude to arrogant chicks, cause they think with a stink ass attitude means that they wifey material:shaq2:

Why worker harder for less? When you can do the opposite?

A lot of these judgmental KKK wannabe niccas on here as well as some of the bitter ass America bred chicks do anything to prevent you from doing better. Even as far as ruining your social life:skip:

Is this a place to raise a family at?

Man to me, American women ain't even really hard to 'get'. Finding ones that are worthy of keeping is the problem.

I ain't really trying to move out of the states on some woman finding mission, but there's so much more to experience than this same old routine. I love the convenience of America, but as I just look at the corporate dominance leading to cookie cutter franchises everywhere, I feel like I want to experience something different.

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012




Price (Fully furnished)



Tom Foolery

You're using way too many napkins.
May 1, 2012
Boardwalk and Park Place
The documentary was misleading.

They tried to equate black women as the reason for black men going to Brazil. The reality is that life is just better down there. The black women bashing made them look lame and pathetic.

With that said, I will be signing up for some Portuguese lessons in the next couple weeks. :pachaha:

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
how is the IT industry in brazil?...are there a lot of jobs?....and does speaking only english make it easier or harder for somebody to find a job over there?


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
no offense? well, none taken. now, let's talk about stats. you wanna tallk about the 1000 murders that occurred in chicago last week? or about the 10,000 deaths that occurred in the dungeons of philly? do you really want to use that? i mean, honestly? do you really wanna use that?

if a highly developed country like the US can have such high numbers, i can assure you the real unrecorded numbers of these lesser countries are astronomical.

ur telling me the Philippines keeps diligent/accurate records like the US? at least in the US u KNOW the numbers of murders that are happening. in third world countries like the Philippines YOU DONT! n1ggas die and they get buried. no serious investigation. here in the states, someone can die with no apparent sign of violence. but they still order an autopsy to confirm the cause of death. in the Philippines, u can poison whomever u choose to and when that person dies, it'll only be an unfortunate event which will be tossed aside as just another death. you wanna talk about numbers?? you want to believe the numbers countries like Columbia puts up? n1gga what? are you seriously debating this with me?

like, some of yall are bent on this traveling overseas nonsense that nothing will change ur mind. its one thing to go to visit overseas, but to be unabashedly bold enough to say u want to live there because ur home country is so bad? like, wtf kind of life are you living? :wtf:

and yes, i have lived overseas. i've walked past a dead arm robber on the streets of western africa. i have seen the horrors perpetuated regularly on the citizens of the land by thugs with guns. i have the seen disorder at its worst. I have see the worst of mankind. i have see things u can only fantasize about. I know human nature. and trust me, man, u are making a horrendous mistake by continuously entertaining this ridiculous idea of moving overseas. its one thing if ur job transfers u out of country, and u learn to love the place after having lived there (out of necessity because ur job tranfered you).. its another thing to uproot yourself from the homeland in search of diamonds on the horn of a unicorn.

Where did I say anything about the Philippines or Africa :mindblown: My nikka, you're talking like people are saying they want to live in Afghanistan or some shyt.

The places I been I have never felt unsafe, but then again I'm not a flashy nikka, I don't walk down unfamiliar streets at night, or take tours to favelas. As for what kind of life am I living that would make me want to leave the US? I'm living a middle class life, and have no intentions of buying a home here when I see I can buy a home for a fraction of the cost in another country.

Let me ask you, are you ok with the idea that you're going to have to work until you're 60 or older? If you're ok with that, then America is for you, me? I want to retire long before I hit 50, and stacking my money now, buying a small house in another country will allow me to do that. The American dream is not for everyone, it might have been in the 60s, but you have immigrants moving back to their own countries, that should tell you something about the current state of this country.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
how is the IT industry in brazil?...are there a lot of jobs?....and does speaking only english make it easier or harder fo somebody to find a job over there?

The Internet in Brazil was launched in 1988. In 2011 Brazil ranked fifth in the world with nearly 89 million Internet users, 45% of the population.[1] In 2010 Brazil ranked 9th in the world with 13,266,310 fixed broadband subscriptions, 6.8 per 100 residents.[2]

Learn Portuguese, it really isn't that hard, if you know some Spanish you'll pick it up.