For those who date white/biracial women, would you be bothered having a white child?

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
My friend was white and we compared rates. I also compared it with a black female who went there before for confirmation.

Oh and thanks for saying that we say "it's because I'm black" when another white mechanic told my father (who is a light skin nikka) that he ignored a black woman who wanted her car fixed and lied and said he was busy because he said that she most likely wanted it done for free because black people always want stuff done for them for free when everybody else pays. Yet my father caught up with the woman and she told him that she needed her car fixed and she was ready to pay.

^Another example.

Interesting that you mention that you lived among whites though cuz it affects black people in different ways.

Yea stopping my car checking my car is all good asking for badge number and what not but when it happens twice a month in a non tinted car, that shyt ain't normal and is annoying especially when I'm on my way to work.

Who says I'm not where I want to be right now. I'm doing normal. Working and making money while being antagonized by racist whites and way dung fellow brothas fall.

All of these accomplishments just tells me that you did good so you feel everybody can do good. Its good because it helps you but for blacks as a whole it ain't gonna do shyt.

I could of been that close minded if I never looked around me at all the black men who fell from living in the hood, antagonist cops and stingy employers who only allow a certain amount of blacks with mostly whites employees.

Don't even get me started on white nepotism.
If you doing good than how are you ALLOWING whites to antagonize you? what is there to antagonize if youve got your shyt together? Women get ripped of a mechanics because mechanics know that women know fukk all about cars. :pachaha: we all know this. I look around me, and I see a lot fo non motivated black folks, you're acting like all blacks folks want to finish school and be professionals when we all know that a lot of black folks don't take school serious and would rather swag out than nerd out in school, true or false? there's always someone to blame when you fail but yourself.

What is keeping Jamal, who is in HS from getting good grades, getting into a 4 year or even JC, and being professional, how many black people do you know aimed for that and failed because of cacs? Ill wait.

How many of these black folks do you know have parents that they themselves have white collar jobs and have had kids that couldnt accomplish what they have? Most black folks have weak ass parents that aint doing shyt, and thus they dont have the proper resources, you should blame the single mother who chose to have a kid with a loser, but rather you chose to blame an entire race cause its easier. I like how you never seem to answer the question on how come Nigerian parents/kids seem to come over here and work the system just fine, get into important high paying jobs effortlessly....explain that?


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
You know what's funny when I say this type of stuff in certain threads dudes call me a c00n when all I'm asking them is how is the system holding them specifically back. Nobody never has an answer.

That's such a loaded question.

The average black kid grows up in the inner city.
Most people in his family don't have any real wealth or a professional job. Maybe one relative might own a house and have a high paying job. Maybe one.
Black kid has to go an inner city public school, which is substandard and poorly funded.
IF he does go to college, he's not fully prepared and he's less likely to get accepted into a prestigious institution (Duke, Harvard, MIT)
That's assuming IF...he makes it safely through 18 years in the inner city first (Crime, Drugs, Poverty, Police, Prison Industrial Complex)
IF he makes it to college, his family has no savings. Has to take out loans.
IF he graduates, he has no network to get high paying jobs straight out of college.
IF he finds a job, he has to start from ground zero, as his parents don't have any savings to pass down.
IF he can make it past all these obstacles, THEN he's successful.

The average white kid grows up in the suburbs.
Most of the people in his family own assets, have professional jobs.
If the parents have disposable income, white kid can go to private school. But if not the suburban public school is better funded.
The white kid is more prepared for college. He's going to a prestigious university or he's going to the state university.
The white kid doesn't have to worry about making it out of the inner city (Crime, Drugs, Poverty, Police)
On average, his family has money to reduce his debt load or even pay his college the entire way.
On average, his family has a network that can get him hired and on the fast track straight out of college.
On average, his family has savings to pass down to him.
Compared to the inner city kid, his only obstacle is just not fukking up.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
If you doing good than how are you ALLOWING whites to antagonize you? what is there to antagonize if youve got your shyt together? Women get ripped of a mechanics because mechanics know that women know fukk all about cars. :pachaha: we all know this. I look around me, and I see a lot fo non motivated black folks, you're acting like all blacks folks want to finish school and be professionals when we all know that a lot of black folks don't take school serious and would rather swag out than nerd out in school, true or false? there's always someone to blame when you fail but yourself.

What is keeping Jamal, who is in HS from getting good grades, getting into a 4 year or even JC, and being professional, how many black people do you know aimed for that and failed because of cacs? Ill wait.

How many of these black folks do you know have parents that they themselves have white collar jobs and have had kids that couldnt accomplish what they have? Most black folks have weak ass parents that aint doing shyt, and thus they dont have the proper resources, you should blame the single mother who chose to have a kid with a loser, but rather you chose to blame an entire race cause its easier. I like how you never seem to answer the question on how come Nigerian parents/kids seem to come over here and work the system just fine, get into important high paying jobs effortlessly....explain that?
I don't think of just me, I think of many black people they antagonize over their life. Being nice to fellow whites and antagonizing blacks is how you bait blacks into jails over bullshyt charges.

Your lack of unity is showing tommy.

Yea discredit the black woman yet 2 others in this remained with me and my white friend making comparisons to prove that he overcharged me and the woman equally compared to the white guy.

Its like its so hard for you to believe that racism exists lol.

As for the rest if your post you asked me how is the system against us and how whites benefited from slavery and I answered that an even compared whites experience vs blacks.

Whites have no reason to get props cuz if it wasn't for us and the history of them using our ancestors the immigrants would of passed them.

Now your just trying to drag me into a while other discussion entirely that I had no desire to partake in since I never mentioned immigrants.

I see what your doing lol.


We need more black businesses way more than working for another.
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Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
Racial profiling.

You black and riding around with weed in the car. You shouldn't have been doing it but, you're 20 years old and dumb. Cop profiles you, feels like being a dikk that day, now you got a possession charge on your record. Good luck on that background check. White kids experiment with harsher drugs than Black kids but, they don't get profiled. LSD, Xanex, Weed, Coke, MDMA, Underage Drinking. You can ride to any major state college like University of Texas or University of Florida and I bet 50% of the student body is getting high at a campus party but, the cops don't show up there. No arrests go on their records. They graduate, go become bankers, lawyers and future leaders of America.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I don't think of just me, I think of many black people they antagonize over their life. Being nice to fellow whites and antagonizing blacks is how you bait blacks into jails over bullshyt charges.

Your lack of unity is showing tommy.

Yea discredit the black woman yet 2 others in this remained with me and my white friend making comparisons to prove that he overcharged me and the woman equally compared to the white guy.

Its like its so hard for you to believe that racism exists lol.

As for the rest if your post you asked me how is the system against us and how whites benefited from slavery and I answered that an even compared whites experience vs blacks.

Whites have no reason to get props cuz if it wasn't for us and the history if them using us immigrants would of passed them.

Now your just trying to drag me into a while other discussion entirely that I had no desire to partake in. I see what your doing lol.


We need more black businesses more than working for another.
so a black woman getting over charged is the benfits of slavery my nikka? really ?

at what point do you realize that vast majority of black failiure is due to some blacks having failed parenting, and role models and how much of that do you think is the real reason over some cacs holding you down?

I know isolated incidents exists but I do not make that the example to hold me back personally, or as an excuse for my failures, thats the difference.

and you still didnt really answer why nigerians seem to come over here and do just fine getting professional jobs over AAs......


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
so a black woman getting over charged is the benfits of slavery my nikka? really ?

at what point do you realize that vast majority of black failiure is due to some blacks having failed parenting, and role models and how much of that do you think is the real reason over some cacs holding you down?

I know isolated incidents exists but I do not make that the example to hold me back personally, or as an excuse for my failures, thats the difference.

and you still didnt really answer why nigerians seem to come over here and do just fine getting professional jobs over AAs......
Black woman gettin charged + benefit of slavery?

How you got the combination of these two phrases as something I said is beyond me.

I said the "effects of slavery and segregation" which include whites benefitting off of slavery economically is one part of it and wide spread racism throughout the US is another part of it. Let's not change and mix my words.

You downplay incidents of whites antagonizing blacks because you aren't affected by it and/or it didn't get to you. Many aren't as fortunate especially when it leads to a record so I can't ignore the unfortunate ones.

That called unity. Something that your lacking when it comes to this.

Yes immigrants do just fine. Immigrants are the ones who deserve recognition not whites who benefit from blacks yet you give praise to many whites who benefitted from slavery unlike immigrants who worked hard from the real ground up to their status here in the US.
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Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Black woman gettin charged + benefit of slavery?

How you got the combination of these two phrases as something I said is beyond me.

I said the "effects of slavery and segregation" white include whites benefitting off of slavery economically is one part of it and wide spread racism throughout the US is another part of it. Let's not change and mix my words.

You downplay incidents of whites antagonizing blacks because you aren't affected by it and/or it didn't get to you. Many aren't as fortunate especially when it leads to a record so I can't ignore the unfortunate ones.

That called unity. Something that your lacking when it comes to this.

Yes immigrants do just fine. Immigrants are the ones who deserve recognition not whites who benefit from blacks yet you give praise to many whites who benefitted from slavery unlike immigrants who worked hard for their status here in the US.
quote where I give praise to whites that benefit from slavery?

I asked you who benefited from slavery because its my understanding...that 1%ers like vanderbilt benefited from slavery, not your average joe. You are mistaking white privilege of being a majority with slavery. Your 1920s WOP did not benefit from slavery. when I ask for example, you fail to produce one. When I ask you how a 1920s Irishmen or WOP benefits from slavery more than you, an AA, you fail to produce it. I didnt say people didnt get antagonized by whites, hell Irish people had it super hard too, but rather, they learned to manuever around it, and I blame folks parents and environment from helping them learn how to maneuver around it. Thing is, you're just blaming slavery and thats a cop out my nikka. Slavery aint keeping you from doing what you gotta do, point blank. when I ask you what is keeping you from going to a nice college, and networking, you fail to mention how its not actually cacs, but rather the lack of resources, which in turn goes back to parenting and environment. Poor people having kids knowng that they dont have the resources to provide for those children, or the knowledge to help them. See for me, I don't have kids because I dont have the proper nest for them, I am conscious enough to know that if I want them to have a chance, esp being a minority, I have to have things set up for them. That's why educated blacks and immigrants fair well, because they know this off top. Nigerians come here to have a better life for their offsprings, same with the chinese immigrants, etc. AAs however, have parents that are single, non educated, living in hoods, and don't direct their kids, or they do but the influence outside prevents it. You want to blame an entire race, but not once have you blamed the very people from failing...that's what I call a cop out. I know there's isolated incidents and I know being a minority is mos def harder than being a majority, I'm not stupid, however, I do know that if you set your kids up right, they have a very high probability of succeeding despite those obstacles. Proof in that, is that most people reading this right now, have a job, or have parents that have great jobs. I know this because I read thecoli "what do your parents do" and come to find out your average coli nikka is a middle class worker, no one here is on welfare (or at least admits to it) but be the first ones to talk about a struggle, the man, the system, holding a nikka back, etc. when thats complete bullshyt, most folks right now are on laptops that are far superior than 2/3 of white folks living in Mississippi and Montana LOL. They have a vision of where they COULD be, and chalk that up to a system holding them back rather than the lack of drive. I'm sure you're making money and are doing fine.......but I bet you have an idea of where you really want to be....if I ask someone else, they'll probably blame everyone but themselves why they're not all I'm saying.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
quote where I give praise to whites that benefit from slavery?

I asked you who benefited from slavery because its my understanding...that 1%ers like vanderbilt benefited from slavery, not your average joe. You are mistaking white privilege of being a majority with slavery. Your 1920s WOP did not benefit from slavery. when I ask for example, you fail to produce one. When I ask you how a 1920s Irishmen or WOP benefits from slavery more than you, an AA, you fail to produce it. I didnt say people didnt get antagonized by whites, hell Irish people had it super hard too, but rather, they learned to manuever around it, and I blame folks parents and environment from helping them learn how to maneuver around it. Thing is, you're just blaming slavery and thats a cop out my nikka. Slavery aint keeping you from doing what you gotta do, point blank. when I ask you what is keeping you from going to a nice college, and networking, you fail to mention how its not actually cacs, but rather the lack of resources, which in turn goes back to parenting and environment. Poor people having kids knowng that they dont have the resources to provide for those children, or the knowledge to help them. See for me, I don't have kids because I dont have the proper nest for them, I am conscious enough to know that if I want them to have a chance, esp being a minority, I have to have things set up for them. That's why educated blacks and immigrants fair well, because they know this off top. Nigerians come here to have a better life for their offsprings, same with the chinese immigrants, etc. AAs however, have parents that are single, non educated, living in hoods, and don't direct their kids, or they do but the influence outside prevents it. You want to blame an entire race, but not once have you blamed the very people from failing...that's what I call a cop out. I know there's isolated incidents and I know being a minority is mos def harder than being a majority, I'm not stupid, however, I do know that if you set your kids up right, they have a very high probability of succeeding despite those obstacles. Proof in that, is that most people reading this right now, have a job, or have parents that have great jobs. I know this because I read thecoli "what do your parents do" and come to find out your average coli nikka is a middle class worker, no one here is on welfare (or at least admits to it) but be the first ones to talk about a struggle, the man, the system, holding a nikka back, etc. when thats complete bullshyt, most folks right now are on laptops that are far superior than 2/3 of white folks living in Mississippi and Montana LOL. They have a vision of where they COULD be, and chalk that up to a system holding them back rather than the lack of drive. I'm sure you're making money and are doing fine.......but I bet you have an idea of where you really want to be....if I ask someone else, they'll probably blame everyone but themselves why they're not all I'm saying.
The 1% benefit from slavery the most but many other whites still benefitted from slavery.

Currently there are many whites all over forums especially on st0rmfr0nt typing on expensive laptops bought for them by their parents in their suburbs nowhere near the hood. Benefiting from it as a smooth ride into the future while making fun of blacks they are barely around.

Slavery, segregation and such made sure they stayed ahead, have a head start and have many families from plantation owners have their wealth handed down for generations keeping there families afloat and out of the projects where many whites are not.

Also various whites from the days of slavery saw their fellow whites in the European immigrants and gave them opportunities to grow as well unhindered compared to blacks.

You sound so defensive though. Im bringing up the effects of slavery from white racism to whites benefitting from the wealth and stability from their fore fathers and you keep on talking about how blacks hurt themselves.

We are well aware of when blacks make mistakes. All white people do is throw it in our faces yet when we bring up white racists part in why blacks fail many like you try so hard to take the attention away from them. :dead:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
The 1% benefit from slavery the most but many other whites still benefitted from slavery.

Currently there are many whites all over forums especially on st0rmfr0nt typing on expensive laptops bought for them by their parents in their suburbs nowhere near the hood. Benefiting from it as a smooth ride into the future while making fun of blacks they are barely around.

Slavery, segregation and such made sure they stayed ahead, have a head start and have many families from plantation owners have their wealth handed down for generations keeping there families afloat and out of the projects where many whites are not.

Also various whites from the days of slavery saw their fellow whites in the European immigrants and gave them opportunities to grow as well unhindered compared to blacks.

You sound so defensive I bring up the effects of slavery from white racism to whites benefitting and you keep on talking about how blacks hurt themselves.

You are trying too hard to take the attention away from racist whites part in black failure huh. :dead:
@Mr. Pink

@Cacs R Us

@the cac mamba




@dax yall benefit from slavery? and can you give me an example how?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
A previous post from Tommy got me curious.
Nothing, but now do you see how it resembles st0rmfr0nt? or do I need to pull up st0rmfr0nt posts and switch white with black so you can see how st0rmfr0nt really isnt all that racist after all? :pachaha:
I am curious what @Tommy Knocks is saying on his posts on st0rmfr0nt. :usure:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I am curious what @Tommy Knocks is saying on his posts on st0rmfr0nt. :usure:
I dont write on st0rmfr0nt. I lurked it yeaaaars ago. and asked a few question, like "why do u hate black people", simple shyt like that.

but i find it hilarious that you think white people benefited from slavery and yet cant give me a detailed answer. again. i think you're mistaking white privilege with those that ran plantations aka the 1%. when I ask how white folks as in the whites you see around town benefited from it, you fail to give me examples. so perhaps its best we ask the whites on the board. I would tag bk but he's euro.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
I dont write on st0rmfr0nt. I lurked it yeaaaars ago. and asked a few question, like "why do u hate black people", simple shyt like that.

but i find it hilarious that you think white people benefited from slavery and yet cant give me a detailed answer. again. i think you're mistaking white privilege with those that ran plantations aka the 1%. when I ask how white folks as in the white you see around town every benefited from it, you fail to give me examples. so perhaps its best we ask the whites on the board. I would tag bk but he's euro.
I gave you multiple answers and examples. You keep on asking me over and over and I keep on telling you.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I gave you multiple answers. You keep on asking me over and over and I keep on telling you.
your answers define white privilege of being a majority, it does not actually detail how your average blue collar white person benefits from slavery outside of how you benefit from it.

you should really listen to this....
