For those who date white/biracial women, would you be bothered having a white child?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
your answers define white privilege of being a majority, it does not actually detail how your average blue collar white person benefits from slavery outside of how you benefit from it.

you should really listen to this....

The majority of whites being in those places where they can offer positions to fellow whites is based on generations upon generations of wealth and opportunity being passed down from their ancestors to them that enabled them to get in and stay in that position to be able to offer their fellow whites positions.

That is how they benefit from slavery and segregation = the head start

Simply increasing numbers doesn't always result in control.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
The majority of whites being in those places where they can offer positions to fellow whites is based on generations upon generations of wealth and opportunity being passed down from their ancestors to them that enabled them to get in and stay in that position to be able to offer their fellow whites positions.

That is how they benefit from slavery and segregation = the head start

Simply increasing numbers doesn't always result in control.
no, the head start comes from white privilege not slavery. this privilege would and is prevalent despite slavery due to being the majority, I dont know why you cant understand this.

A black person will have a clear advantage in Nigeria over a white person because they would be the majority with connections.

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
@Mr. Pink

@Cacs R Us

@the cac mamba




@dax yall benefit from slavery? and can you give me an example how?
Well I'm half-Irish(or maybe not half; who knows) and half-Romanian so I guess I would fall somewhere in here:
Also various whites from the days of slavery saw their fellow whites in the European immigrants and gave them opportunities to grow as well unhindered compared to blacks.
But I really don't understand the argument. If slavery is what allowed America to become great(it's just part of the reason though), then everyone in America benefits from it, including Black folk. Why single out cacs?

I don't want to sound like I'm unsympathetic or condescending to black people, but I've spent time in Romania(and much of EE is the same), and as bad as you think you have it in the US, it can get much worse. In Romania the minimum wage/month after tax is a little over $200. And the price of a communist-built shytbox appartment starts at $30 grand. Nevermind the systemic corruption found at every level, in every institution, just like in all post-communist states. It's obviously not the worst country sociopolitically, but it's pretty bad.

Black people may not realize it, but even with all the shyt they have to put up with in the US, they still have it much better than the majority of people elsewhere in the world, even the white people some here despise so much. They still have a far bigger opportunities for self-determinism and "making it" than the majority of people elsewhere.

By the way, does the fact that none of my ancestors owned slaves make me "one of the good ones"?:mjpls:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
no, the head start comes from white privilege not slavery. this privilege would and is prevalent despite slavery due to being the majority, I dont know why you cant understand this.

A black person will have a clear advantage in Nigeria over a white person because they would be the majority with connections.
I don't know why you can't understand that slavery provided profit among many whites and segregation and racism allowed them to keep their resources to themselves to be able to be used by their people to build them up even more to the point where when blacks finally got access to their resources they already solidified their position in the country financially ahead of us because of slavery and segregation holding us back.

Well I'm half-Irish(or maybe not half; who knows) and half-Romanian so I guess I would fall somewhere in here:

But I really don't understand the argument. If slavery is what allowed America to become great(it's just part of the reason though), then everyone in America benefits from it, including Black folk. Why single out cacs?

I don't want to sound like I'm unsympathetic or condescending to black people, but I've spent time in Romania(and much of EE is the same), and as bad as you think you have it in the US, it can get much worse. In Romania the minimum wage/month after tax is a little over $200. And the price of a communist-built shytbox appartment starts at $30 grand. Nevermind the systemic corruption found at every level, in every institution, just like in all post-communist states. It's obviously not the worst country sociopolitically, but it's pretty bad.

Black people may not realize it, but even with all the shyt they have to put up with in the US, they still have it much better than the majority of people elsewhere in the world, even the white people some here despise so much. They still have a far bigger opportunities for self-determinism and "making it" than the majority of people elsewhere.
By the way, does the fact that none of my ancestors owned slaves make me "one of the good ones"?:mjpls:
The history we have with racist whites can't be easily forgotten.

Plus its not exactly a paradise when racist whites go at us a lot and many of our people are still feeling the effects of slavery.

The lack of repartitions is also an issue.
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Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I don't know why you can't understand that slavery provided profit among many whites and segregation and racism allowed them to keep their resources to themselves to be able to be used by their people to build them up even more to the point where when blacks finally got access to their resources they already solidified their position in the country financially ahead of us because of slavery and segregation holding us back.

The history we have with racist whites can't be easily forgotten.

Plus its not exactly a paradise where racist whites go at us a lot and many of our people are still feeling the effects of slavery.

The lack of repartitions is also an issue.
all the above, white privilege, not slavery....all that would have happened without slavery. the people that got rich off slavery, southern whites...many lost their plantation and riches after the civil war. do you even know U.S history? the country as a whole benefited from it, and you yourself benefit from that as well. we are a super power, the richest country in the world, you benefit from that. those that benefit DIRECTLY from slavery are a very small minority aka the 1%

btw. even with reparations, many blacks would have plundered it just like the natives because they don't have the proper education to value currency. you need someone to teach you the value of money, how to manipulate that in order to actually build with it....FYI


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
all the above, white privilege, not slavery....all that would have happened without slavery. the people that got rich off slavery, southern whites...many lost their plantation and riches after the civil war. do you even know U.S history? the country as a whole benefited from it, and you yourself benefit from that as well. we are a super power, the richest country in the world, you benefit from that. those that benefit DIRECTLY from slavery are a very small minority aka the 1%

btw. even with reparations, many blacks would have plundered it just like the natives because they don't have the proper education to value currency. you need someone to teach you the value of money, how to manipulate that in order to actually build with it....FYI
I know that whatever was lost didn't take much from the overall white economy to put them on the level of blacks because of the head start they got from slavery. I also know that the recovery from richer companies surviving enough to bring back up the white economy kept to whites during segregation made sure all the recovery was kept to strictly whites. They still stayed ahead thanks to segregation after slavery and the refusal to give reparations made sure that the money stayed in white hands and kept them ahead to this day.

Any benefit we have now isnt worth much compared to whites who are the only ones with the full benefits in this country.


Jul 13, 2013
this post got over 12 likes......

I replaced the picture with biracial kids that looked more black than white.

I bet you went back to go check the posts, so basically you just wasted my time, doing what you could have done initially anyways.

okay carlton banks, relax :pachaha:

....we get it....your "pro interracial"

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
okay carlton banks, relax :pachaha:

....we get it....your "pro interracial"
Tommy Knocks can be overbearing at times. When he starts 'sperging out it's best to just sit back and say "Okay, whatever you say, man," and then watch him squirm.

I remember he lost his sh!t with me for not arguing with him when he said he could "Take my girl" or whatever. Dude was in a dingy Chinese dorm, all emotionally invested in the convo saying this dumb sh!t, the whole time wondering why I didn't give a sh!t about what he was saying. I kid you not. Hahahaha!


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
That's such a loaded question.

The average black kid grows up in the inner city.
Most people in his family don't have any real wealth or a professional job. Maybe one relative might own a house and have a high paying job. Maybe one.
Black kid has to go an inner city public school, which is substandard and poorly funded.
IF he does go to college, he's not fully prepared and he's less likely to get accepted into a prestigious institution (Duke, Harvard, MIT)
That's assuming IF...he makes it safely through 18 years in the inner city first (Crime, Drugs, Poverty, Police, Prison Industrial Complex)
IF he makes it to college, his family has no savings. Has to take out loans.
IF he graduates, he has no network to get high paying jobs straight out of college.
IF he finds a job, he has to start from ground zero, as his parents don't have any savings to pass down.
IF he can make it past all these obstacles, THEN he's successful.

The average white kid grows up in the suburbs.
Most of the people in his family own assets, have professional jobs.
If the parents have disposable income, white kid can go to private school. But if not the suburban public school is better funded.
The white kid is more prepared for college. He's going to a prestigious university or he's going to the state university.
The white kid doesn't have to worry about making it out of the inner city (Crime, Drugs, Poverty, Police)
On average, his family has money to reduce his debt load or even pay his college the entire way.
On average, his family has a network that can get him hired and on the fast track straight out of college.
On average, his family has savings to pass down to him.
Compared to the inner city kid, his only obstacle is just not fukking up.
Thansk for answering the question but this mentality leads to people being failures forever and I will never get down with such. I'd advise you not to either. Anything where people never are held accountable is never a good thing to be down with because it never teaches people to better themselves/make better decisions. Its a coddler thing and for that's reserved for babies and other folks that can't do nothing for themselves that really need help not most people your answer is speaking on.


Jun 17, 2013
I'm too light to have kids with white women, so I've never dated one. So yes it would bother me... I don't want my descendants to not remember the struggle and to think that they're white. This can happen if I marry a white woman and my kids marries another white person, it's that easy. I don't think yall dark bredren got anything to worry about though.

I love mixed women but they gotta be darker than me though, which is very easy.

I love my women brown though the most I don't care if they're mixed or not.

How light are you? Like eldebarge?

I notice half black women produce whiter babies w/ white men.


Jun 17, 2013
Not to offend you, but if you look nothing like your pops in terms of physical attributes, take a paternity test.

But I can never let my kids come out looking like a weaker version of an already weak Drake.

Light skinned mulatto men like Drake, Kid from Kidd n Play, and El Debarge are far more superior than Denzel Washingtons.
white males of South European descent are also superior.


May 2, 2012
That's such a loaded question.

The average black kid grows up in the inner city.
Most people in his family don't have any real wealth or a professional job. Maybe one relative might own a house and have a high paying job. Maybe one.
Black kid has to go an inner city public school, which is substandard and poorly funded.
IF he does go to college, he's not fully prepared and he's less likely to get accepted into a prestigious institution (Duke, Harvard, MIT)
That's assuming IF...he makes it safely through 18 years in the inner city first (Crime, Drugs, Poverty, Police, Prison Industrial Complex)
IF he makes it to college, his family has no savings. Has to take out loans.
IF he graduates, he has no network to get high paying jobs straight out of college.
IF he finds a job, he has to start from ground zero, as his parents don't have any savings to pass down.
IF he can make it past all these obstacles, THEN he's successful.

The average white kid grows up in the suburbs.
Most of the people in his family own assets, have professional jobs.
If the parents have disposable income, white kid can go to private school. But if not the suburban public school is better funded.
The white kid is more prepared for college. He's going to a prestigious university or he's going to the state university.
The white kid doesn't have to worry about making it out of the inner city (Crime, Drugs, Poverty, Police)
On average, his family has money to reduce his debt load or even pay his college the entire way.
On average, his family has a network that can get him hired and on the fast track straight out of college.
On average, his family has savings to pass down to him.
Compared to the inner city kid, his only obstacle is just not fukking up.
post should be framed

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Tommy Knocks can be overbearing at times. When he starts 'sperging out it's best to just sit back and say "Okay, whatever you say, man," and then watch him squirm.

I remember he lost his sh!t with me for not arguing with him when he said he could "Take my girl" or whatever. Dude was in a dingy Chinese dorm, all emotionally invested in the convo saying this dumb sh!t, the whole time wondering why I didn't give a sh!t about what he was saying. I kid you not. Hahahaha!
Damn nikka you ride my dikk so hard. I never had a discussion with you, wtf are you talking about? I've watched you on cam in an empty warehouse with a weird white boy in the background, but that's about it.

Plus you're on the wrong side of the argument considering you haven't seen black p*ssy in over a decade my nikka. :usure:
nikka stay diving in snowbunnies, got a degree at Michigan, and lives in the 3rd largest city in america, you struggling now huh? mollywatr.

@christinasade --the hell alias is this, you can use your real screen name to talk to me, I don't bite. I'm not pro or anti anything, that's the point. I dont give a fukk who dates who, I'm just calling out racism. How this shyt even got to whites benefiting from slavery is beyond me. the boogeyman always gets drawn back into discussion, its a fall back tactic.
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Jul 13, 2013
Damn nikka you ride my dikk so hard. I never had a discussion with you, wtf are you talking about? I've watched you on cam in an empty warehouse with a weird white boy in the background, but that's about it.

Plus you're on the wrong side of the argument considering you haven't seen black p*ssy in over a decade my nikka. :usure:
nikka stay diving in snowbunnies, got a degree at Michigan, and lives in the 3rd largest city in america, you struggling now huh? mollywatr.

@christinasade --the hell alias is this, you can use your real screen name to talk to me, I don't bite. I'm not pro or anti anything, that's the point. I dont give a fukk who dates who, I'm just calling out racism. How this shyt even got to whites benefiting from slavery is beyond me. the boogeyman always gets drawn back into discussion, its a fall back tactic.

:what: thats my nam....nevermind dawg you got it. :ufdup: