For those who date white/biracial women, would you be bothered having a white child?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
You know whats funny. People like you say stupid shyt like "until they give back what they take" but have no actual numbers or demands. What do you want back? give a number? What amount, what would make you go back to africa? what would make you say "ok we're good now"? its funny you can whine, but no one seems to be able to come up with numbers or an actual solution, like an actual set number or goals.

If whites said ok well, we want to be even, what will it take, give us an outline. What would you say? You'd have a deer in headlights look. You'd much prefer to whine and give unrealistic demands than actual work toward separatism. that is why MLK, Ghandi, etc are seen as progressives, because they knew that would be impossible, its best to just live in this timeline and work toward progression rather than looking backward, and they were right, its actually how we've been progressing currently.

Also, explain to me how european immigrants from the 1800s benefit from slavery, and how is that different than how you currently benefit from it.
You know what's funny. I never said I wanted separation. I answered your question to entertain their separation views.

All of these questions would come up if people went their way. They and the blacks that agree with separation need to discuss that themselves not me who isn't into the separation route past kicking or jailing racist whites.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
The issue with leaving the US to them is that you leave it to white people and with them at the helm it is bad news for Africa because the racist whites will take over and suppress non racist whites and incorporate a xenohobia against black people and then they will be free to come at us since we are behind them thanks to them limiting Africa with their meddling.
Pretty sure white nationalists would not have africa in their sight at all. Most, just like present day, dont want anything to do with africa. white nationalists are not the ones in africa plunging it, its the 1% that are. just like the 1% of rich african leaders are. You are mistaking your average Bob with your rich De Beers. lol. Most rich folks do NOT want black americans to leave (imagine what that would do), most rich folks do NOT want separatism and isolationism. You want white nationalists to give you riches that the 1% took, that's comedic within itself. It's like demanding compensation from the handful of african chefs that sold slaves.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
You know what's funny. I never said I wanted separation. I answered your question to entertain their separation views.

All of these questions would come up if people went their way. They and the blacks that agree with separation need to discuss that themselves not me who isn't into the separation route past kicking or jailing racist whites.
Neither am I. I also don't think that I am being held back by the system and I don't think whites benefit from slavery. I am not the one mistaking Vanderbilt with your average nikka name Zack from West LA that drives a Honda and works at the medium size corporation, aka the majority of your american citizen. Aint no nikka name Joe from Tennessee, who works as a mechanic benefited from slavery either. Maybe the 1% did, but you thinking that ALL white people benefitted from slavery (that is separate from what you yourself has benefited from) is comedic.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Pretty sure white nationalists would not have africa in their sight at all. Most, just like present day, dont want anything to do with africa. white nationalists are not the ones in africa plunging it, its the 1% that are. just like the 1% of rich african leaders are. You are mistaking your average Bob with your rich De Beers. lol. Most rich folks do NOT want black americans to leave (imagine what that would do), most rich folks do NOT want separatism and isolationism. You want white nationalists to give you riches that the 1% took, that's comedic within itself. It's like demanding compensation from the handful of african chefs that sold slaves.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
:camby:at trying to compare The Coli to st0rmfr0nt.

Originally Posted by Nergal442
A quarter of the worlds "people" will be apes.
So what?

Outside a typical Chuck E.Cheese in 37 years. Or even now

Sorry but the Human Race does not extend to include Blacks however many of them there are.

This basically my take on it too. Any very small White population could rise up and pretty much take over the world, or expand their territory, at any time. This is why the elite is so dead set on destroying every single White population, no matter how small.

On the flip side, it really doesn't matter if 4/5 of the earth consists of black/mulatto people. They can't carry the burden of civilization, and sooner or later, the food, electrical grids, etc. just won't work anymore. Industrial civilization is the only thing that allows the worlds population to be so high.

Call me crazy, but I'd rather be on the winning team.

Sadly they won't overun the planet because they are a great race, it will because they have no self control and breed just to breed. Earth will become a giant African dustbowl one day because it will be full of people who contribute nothing except carbon dioxide.

If you told a black this, they'd just laugh because they are juvenile simpletons.

Re: In 37 years 1 in 4 human beings will be black

That's assuming that Blacks are human beings.

If you don't consider Blacks human beings, the number would be zero today and zero 37 years from now.

A quarter of the worlds "people" will be apes.
So what?

I don't even wanna post anymore. Cmon son. Don't compare us to them :aicmon:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Neither am I. I also don't think that I am being held back by the system and I don't think whites benefit from slavery. I am not the one mistaking Vanderbilt with your average nikka name Zack from West LA that drives a Honda and works at the medium size corporation, aka the majority of your american citizen. Aint no nikka name Joe from Tennessee, who works as a mechanic benefited from slavery either. Maybe the 1% did, but you thinking that ALL white people benefitted from slavery (that is separate from what you yourself has benefited from) is comedic.
You could think that your not but all of these white owned corporations and big business have roots that came straight from the slavery days, lived on though segregation and still exist today.

White people have had a head start and racist whites of today keep them in the lead.

You see many whites stay afloat thanks to slavery, segregation and other whites.

From birth in nicer neighborhoods to other whites like cops and such leaving them alone to them having resources thanks to their parents to better access to schooling from that as well to them going to colleges and such to them being employed by emoloyers who don't mind their race to higher ups preferring to give opportunities to a fellow white than a black man. The system is pro-white. Racists exist in the US and go at black people everyday.

You may deny to see it but its there.
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Name 3 white nationalists that are currently in Africa. Ill wait....
Ill name the US interactions with other countries. Right now we are seeing them moving with black US citizens presence effecting them.

Without us the confederate whites will rise again and will go after Africa for resources with the US in their control.

Don't forget that we as in blacks fought against confederates in the civil war.

Without us its civil war part 2 and without us they will take over.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
At this point in my life, No I wouldn't be bothered by having a biracial child or a child thats white from a previous marriage and vice versa with any ethnicity.

being military, you get exposed and become friends with a lot of different ethnicities and sometimes you spend more time with their families until they become like your own almost. Mixed babies (from Black/white, black/hispanic, black/japanese, white/japanese, white/hispanic, black/filipino, etc) are almost normal now

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
At this point in my life, No I wouldn't be bothered by having a biracial child or a child thats white from a previous marriage and vice versa with any ethnicity.

being military, you get exposed and become friends with a lot of different ethnicities and sometimes you spend more time with their families until they become like your own almost. Mixed babies (from Black/white, black/hispanic, black/japanese, white/japanese, white/hispanic, black/filipino, etc) are almost normal now

That trend started in the 90s. Now they grown and on that Drake shyt.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
That trend started in the 90s. Now they grown and on that Drake shyt.
Yea it did... but I didn't know that because I'm not a military brat. I'm a mid 80's southern baby, so now all the biracial, military brat honeys that are like 24-25, are looking :whew:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
You could think that your not but all of these white owned corporations and big business have roots that came straight from the slavery days, lived on though segregation and still exist today.

White people have had a head start and racist whites of today keep them in the lead.

You see many whites stay afloat thanks to other whites.

From birth in nicer neighborhoods to other whites like cops and such leaving them alone to them having resources thanks to their parents to better schooling from that as well to them going to colleges and such to them being employed by emoloyers who don't mind their race to higher ups preferring to give opportunities to a fellow white than a black man. The system is pro-white.

You may deny to see it but its there.
The system is pro-white because the majority of people are white, and much like if it were in reverse, you hire and want those that look like you near them. There is nothing preventing blacks from becoming congress reps in their areas, cops in their areas, in fact we have just that. There are also black owned corporations, AMEX for example is black owned, half of NASAs astronauts are black. The problem is black people themselves dont even know that blacks are well accomplished in the U.S. How many people reading this knew that NASAs director was black? how many people know that one of the top scientists for the hubble telescope is black? how many know that there are a handful of black architects are responsible for a half dozen iconic buildings?

There is nothing preventing you from moving to a nicer neighborhood and hooking up your son or daughter with a job later in life, my mom was an immigrant and did just that, MANY nigerians come over here and do just that. Hell, africans are the most educated group of immigrants in the country, look it up, they have the highest graduation rate and hire rate, so stop with the excuses already. Lets not pretend like some black americans are ignorant and down right stupid and lazy. Most if not all the progressive educated black folks that I know, do quite well in this system. more than uneducated whites. youre giving whites WAY too much credit, theres a lot of dumb ass white folks that live on welfare, (50% of receipents are white), you'd be quite surprised how many whites don't own their home, and how many live from pay check to pay check. Quit making it seem like all whites are benefiting, all of them are smart enough to benefit from it. A lot of an advantage but that comes with being the majority, if you dont like it, you can easily go to africa where you would be the majority. They DO NOT have to cater to you in America, no one has to hand you shyt, this is a capitalist country and if you don't like it or want to find ways around it, scram.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Ill name the US interactions with other countries. Right now we are seeing them moving with black US citizens presence effecting them.

Without us the confederate whites will rise again and will go after Africa for resources with the US in their control.

Don't forget that we as in blacks fought against confederates in the civil war.

Without us its civil war part 2 and without us they will take over.


I'm not even gonig to....