Chances make champions
Well first you're wrong.the rhino SHOULD NOT be a walking army on wheels. The rhino is a man in a rhino costume than enhances his strength speed stamina and endurance

Well first you're wrong.the rhino SHOULD NOT be a walking army on wheels. The rhino is a man in a rhino costume than enhances his strength speed stamina and endurance
I will say thatGwen's death was one of, if not the most dramatic and emotionally felt deaths in any of these comic book cinema. I genuinely felt melancholy from seeing it and was literally like sliver away from shedding a tear from itand I don't feel much emotion from movies, most especially not sympathetic and tearing up n shyt. It surprises me that some folks didn't get the lovey dovey shyt from earlier in the film added to that scene like it did, (as did the gravesite scenes afterwards and Garfield's acting during it) Did anyone feel an ounce of sorrow at all when Rachel died in Dark Knight? Or Agendt Coulson in the Avengers
. I doubt it.
I dont see that as sloppy. I see it as Harry addressing Spider Man as Peter and not acknowledging the Spider Man alter ego. BAsically he's just saying when you (peter) said no to me as spider man it wasnt spider man saying no to me it was you (peter)..
People in here man
Superman returns sucked
Man of steel was>>>>>
Y'all mad Lois didn't get enough screen time?
Too much action?
Not enough humor aka cheesy out of place dialog?
Watch batman and robin if you want all that type of stuff
Amazing spiderman 2 is the batman and robin of the spiderman franchise and currently has the worst rotten tomato rating out of any spiderman movie.
Y'all must of been mad blade didn't have a romantic side plot.![]()
People? @ me next time coward.People in here man
Superman returns sucked
Man of steel was>>>>>
Y'all mad Lois didn't get enough screen time?
Too much action?
Not enough humor aka cheesy out of place dialog?
Watch batman and robin if you want all that type of stuff
Amazing spiderman 2 is the batman and robin of the spiderman franchise and currently has the worst rotten tomato rating out of any spiderman movie.
Y'all must of been mad blade didn't have a romantic side plot.![]()
go watch a movie about firefighters and astronauts if you want that type of stuff.People? @ me next time coward.
superman returns wasn't good, I was strictly talking about the element of feeling 'like' the the hero doing their charactor stuff during the film...for superman, the flying...saving people in crisis, going to space to recharge, etc...they did that (and nothing else outside of luthor) well.
go watch a movie about firefighters and astronauts if you want that type of stuff.
i'd prefer superman to actually reflect the comics more than the lois and clark tv show.
to this most people consider the death of superman to be the best arc in the series and that was all action and fist pounding.
i prefer villians like doomsday and darksied over people with a million dollars and some kyrptonite.
they didn't even do the romance right tho.Come on now breh, you know it's not like that. Most dudes in here right now are spider man fans talking about the plusses of the movie and recognizing that you can't do a spider man story the way you'd do a cap story or an iron man story or a batman story. The core of Peter has always been his relationships, it is what it is in that respects; that's the characterand a spider man story doesn't work without a compelling Peter Parker story.
And as far as RT goes, I couldn't give a fukk breh. There are plenty of movies that I love that have terrible RT scores, doesn't stop me from loving them. the day I let a critic tell me what to like and what not to like is the day I stop watching movies. Mighty Ducks has a terrible RT score, doesn't stop me from loving it
The core of this film was the arc of Peter and Gwen and in order for that to stick, it needed to have an investment in their relationship. Batman and Robin my ass lol. As much as dudes get on here and complain about comic book flicks being same ole same ole and being carbon copies of each other, I figured this flick would at least get props for taking something away from its main character and its something he can't get back.
yeah we're done talking about superman
cool breh, i bet your favorite superman comic was one of those valentines day issues
i have no idea why you think I like superman returns more than man of steel, or even that I think superman returns is a great movie, of any kind.![]()
This your superman
This is my superman.
Man of Steel worked perfect for people like me.
Superman returns works better for you.