First Amazing Spider-Man 2 Reviews In :lupe:


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
Hans Zimmer is a gawd, so i'm willing to forgive him this one time...but I gotta say this was the WORST superhero film score/theme i've ever heard. shyt was so generic and emotionless that it ruined much of the film for me...and to make matters worse, they kept playing that wack shyt all through out this long ass movie. The overall score was weak as fukk.

Based on the trailers, I thought this movie was gonna be an action-fest through out...but the action was few and far between with the majority being weak dialogue. Hell damn near all the action scenes were shown in the last trailer. :beli:

Disappointing film and overall reboot...this director needs to be scratched from future sequels.


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
Hans Zimmer is a gawd, so i'm willing to forgive him this one time...but I gotta say this was the WORST superhero film score/theme i've ever heard. shyt was so generic and emotionless that it ruined much of the film for me...and to make matters worse, they kept playing that wack shyt all through out this long ass movie. The overall score was weak as fukk.

Based on the trailers, I thought this movie was gonna be an action-fest through out...but the action was few and far between with the majority being weak dialogue. Hell damn near all the action scenes were shown in the last trailer. :beli:

Disappointing film and overall reboot...this director needs to be scratched from future sequels.
From what I'm hearing, they just need to ask homeboy for his input on writing Spidey


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
best spiderman movie since part 2, the ending still had me like :wow:, also like the fact that theyre kind of building their own world in this one, it was like watching batman begins where you notice characters from the comics names and sh1t


All Star
May 29, 2012
I saw it this morning, and I thought it was good, I was just telling my nephew yesterday that I wish they would do it like the cartoons back in the day when all of the villains would join up and beat on Spider man, looks like that's where 3 is headed.

Best Spider-man movie hands down, although it could have been written better.


Apr 30, 2012
What the hell was that sht.
This franchise just don't hold a candle to the spiderman movies of the previous decade, save #3 which was straight garbage.

Ranimi or whatever that director was...his movies were simply better in every way.

Better plot, character development, everything.

When i watched Spiderman 2 of the last decade, I was struck by many moral things: the kindness of man to fellow man, the importance of doing what was right, the ability of people to be driven by revenge and blocking out everything, the power of love and friendship. i felt better for watching it, like i was inspired to do the right thing in my own way. It was te epinnacle of superhero movies till the Dark Knight raised the bar even higher.

From watching The Amazing Spiderman (movie before this one) all i felt was how imprtant it was to bang chicks in high school.

dude electro seriously said "its my birthday, time to light some candles" on some 1990s cartoon villian dialouge sht right there



Apr 30, 2012
To be serious for a moment I remember how cats on SOHH (like @ExodusNirvana ) were claiming that these new films were going to be SOOO much better than the first trilogy. So far this hasn't been the case and a strong case can be made that this latest one is about on Par with Spider-Man 3...yes it was that bad IMO.

The characters in this new reboot are just not as good. Electro :camby: Rhino :comeon:

It just goes to show people that the writing and overall sequences are much more important than special effects. I don't know what it is about Garfield that I don't like, but he aint Peter Parker to me...IMO Tobey was more convincing of that fact. Tobey's Peter Parker could have used a bit more witty comebackers, but he still did a great job.

Just give this shyt back to Marvel and move on...they have ruined the face of Marvel...Spider-Man has held it down for that company for so long and now has films averaging with only about 55% of critics liking it. That is UNACCEPTABLE IMO


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Not 2 get into a pissing contest with dudes who didn't like the movie but I'm going to give some reasons why I liked the movie since I just did a brief thing Friday:

It nails the character of Peter Parker/Spider-Man..the corny one-liners, the jokes being made in the face of danger, the guilt, the angst, and the fear of loss is all there. His personal story for this movie of discovery, realizing who he is, who he's meant to be and embracing that all works for me because that's the character and what he does on the regular. I'll agree with dude who said that the moral teachings of Spider-Man 2 are better and more obvious, but that doesn't make this a bad story for me because a lot of stuff is still there: the idea of responsibility, doing what's right even when it sucks and takes you away from what you love the most, always maintaining hope no matter the situation, and perseverance. And to go along with that, Gwen and Peter's relationship was perfect since it was the heartbeat of the story and really what the movie was about. And I liked
that they didn't shy away from not just killing Gwen but doing it in a brutal violent fashion that put their own spin on Amazing 121. The clock struck 121 when she died too so I thought that was a nice nod.

The action bits it had were well done and dope and I will admit that the villains in spider man are never the main attraction or me because they always serve as the backdrop to Peter for me and what he's going through and what he has to learn. The villains are set dressing and I know some may disagree with that and that's perfectly fine:obama:.

With that said, Jamie as Electro worked for me when he was Electro but I feel they could've done something more subtle with Max Dillon but Electro in the comics isn't that dope of a character to me in the first place and isn't a boss; he's a goon for hire so his characterization, along with Rhino's characterization, doesn't need to be that deep in my mind. They're both one note villains who most of the time serve as comic relief or just cannon fodder for guys like Norman and Ock to manipulate for their best interests. Some of his dialogue sucked and was too hammy but I can forgive it because meh, it's electro.

Harry on the other hand was handled well IMO and I agree with a guy from the IGN podcast who said he's glad they didn't waste a lot of time on Harry's turn and just got it over with. When you tell a character he's going to die, that is all the motivation in the world to go off the deep end and clearly when Harry got to New York, he was already going down a path that he couldn't turn away from and his bad relationship with his dad along with the news that he's dying wasn't going to make any of that better. I feel the two of them teaming up was right in line with the story and made all the sense in the world because they had a connection, unlike Spider-Man 3 where Venom just so happened to find Sandman out in the streets and posed a team up just because. Harry gave concrete reasons and with them both being lost miserable souls and miserable jerkoffs, it made sense.

The dub step was grating as fukk but other than that, I like the soundtrack especially the main spidey theme. Overall, good movie, not great movie, but definitely good in my book. It's got its issues but it does more right for me than wrong because it echoed some of the best spidey stories I read as a kid and continue to read.

Edit: Also, the huge and obvious theme of this movie was "time" and how there's never enough of it and that we should value those around us who care about us while we can and for anyone who's ever lost a loved one, that has to resonate with you on some level cause it definitely did with me.
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Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
To be serious for a moment I remember how cats on SOHH (like @ExodusNirvana ) were claiming that these new films were going to be SOOO much better than the first trilogy. So far this hasn't been the case and a strong case can be made that this latest one is about on Par with Spider-Man 3...yes it was that bad IMO.

The characters in this new reboot are just not as good. Electro :camby: Rhino :comeon:

It just goes to show people that the writing and overall sequences are much more important than special effects. I don't know what it is about Garfield that I don't like, but he aint Peter Parker to me...IMO Tobey was more convincing of that fact. Tobey's Peter Parker could have used a bit more witty comebackers, but he still did a great job.

Just give this shyt back to Marvel and move on...they have ruined the face of Marvel...Spider-Man has held it down for that company for so long and now has films averaging with only about 55% of critics liking it. That is UNACCEPTABLE IMO
I was wrong :manny:

Peter Parker does not do witty comebacks. He's not "cool". He's a fukking nerd. ACCEPT THIS.

That's Spidermans role. To be the complete opposite. It's like Batman and Bruce Wayne.

This is why Tobeys Peter was great but his Spiderman was terrible. Garfields Spiderman is good but his Peter Parker is just some annoying skateboarder hipster fukk. That's not Peter Parker nor has it ever been.

It's like the last two Punisher movies at this point. If you could combine the best of both of these movies together it would be classic.