Ferguson protesters take trip to Israel

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Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
It is all very beautiful. I wish black American could recompense, but I don't think our connection to Christianity will ever allow the MASSES of black Americans to do so, while some black Christians will though.

A good number of them have a great amount of admiration for us, at least from what I've seen. I think their situation is probably the future for black Americans if we don't wake TF up.
Yeah I'm surprised at how much admiration Palestinians have for us. They believe our struggle is the same for theirs. South Africans I believe use to be like this towards AA's.

IMO I don't think we'll end up like the Palestinians with the USA government bombing us. That's just my personal opinion, but I do think AA's can be permanently economically fractured like the Palestinians if we don't do something.

Your first vid also makes be hate the way BET has fallen from glory. :snoop:

Man I noticed this too. One person in the comment section even mentioned it.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Honestly this thread needs to be deleted. Its racist premise is bad enough but its clearly using an unconfirmed rumor to form a narrative at best, and a blatant lie at worst. This thread is the height of ignorance, and many of the posts on the first few pages are just straight up embarrassing.


No need to delete, I just edited the thread title, Which originally was the title of the news story on the link, it looks like whoever runs that site also edited there story title, I believe they probably lurking here somewhere


May 19, 2012
Stop hating, this is historic, you guys are assuming they're not doing any of the other sh*t. Again, this is historic, linking struggles on the other side of the world :banderas:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Yeah I'm surprised at how much admiration Palestinians have for us. They believe our struggle is the same for theirs. South Africans I believe use to be like this towards AA's.

IMO I don't think we'll end up like the Palestinians with the USA government bombing us. That's just my personal opinion, but I do think AA's can be permanently economically fractured like the Palestinians if we don't do something.

Man I noticed this too. One person in the comment section even mentioned it.

Black Civil rights leaders used to speak out on Palestinian issues all the time. In fact, when black people were speaking out on Palestinan issues, America was most afraid because they knew what would happen if opporessed around the owrld united instead of trying to play oppression Olympics with each other. And I don't mean bombing, I mean in terms of occupation. We see it happening today. Police in Israel are trained by American police. It's all a big plan.


Quick excerpts:
Kwame Nkruma, the Ghanian president, linked the Zionist project with other colonial projects when he stated, "At present, there is in Africa an intensification of struggles and conflicts between imperialism and its class allies on the one hand, and the vast mass of African peoples on the other . . . there has been an intensification of already existing western capitalist intelligence networks which work in close co-operation with neocolonialist governments to block socialist advance. Most prominent and active in Africa are those of the USA, Britain, West Germany, France, Israel, Portugal, Rhodesia, and South Africa." Nkruma too was overthrown, also with US support.

It was the Palestinians and the Cubans in particular - not the Americans, and surely not the Israelis - who pledged solidarity with African freedom movements, specifically in South Africa. This is why Nelson Mandela publicly refused to denounce Yassar Arafat and Fidel Castro, because, as he said to Ted Koppel, they helped the African National Congress when the West wouldn't, and therefore the West (America and its European allies) did not get to choose the friends of the South Africans.

The Black Panther Party for Self Defense spoke out against imperialism and formed partnerships with the Palestinians, North Vietnamese, Irish Republican Army, South Africans, Chinese and Cubans. They actively opposed imperialism in all of its forms, including the political philosophy of Zionism and the occupation of Palestine.

Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), in arguing that opposing Zionism is not anti-Semitic, stated, "Zionism is a political philosophy which tries to convert a religion into a nationality . . . A Jew would say the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. When you condemn Nazis, you don't condemn Germans, you condemn a political philosophy."

A lot of people have no idea of the history they say they admire! Black Americans and Palestinians are linked. Those who have spoken out on such have faced wrath because two have 2 peoples united in one cause across the globe could change a lot of things.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
:laff: I don't know why but I just posted and the first thing I saw was this sh*t right above mine :dead: The Coli goes 0-10000000 REAL quick :laff:
Because discussing history of linked problems is going 0-100.

I hope y'all recognize these plant-like dudes who shudder at the mention of any intelligent thought that will wake you up to history. :snoop:

I just hope that someone reads it and changes their thoughts on Palestine. If that's going 0-100, I'll be that.


Also, ftr, when I spoke about Palestinians fighting, I was no promoting guerilla warfare because that's a battle we'd obv lose, but I also can't take a nikka who whines on the internet about injustice seriously talking down on people making the same world wide connections many of our heroes thought imperative. Besides waiting on a piece of paper to be signed by a white daddy, what are ANY of us doing to further black liberation and outlook?

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Black Civil rights leaders used to speak out on Palestinian issues all the time. In fact, when black people were speaking out on Palestinan issues, America was most afraid because they knew what would happen if opporessed around the owrld united instead of trying to play oppression Olympics with each other. And I don't mean bombing, I mean in terms of occupation. We see it happening today. Police in Israel are trained by American police. It's all a big plan.


Quick excerpts:

A lot of people have no idea of the history they say they admire! Black Americans and Palestinians are linked. Those who have spoken out on such have faced wrath because two have 2 peoples united in one cause across the globe could change a lot of things.

Nice info! And I think I heard of Black Panther Party forming relationships with not just the Palestinians, but also many people around the world, Most people don't know tht the BPP had a global influence. They had bases around the world.

And yeah I heard of police in Israel being trained by Americans. Makes you think.

I also hate it when people call Palestinians and others who disagree with Zionist "Anti-Semitic". Dumbass, Semitic is not just Jews/Hebrews but also Levantine, Arabic and *drumroll* NORTHERN ETHIOPIAN like the Hebeshas!!! Palestinians are TOO equally Semitic so their criticism of Zionism is not "Anti-Semitic".

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
:laff: I don't know why but I just posted and the first thing I saw was this sh*t right above mine :dead: The Coli goes 0-10000000 REAL quick :laff:
now we got folks thinking we're going to round up black people and put them in their own designated area and bomb them like palestine :wtf:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
The Black Man and Woman of America share a common struggle with people around the world.....but when these people come to America they sh*t on us and side with Systematic Racism Machine to get them immigrant butter biscuits. Folks around the world parade the Black Man around when we go to their nations and say "I feel your pain bro", but they get here set up shop in our communities suck out the resources and give us the
:camby::scust::pacspit: treatment.

Flying to Palestine isn't going to do jack for the issues of America. It's a nice gesture but your efforts are better trying to clean your own house than worrying about someone else and your community and people are being destroyed.

Entropy Fan

Jul 27, 2013
Any movement that ain't about Black Power, reparations, our own land, Black Wall Street/Black Economics or armed guerilla warfare gets the

White people will embrace genocide before they agreed to that. Know your enemy. Black economics/ heavily increasing birth rate would change the hell out of things. Imagine being 30% of the country when cacs are 40% changes the dynamic completely, hell you could get violent at that point and theyd have to negotiate so the economy didnt collapse from social destabilization.

All black power movements ignore the population % of the black community, its been at 12% for centuries


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
now we got folks thinking we're going to round up black people and put them in their own designated area and bomb them like palestine :wtf:
Who said this? But let's play along. No need to round them up.

See, the projects, low-income neighborhoods, a system that keeps black people poor and therefore already combined in low income-highly policed areas that resort to militarized operations when unity happens via protest.

Aren't you a fukking CAC? :mjlol:

Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe police aren't being militarized and causing terror in black neighborhoods. Maybe blacks aren't economically oppressed. Maybe they aren't already (through means of finance) rounded up in ghettos and enclaves and being shifted out of neighborhoods they've historically held because of white entitlement. Maybe blacks just imagined all of that and you as a white person know better. Maybe the Palestinians who think so as well and see the correlation are imagining as well. None of these parallels really exists, right?

Tell us how it works, CAC. Educate me.

Y'all will be dappin' this cat up in a few days too. :mjlol:

I also hate it when people call Palestinians and others who disagree with Zionist "Anti-Semitic". Dumbass, Semitic is not just Jews/Hebrews but also Levantine, Arabic and *drumroll* NORTHERN ETHIOPIAN like the Hebeshas!!! Palestinians are TOO equally Semitic so their criticism of Zionism is not "Anti-Semitic".

It's all an emotional people. If you make people feel emotional indebted, you convince them they are the devil themselves and get others to agree with you. DOes not have to be one bit logical


May 19, 2012
Because discussing history of linked problems is going 0-100.

I hope y'all recognize these plant-like dudes who shudder at the mention of any intelligent thought that will wake you up to history. :snoop:

I just hope that someone reads it and changes their thoughts on Palestine. If that's going 0-100, I'll be that.


Also, ftr, when I spoke about Palestinians fighting, I was no promoting guerilla warfare because that's a battle we'd obv lose, but I also can't take a nikka who whines on the internet about injustice seriously talking down on people making the same world wide connections many of our heroes thought imperative. Besides waiting on a piece of paper to be signed by a white daddy, what are ANY of us doing to further black liberation and outlook?

1) Why are you so sure you'd lose a guerilla battle? Where my Zoes at? my Viets? :myman:

2) Who's whining about injustice?

3) I'm not an internet nikka breh. At a time in college where I was strapped for cash I turned down a $10/hr job because it was a fundraising mission for cops facing police abuse charges. I walked into that bish and it was full of nikkaz :what:? You can miss me with all this what are we doing talk, I done donated hella time to kids in the hood, afterschool programs, community sh*t, been a participant of protests in Latin America, most of you Coli nikkaz talk sh*t, jerk off, and go to bed. :camby:

4) Nikka what are YOU doing? Tell me what you are doing RIGHT now about this sh*t. F*ck the bullsh*t, when's the last petition you signed? the last march you been in? the last food drive you been in? What's the last impoverished community you've been active in? Who's the last impoverished kid you sponsored? You pseudo-panthers make me sick :pacspit:
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